Monday 7 Nov 2024


Woke up about 7:30 and checked in with the HAM guys while looking at the current Milton hurricane warnings. She made coffee and it doesn’t look good for Florida. We had baked chicken legs and veggies for lunch, it was excellent.

Milton is now Category 5 hurricane in 24 Hrs.

They are evacuating the people in Mobile homes and near the coast.

Our taxes need an estimate of the value of the Pahrump home when we acquired it. I don’t have that since my brother had the estate for the first five months. We did get an CMA estimate in July, but if I remember correctly, I could not download it. I checked my NAS, no documents from Oct 2022 that I can find.

I’ve sent what I could to mom, the last of it arrives tomorrow. If they get into big trouble, they have 1000W of solar panels and a Solar Generator that will help. It likely will not totally power a refrigerator 75Wx24=1800WH/Day. If they get 5 hours of sun, like I do here in Atlanta they’ll have 2KWH/Day which is just enough for the fridge. Clouds often greatly reduce the total power generated. If they manage to connect the solar trailer they might have enough and that’s a maybe…

Checked in with the GARS 2M Net on their repeater. Soup for dinner and then we watched some Faith & Family until bedtime.


Looks like mom is not listed, but I expect it’ll be around midnight.

Talked to Paul this morning and called mom but she was sleeping.

New bed rails arrived from Wally World today, box was pretty beaten up.

Old bedrails got bent trying to move the bed with the mattress on it.

The original 30Yr Old frame with a single 3″ foot wasn’t enough to hold us since we’ve gotten to be 400Lbs. I bought a new frame with TWO feet and then realized all the weight is at one end. I decided to distribute the weight with a 2x4x12 after I reassembled the bed. I had to use a floor jack to raise the mattress and add the 2×4 under the foot, it seems to be enough support. The black thing is a Bed Bug trap to prevent them from traveling. Apparently, I forgot the wrench and my wife’s shoes.

Wednesday (Hurricane Milton)

Got up at 8AM and checked-in on the HAM radio with the Waterway Net, which was unusually busy I might add.

Mom is in a good spot, she’s north of the path and in the middle of the state.

I ordered a cart to carry the UPS and the batteries to the Sunday Service this weekend. I still have to assemble all the wires. I had two boiled eggs for breakfast and have spent a good part of the day trying to figure out the power for Sunday.

The Hurricane should arrive in Tampa at 9PM tonight and 20MPH winds for mom.

Chicken legs for dinner, although I had to toss one of them cuz it was a little too red inside. I could have cooked it, but having warm uncooked meat might be a little scary.

Mom still should have power, that’s the 5 in the middle. In theory its one block south of her.


Checked on Mom, she has power and is in good shape.

There are 36,000 people near her that do not have power.

We went to Wally World to get our paper stuff. We also went to the park to test the power in the Pavillion for the Sunday service. We had a light dinner at Longhorn and then returned home to do our taxes. All done at 7PM so we watched a little well deserved TV.


Did not get onto the HF radio today, we had a Dentist appointment at 9AM which went well. I had lunch with Jon at JOHNNIE MACCRACKEN’S
CELTIC FIREHOUSE PUB. I drank a little too much and had to walk it off before driving home. I was terribly sleepy by the time I got home and really needed to take a nap. The lawn service came by and I had not put out his payment, they caught me off guard. (I didn’t think the grass was long enough to mow.) I woke up having missed a couple calls and she made me a bowl of soup while we watched some TV. We got into those unproductive conversations last night about her believing she has a cavity. The reality is that the edges of her braces cut into her gums or her cheeks making her uncomfortable. I went to bed thinking that it was resolved, but it wasn’t.


Woke up early and took my medicine, I’ve not taken it on time for the last couple of days. Emotional drama prevails. I did check in with the guys on my HF radio while checking on the news and sipping on a cup of coffee.

Went to Longhorn for Lunch after we had a rather long discussion about the unresolved issues from last night. We still have to cook the pork chops since they needed to be eaten/frozen by yesterday.

