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Got a letter from Child Fund Philippines this morning, I sent them a couple of letters too.


Woke up about 7:45 and checked in with the HAM guys on the WW net. They asked how Uncle Paul was doing, and I haven’t talked to him in a minute.

I checked my glucose, 120 mg/gL first thing this morning her reading was similar.

She asked me if I wanted to go down for a nap, I agreed and then she asked if she should put her braces in.

Re-Heating our dinner works very well with these insulated bowls. They didn’t work well as serving bowls since the food got all over the insulating pads.

Once we’ve heated the dinner in the Pyrex bowls, we’ll transfer it to washable stainless insulated bowls for serving.

Her daily pills are in disarray tonight, we don’t know what’s what.

Watched Garfield the movie and Hudson and Rex this evening before heading to bed. I did recheck my glucose, it was 120ml/gL which is normal range.


Woke about 7:30 and checked in with the HAM radio guys. We both were awake and working through our lists about 10AM. We took a nap before lunch. Lunch was well on its way by the time Emory called. Lunch was boneless pork chops, sweet potatoes and mixed veggies. We have an appointment with Emory social worker this week to change our diet and sedentary lifestyle. I have an appointment with the eye doctor this afternoon.

Eye doctor went good, nothing that needs to be addressed and the prescription is the same.

I bought a glucose meter. My first test was 116 mg/gL and that’s a good reading. We plan on testing ourselves especially when she has that sour taste in her mouth.

Dinner was canned chicken noodle soup, and we had a snack while watching a movie.


I ate too many calories yesterday evening, it is so easy to get carried away with munching while watching TV. I have two medicines for my skin, one is antiviral, and the other is anti-bacterial/yeast. The yeast medication seems to be more effective this morning. We’re staying home from church today since the red patch on my back is still there. It bothers me the most when I am emotional.

She woke up early this morning about 6:30 and had a bowl of cereal after removing her braces. She went back to sleep without putting them back on. When she woke at 8:30 she had a terrible headache and her right lower molar hurt really bad. After putting her braces back in the pain quickly subsided. I’ll have to remember that she’s getting to the point where the back teeth are moving pretty rapidly. I also have to remember that she is forgetful and can’t correlate even the symptoms she can remember to a cause.

We’ve added another large Daytimer for a total of three. One Daytimer is a calendar of events for both of us. One Daytimer is documentation of her symptoms and the third is our walk with the Lord.

We found the wife’s Kindle; it was accidentally put in storage as Patricia’s. Patrica’s is a 7″ version of the Kindle Fire and is still supported, I don’t see a need to keep the device since I can use an Android tablet to read Kindle books. Grandma’s chili for lunch with crackers. We Zoomed in for church today since my Shingles spot is still quite prominent on my back. I do not know why I still have shingles almost two months later. Having diabetes increases the risk of shingles and severity. My A1C at the doctor has put me at “At Risk or Pre” but not diagnosed with type II diabetes. I know it is getting worse because of other symptoms with my feet and skin infections are becoming more frequent. My eyes are also having issues other than the cataracts if I’ve eaten at night. This morning, I have medium pain on my torso and slightly more around the shingles rash. It made it difficult to sleep last night for sure. I’ve ordered a glucose meter and test strips. I don’t know why doctors of pre-diabetes patients don’t just prescribe the device to help patients be informed as their disease progresses.

Found out that she stopped taking LAMICTAL (lamotrigine) cold turkey a while ago. She didn’t tell me or write down when she stopped taking that medication. The side effects of stopping that medication are many including tingling fingers and toes. It’s not recommended to stop without talking to a doctor and then tapering off the medication slowly is highly recommended. It also accounts for the aggressive nature of our discussions over the last couple of weeks. (Bi-Polar came back.)

Saturday (Landon’s birthday)

There’s something going on with my eyes. I have had a spot in my left eye for more than a year from the sign in Ohio. It’s just off center at 11 o’clock. There’s also a stripe in my right eye about 5 o-clock that is annoying. I see an eye doctor on Monday, she’ll take a good look at my pupil and my retina. I know I have cataracts. They are causing a shadow to appear below my vision. I am still able to see pretty good at night, if that changes, I’ll get the surgery. She cannot see at night, and I have to drive. Today for some reason I am seeing lightning at the 12 O’clock or 5 O’clock far corners under low light. It doesn’t happen in darkness.

It’s still quite cool today, great weather to work in the attic.

I took a nap for about 30 minutes after eating lunch. I am nauseous and my back is rather sore. I am emotionally worn out from the difficult discussions yesterday and today. We made excellent progress in expressing our feelings of the progression of her symptoms. We’re also taking notes on what the symptoms are and where we are.

To that end we’re capturing benchmarks twice a day to ground ourselves in where we are.

  1. Hands tingling 1-10
  2. Sour Taste in mouth 1-10
  3. Tired 1-10
  4. Hungry 1-10
  5. Emotional 1-10
  6. Worried 1-10
  7. Confused 1-10
  8. Frustrated 1-10
  9. Happy 1-10

Describe the following during the last 5 hours.

  1. Exercize
  2. What’s been eaten
  3. Preparations made today/tomorrow

Pick 5 feelings out of the emotional wheel twice a day.

Speaking of symptoms, her finger sensations have gotten much worse. I put her fingers in a bowl of water, and you can almost see the ripples on the water between her fingers.

I FOUND my hat today, now that we can go for walks. It’s very dirty though!

We had our Soup & Sandwich and watched I Love Trouble together.

  2. check and update Christmas lists
  3. Order new glasses.
  4. Find sunglasses.
  5. Check thanksgiving plans
  6. Put water in UPS batteries.
  7. Empty Van
  8. Clear out Den closet.
  9. Clear Living Room
  10. Next Appt for Emory
  11. Nevada Taxes overdue.
  12. Reply to IRS letter.
  13. Page for changing hoses and tanks
  14. Southeastern Lung care (Dec 29th)
  15. Recycle electronics
  16. Offering Prayer


  1. [Y] My feet hurt after laying down in bed.
  2. [Y] Dry eyes that sting when eye drops are put in them.
  3. [Y] Puffy/dry eyes… I usually have to rinse my eyes often under the sink.
  4. [Y] Somewhat Thirsty in the evenings
  5. [Y] General pain everywhere, I take a Tylenol at bedtime to sleep.
  6. [Y] Tinnitus from lack of oxygen in my inner ear.
  7. [Y] My feet feel like I am walking with socks on, even when I am not.
  8. [N] My soft pallet blocks my airway several times a night until I wake up.
  9. [Y] Frequent hunger… Only in the evening, I crave snacks while watching TV
  10. [Y] skin itches… It’s not bad, but it’s not completely gone either.
  11. [N] Distended Abdomen.
  12. [N] My left hand has felt numb once or twice over the past couple of weeks.
  13. [N] My feet and toes are noticeably swollen. (I used to measure the instep)
  14. [N] Excessive thirst… I am usually thirsty at night, I wouldn’t call it excessive.
  15. [N] Blurred vision… Very seldom, but it has happened when I wake up.
  16. [N] Urinating often or difficult, my enlarged prostate affects this too.
  17. [N] I have had a burning type of discomfort when urinating in the past.
  18. [N] Feeling tired… I usually do get a sugar coma after eating a large meal.
  19. [Never] Dry mouth… Don’t have this one either.
  20. [Never] Weight loss… My weight is very consistent.