Spent a good part of the day on the phone working out how to put 1000W of audio inside a 64 Foot circle at church tomorrow. It turned out that the volumes were kept low because of the speaker placement and electronic drum set.


Headed out to the park after loading up the batteries and solar generator. I was completely out of fuel so a gas run was necessary. The odometer was also warning me with a text message, LOW FUEL! Got to the park at the correct time and met up with Larry. Lisa and Tommy were both quite late. Tommy had all the mic stands and Lisa had all the wires. My back did not like hauling the equipment back-n forth today.

Church service went quite well, and the T-Mobile hot spot carried the service.

We went to Outback for lunch and the food was fantastic. I was exhausted by the time I got home, and the van is full of equipment that has to go to storage. My back hurt too much to put the equipment back in storage.

Monday 30 Sept 2024


Got up around 7 and clicked on the coffee while I chatted with the folks on 2M. I switched over to 40M and checked into the Waterway Net. I didn’t hear my uncle Paul on the net.

I powered up the orange Fender amplifier and I changed the colors of the 2nd Red amplifier to green. I had to use the parking lot service speaker wires since all the Fender speaker wires were not in the amplifier’s compartment. Lisa said that she has them at her home. Both amplifiers are working, and their fans appear to be normal. If I remember right the speaker that dies has no identification tape on it. Trouble is that two of the amplifiers didn’t make it back to storage, so I didn’t have access to them.

We had grandma’s chili for lunch and we built a grocery list for tomorrow.

Checked in with the guys on my HF radio and we went to Wally World to get groceries already. Took a good long nap and had Ham & Pea for dinner.


Paul’s home is without power for at least several more days. He does have a camper with propane powered refrigerator. He’s in Portland Washington until tomorrow. His friend that’s watching over the house won’t have power for a very long time. Power and Gasoline are a difficult thing after a storm, they are both in short supply. Conservation and solar are good choices.

Checked the eight batteries on the refrigerator backup by running the refrigerator for an hour on battery, two were bad. Replacements were on hand and were installed restoring the full run time of about 8 hours.

Paid the AZ land taxes, I need to work this once I have my house in order.


I had an awful night, apparently the salad dressing was a little old or got left out a little too long. I’ve been burping that awful taste all night long. I did manage to get onto the Waterway Net this morning, the propagation is mixed, but I heard madam secretary just fine.

Gwinnett county taxes finally paid. I need to submit the form for that. 3400 is TOOO Much! Charging my EcoFlow power station for Paul, it was down to 60%. Pulled the bed apart and bent the frame so that it would hold the mattress until we got the frame from Wally World.

We didn’t end up going to church tonight, we Zoomed it. My shingles is still at my side, it doesn’t hurt very much this time around.


Up about 7AM this morning and listened to the guys on the HAM radio. I checked in with them on the Waterway Net before starting to work on my failing cameras. Two of the cameras on my DVR have just stopped working and they act like they’ve been reset to factory. The interesting thing is the back yard camera that’s always given me trouble is working perfectly!

It’s been solid for days, and that’s unusual.

I’ve not been able to revive the Reolink camera, so I replaced it.

The Amcrest 8M Pixel camera has a good view, but no sound.

Only one Reolink camera with audio on the front side of the home.

After about six hours I finally got all of the cameras working. There are two Reolink DVR cameras that are losing their passwords. I’m wondering if the lithium batteries in them are depleted and need to be replaced. I’ll leave the porch camera unplugged overnight and see if it forgets the programming. Then I can disassemble the camera and find out what kind of battery is used.

The other oddity is the back yard camera is fickle only when all four cameras are working. If there’s just one camera, the back yard camera doesn’t seem to struggle at all. (And the A/C camera is the only other camera on the DVR competing with the back yard camera bandwidth.

Dinner was leftover round steak from the Wednesday crock pot dinner was delicious today. We’ll have to cook one more round steak tomorrow. The trick is to talk about what dinner is tomorrow tonight so that all the details are discussed beforehand. I often walk into the kitchen and realize that she put the leftovers on the stove before she put the frozen veggies on steamer. Even then she didn’t peel the potatoes before pouring the veggies into the steamer. Potatoes, then veggies, then leftovers which only takes about 5 minutes to warm up.

After a long bit of turmoil, I’ve decided that any requirement I make will be on myself to fulfill. Asking her to do anything a certain way is resulting in severe emotional consequences. Her bipolar has come back and rears its ugly head when even a small discourse arises after she’s had a wonderful day. So, I am left with the version of a marriage where hubby and wife are just “Nice” to each other. We stay in our own corner and if any preventable crisis happens, then we just pick up the pieces without discussing prevention measures for next time. (She’ll either forget them or resent them.)


Day 1 of being nice.

I have not figured out what that bright spot is above the windshield.

Our shooting friend is back, he noticed the additional lights and sped off.

I got onto my HAM radio this morning and checked in with the guys. I’ve not heard from Paul since yesterday, he’s in good shape cept for a leaking shower drain on the 2nd floor.

I had two eggs and breakfast sausages for breakfast. I didn’t get much accomplished this morning other than looking at the Toyota Camry that drove by last night. Lunch was a miss since the round steak would be done about 15:30. We went to Longhorn’s for lunch just because I was hungry for more than a bowl of soup.

We had a good nap after getting back and I did do some organizing while waiting for Lisa to call me. (Which she didn’t do, what a waste of time.) Supper was ham and a couple eggs.


Up at 8AM and listening to my HAM radio this morning. She brought my coffee to my cave, but I think I’ll move to the kitchen table this morning. Dinner plans were not laid out in the Daytimer, so we worked on the timeline. The round steak was cooked yesterday and so were the mashed red potatoes. All we had to was warm up a pot of frozen veggies and the two leftovers in the fridge.

Now that dinner was planned, I grabbed a shower. I looked for the washcloth on the soap tray but could not find one. I found a washcloth across the tub so I used that one. After I was done, she told me that she had brought a clean one and that the one on the tub was dirty. I mentioned that we’ve discussed this in the past that if she takes a washcloth out of the bathroom it should be replaced? It’s not a huge deal to step out of the shower and get one from under the sink, but the floor gets wet and I’m uncomfortable in the cold air. We got into one of those uncomfortable discussions where she is trying to please me when I said that I’ll just get one out of the cabinet every day. Simple solution, I add it to my procedure page in my personal Daytimer and it’s done. She was offended that I would take such a stance and away we went.

We recovered from this morning and the rest of the day was calm. We had canned soup for dinner with whole foods crackers. I bought a care package for my mother in Florida, there’s a hurricane headed directly over her.

Mom’s home in Citra is marked with a red circle. I could not find out how to secure a lithium solar generator if you are evacuated. They have five dogs and Ricky is Nancy’s caretaker. It will be an interesting conversation if they are asked to evacuate with Ricky owning FIVE dogs.


Tropical Storm Milton will arrive as an H3 late Wednesday

I’ve sent several care packages to my mom in Florida ahead of the next hurricane headed for Florida. I am hesitant to send too much because she’s on Medicaid.

Checked in with the HF guys on my HAM radio this morning. There’s a little bit of static with the lightning in the gulf. I had two cups of coffee, and I’ll probably jump back into bed until we get close to church services this morning.

Church services went well cept for the lead microphone died. Ricky is not preparing for another power outage. She is waiting until I come down there to rewire the solar trailer. I cannot go to Florida 2 days before a hurricane arrives. She apparently knows that they’ll be fine, and she gets to sit and watch TV. (Even though she’s getting paid to take care of her.) I am waiting until Marion County says to move into hurricane shelters with her five dogs.

Lunch was leftover round steak and fixens.

Worked on my taxes most of the evening, we owe another 3K in capital gains taxes from the sale of my parents’ home. We have the money since we’ve stashed money for the Estate Taxes.

Monday 23 Sep 2024


We’ve both woken up several times during the night. I forgot to take my evening pills last night, took them about eight hours later. Checked in with the guys on the HF radio and had three eggs and sausage for breakfast. I’ve been kind of laying low to hear from Lisa, but crickets would be louder. I’d really like a status of our Estate taxes from Nevada, but nothing from them either.

I got sunburnt Saturday with three hours in the bright sun, and I am really feeling it today. We got into an argument about groceries, she was writing the inventory on the grocery list. The trouble with that is you don’t know how many to buy. (And that’s the whole purpose of a grocery list.) We also found out that she had not done her daily inventory, and a package of ham had to be tossed. It was more than a week past the eat/freeze date. She is supposed to put post-it notes on the cupboard to make it easy to pick out the oldest meat in the fridge.

We ended up having salmon, it had to be eaten today. We had left over veggies and sweet potatoes with the salmon. It ended up being a good lunch.

I put a weatherproof solar charger on both the van and the blue Ford Focus (that we’re not driving). I split the output of the charger to both of the cigarette lighter plugs with small three-amp fuses to protect the cars. (The wires actually connect the two car batteries together) The four solar panels are on the fence in the back yard. It would have been easier to use a panel on the van, but the fence panels were already mounted for another project. Yellow/black is solar… Pink/Blue is batteries.

Dinner was organic chicken noodle soup from Whole Foods. They have an interesting package that unfolds to open. 🙂

Watched a little TV before turning in.

Tuesday (Groceries)

Showered, got onto the HF radio with the guys then got dressed. Wally World wasn’t bad, no round steak and the 1/2 Gallon Borden milks were expired. (Again, that’s two weeks in a row.) I made this mistake of licking my fingers to open the plastic bag After I handled the chicken. (BAD Idea) I put a timer on the front yard light so that I could power the IR illuminators without having the yard light create shadows. It worked pretty well according to the cameras. The timer is off by a couple minutes, but that’s no consequence.

Her heart rate was a little high on her FitBit so she put the O2 sensor on. (There’s no reason her heart rate was almost 100 while sitting in a chair watching TV.)

Her heart rate dropped some, but a resting heart rate should be around 60.

My heart rate is much lower than hers.

I took some Tylenol and my evening meds and we turned in for the evening.

Wednesday (Midweek Church service)

Woke at 7:30 I have moderate pain and slight itchy across my back and arms this morning. My ears are ringing which usually means I was low O2 at some point.

Hasn’t changed much, should be here in force on Friday.

I checked in with the guys on my HF radio while I downloaded the data from our O2 sensors. She’s changing the bedding and I’m getting my day organized. Her heart rate while cleaning our home is 81 this morning. The car batteries were 12.6V this morning, they were 13.8 when the sun came up and charging them. I put a plastic bag over the timer that turns off the hanging light on the corner of our home. I used to turn off the power, but I use that power for the IR illuminators until I can run another cable. She did not do an inventory of our refrigerators yesterday. It takes a LOT of time walking behind her and checking things?

Burritos was lunch today, we added Taco seasoning, cheese and Salsa to the tortilla. No veggies or starch for dinner today.

Graphic: Byron Manley and Renée Rigdon, CNN


Slept in until almost 9AM and I again have moderate pain and slight itchy across my back and arms this morning. My ears are ringing which usually means I was low O2 at some point. I didn’t get onto the HAM radio because I got up so late. All my stored passwords have been erased by Norton Password manager. (I didn’t know getting rid of their storage deleted all the storage.) Uggg

I am trying to get some momentum, but not having much luck. My HF antenna in the back yard had fallen over, with all this rain the stake came up out of the ground. I originally had two stakes, but I never needed the second one until today. The stake that came out tried to poke my eye out as I pulled the rope back down, luckily, I had my eye lid closed when I saw it swung around. The ropes were all loose since some of they are Nylon. (I need to change them out for poly for the winter.)

Burritos for lunch, actually it tasted better on chips than rolled up in a tortilla. Nap time. Checked on the hurricane, it’s going to be 7 hours later to Georgia which pushes weather ever closer to Women’s Retreat.

The tropical force wind probability has been moving north all day.

Updated my two of the three Raspi’s so that I can use them again.

Mom called, they won’t get power back until Sunday Night and the solar power generator battery is down to 20%. They tried to run the TV and the Dish Network Hopper, but that really ran the battery down.


No damage, just a tremendous amount of rain.

Up at 8:30, so too late to meet up with our HAM guys. She poured me a cup of coffee and I took the garbage can out to the curb. I need to take the recycling out too, but that truck comes later in the day and it is still raining.

Two of the four camera on my DVR stopped working this week.

Camera 2 is now sitting on a car tire facing west to take over the area.

I had to change the configuration of my bed and remove the wedge.

I have an issue with Gurd if I lay flat, so I’ve been using a wedge to keep my upper body elevated. The problem with that is my head falls over and I choke myself several times during the night. (And it can be a couple minutes until my body circulation pools my blood away from my skin.) I am hoping that with the pillow LOWER than my body that my head won’t wonder down to my chest at night! (Her pillow has been in this configuration for months for the same reason. We put an exercise mat under the mattress pad to elevate us slightly long ago.

I sent a message to Nevada asking about our estate taxes. I paid our County Taxes today, $3400.00 YUK She didn’t follow the directions on the frozen fish and put the fillets themselves in cold water (Instead of the sealed pouch). It took three attempts at reading the instructions before she would agree that she did it wrong. I don’t know if my place is to stand alongside her on these simple instructions. I am sure they are trying to prevent bacteria from getting into the fish while it is thawing.


Lowering my pillow seems to have helped my breathing at night.

I didn’t sleep very well last night because how involved I’ve gotten with the Women’s Retreat today. I got up early and gathered a tub of cables for the projector. (We hadn’t discussed this, but it was on the program given to the attendees.)

Washing our tubs for the two CPAPs, Vinegar and warm soapy water.

I’ve been trying to get their return check from 2019 for 5 years.

Women’s Retreat happened today. I only got one phone call, and the morning session is about over. The assumption is that it went well, and they didn’t need any help.

Lunch was chicken thighs, veggies and sweet potatoes. I didn’t eat the potatoes because my skin has too much sugar on it from yesterday’s meal at Longhorn.

We went to CVS that was closed yesterday for the Tropical Storm and now they are closed because a tree fell on the building. We’re trying to pick up a narcotic and that cannot be transferred to another CVS.

Filled out a survey on Longhorn at Web Gin Road for JJ, she did a great job yesterday.


I am up, took my morning meds and waiting my turn on the HF radio. The payment to the County hasn’t processed yet, which may be because it’s the weekend.

Went to home church and that went very well. We had left over chicken thighs for lunch and I took a HUGE nap for hours. I went and retrieved the sound board and two Fenders from storage. The sound board was damaged, apparently it fell off the cart and no one said anything. The wires for the speakers also were not in the amplifiers so I had to put off any testing.

Monday 16 Sep 2024


She did not sleep well last night, and I didn’t do much better. I’m sipping my coffee and trying to get organized. I guess the best thing to do is make a bullet list.

We just are not communicating in a respectful way. We keep tripping over details that she cannot remember and have not been written down. (There’s a thawed turkey breast in the refrigerator that we do not know how long it’s been there.) We had to make some doctor appointments this morning. The difficulty was that I would be talking about the CPAP doctors, and she would respond as though I was talking about the company the provides our supplies.

Lunch was good, we had leftover tenderloin, sweet potatoes and veggies from yesterday. We both took a good long nap and we’re getting along again.


Slept ok, I am up in time to hear the guys on the HF radio. The band is uncooperative today and I cannot hear most of them, so I turned it off. Grocery shopping is the task of the day. We both got dressed and headed out to Wally World to go shopping.

On our way to Wally World.

We’re back, $220 poorer. They didn’t have Egland’s Best eggs and the Borden milk on the shelf had expired two days ago. The “Great Value” milk might be an adulterated product because it freezes in the refrigerator well above Borden milk. We stopped buying it and purchase Borden instead. The cool thing is that the ice can be removed and then the milk tastes better. We can store three cartons of 18 eggs and one carton of 12 eggs in our refrigerator. (We usually store 6 cartons of 12 eggs, but Wally World did not have cartons of 12 eggs for the last two weeks.)

I got my 2nd shipment of pill timers; I still received 1 of the 8 that’s intermittent.
The first shipment was a disaster, I broke one of the LCD displays and made a huge mess. I need four and it looks like I’ll have 7 working timers.

The 2nd $800 sound board arrived today along with four mic holders & some cables.

I cut the child safety rings off the timers, there was a bit of lubricant under the ring.

Watched a bible project video on 2Cor and read a little in Acts before joining her in watching Hudson & Rex on Faith & Family until we retired.


Well, I am up at 01:00 waiting on the next shooting while I work on the church Power Point. Went back to bed until about 5:30 and then started watching Bible project videos while sipping on my coffee. I checked in with the HAM radio guys and continue to pursue getting this power point done. I am down to 6 hours.

We’ve had a difficult day mostly because she hears different things in what I am saying. We had a same thing happen a couple days ago. I was talking about the doctor, and she was hearing me talk about the contractor providing our supplies. Today she didn’t plan out today, and she has a Telehealth appointment at 1:30. We normally go down for a nap after lunch and I didn’t see any preparations for dinner. Two hours later we’re having leftovers that are insufficient for a “Dinner” meal. It’s useless to say anything about the size of the meal, I spent two hours trying to add a starch to the flounder this morning.

The telehealth session was scheduled for 10AM this morning, so she missed her appointment with Neil Jariwala at Virtual Consult for the 2nd time.

Thursday MRI Day

We got up at 5AM and had some breakfast before heading down to Emory at 6AM. We arrived about 06:20 and waited for the imaging department to open. Check-In and the Imaging went very well, and we were out of the hospital an hour later.

When we got home, we both laid down for a good nap and woke a little after 11. The frozen turkey had a significant hole in the bag when we thawed it out. There was also a significant amount of material stuck to the package around the hole. We decided to toss it and it’s the second one we’ve tossed for this reason. Wally World may not sell a lot of them and the customers are tossing it back into the freezer. Damaging the rather thick bag they are in.

We ended up eating pork chops for lunch. There was some drama again with steaming vegetables, she only put 5 oz of water in the bottom of the pan. (She burnt the pan last time she steamed vegetables because it went dry.) I googled it, there’s a YouTube video showing exactly what to do.

I worked on my power point for most of the afternoon, I wanted to finish it by the time Jeff got home at 5. We watched Johnny Carson and then went to bed. I’ve not kicked this round of shingles, it’s still here and I only have a days worth of pills left.


It’s midnight and I am awake drying out my undercarriage.

I cut up some of the carpet in her sewing room and tossed it in the trash because it was pretty dirty and might have a bit of mold on it. The cement floor and the backing of the carpet were both clean. Most of the carpet against the walls is a little dirty. The A/C guy said it was caused by “Stacking” where the air rises up the inside of the wall. Personally, I think we’re just not reaching it with the vacuum. We’re running a MERV11 filter in the air handler, that will capture mold spores.

We had a great lunch with the Berrys at Longhorn then we came home and took a good long nap.

Setup one site of equipment to test the theory of all the connections, I did find a bad cable.


Woke up early and loaded the van with all the stuff for the Women’s Retreat. I had three eggs, and some breakfast sausages then drove to the school. There were tons of cars in the parking lot, so we ended up in the lower/lower one. There’s no power down there so we ran off of my solar generator. I was exhausted by the time I got back home and there’s still a bunch in the air. I used sunscreen but still managed to get a sunburn on my neck.

Sunday (Church)

We are up and I am listening to my HAM radio while checking the news. Trying to make a list of things Lisa needs to take from the school for the Women’s Day Retreat.

Need to work on the living room, it’s a disaster.

Removed Norton Password manager, it was more trouble than it was worth. Wells Fargo website didn’t load correctly on both workstations tonight.

14 Sep 2021, Pahrump Day 14

Narrative: I’m finding that I just don’t have the time to keep up with the news. I have to listen to more tan one version of a story before I start trusting that the story is true. Truth has many forms since George Floyd’s death.

I am going to continue to work this room to get the clutter out of our way. So much of what remains has very little value to the estate.

I Need to call the Home Insurance company, they probably don’t know that Patricia is passed.

Telescope is bedded down for the day.

A little more to do, but the other desks need a quick sort first.

13 Sep 2021, Pahrump Day 13

Narrative: Worked on our filing today there is so much chaff among the wheat that I totally missed that the home insurance lapsed in August. I called the agent, they are trying to get a new policy stood up.

This is my project for today.

Doesn’t look like much, but it took me all day.

12 Sep 2021, Pahrump Day 12

Narrative: Opened the rest of their mail today, bills first then personal letters. We’ll get to the medical stuff later. We’ve got to consolidate all the tax documents as soon as possible. (We probably have a complete history of taxes from their home.) It’s an unmanageable pile at the moment. We also have to organize their monthly bills, we’ll get reimbursed for them eventually.

11 Sep 2021, Pahrump Day 11

COVID cases are finally returning to normal for Georgia, albeit slowly.

No pictures of the sky last night, waay too cloudy!

We are changing all of our itinerary to the new dates cept I messed up the flight reservations on Delta. Should not have tried to do it on my phone! Delta called me back and corrected my mistake, whew!

We’re loosing the bearings in the motor for the air handler in my dad’s home. It’s been shaking for a while, but i didn’t have the reins to fix things yet. The service guy is here working on the unit, he says it’s a bear to work on because it’s behind a door and in a corner.

All fixed, he put a little larger motor that required a capacitor. All I care about is that it turns and blows cold air for several months.

Not sure about tonight, there is just a few too many clouds out there. I assembled the telescope, set it to the North Star and aligned the mount before turning it over to the driver in Florida.

The clouds headed east and we had clear skies about the time it got dark. So the telescope is running it’s program for the evening.

10 Sep 2021, Pahrump Day 10

COVID cases are finally returning to normal for Georgia, albeit slowly.

Pulled the telescope inside this morning, it’s going to be HOT again today. (108)

I’m replacing the sun shields that have blown off the front of the house out here. I ran out of the string that holds it onto the home, need to make a run to THD.

Just got back from WM, it’s a full sized store with TWO checkout lanes and one of them is the cigarette lane. The line was 15 people deep!

Checked out the DMV map , the place was packed at 09:00. Need to have a plan for getting the tags repaired on the van.

We drove to the first Real Estate place on Pahrump’s main road (LBRE) and they had a Notary to get our Oath signed. Kelli – Lisa Bond Real Estate ( was very helpful and had some good advice for our situation. (Thank You)

We had dinner at our Favorite restaurant Lakeside Casino & RV Park ( . After dinner we talked about the difficulties from this week and went to bed.

8 Sep 2021, Pahrump day 8

This is about all I have left of my parents.

COVID cases are finally returning to normal for Georgia, albeit slowly.

Narrative: Pulled the telescope inside this morning, it’s going to be HOT again today. (108)

I’m replacing the sun shields that have blown off the front of the house out here. I’m not very good at it yet. LOL They made a huge difference in the comfort level of my dad’s home. I haven’t proven the air conditioner works less, but we are both more comfortable with them.