11 July 2020, four days for Taxes.

Under Siege: The young appear to be so “empowered” that they just might take control and completely change our capitalist “United States of America” to some form of socialism to provide reparation type resources for the black neighborhoods.

Status: Our air conditioner is low on FREON and has to be coddled until the repairman gets here in 9 days. We are sheltering in place with a neighbor that has COVID-19 right next door to us.

Plans: I need to finish the movie “Network”, more and more I feel that’s where we are as a nation.

  • 07:00 Up, checking blower for dirty vanes and cleaning the air conditioner filters.
  • 08:00 Breakfast and cleaning up the leftovers from the air conditioner work.
  • 09:00 Still cleaning and testing Gen#1, it runs MUCH better with Mid Grade Gas!
  • 10:00 Zoom with the music ministry, that was fun.
  • 11:00 Ran four of the generators, Gen#2 may have a bad inverter. I didn’t run #5.
  • 12:00 Chilis
  • 14:00 Nap
  • 16:00 cleanup and watch You’ve got mail with the wife.
  • 18:00 researched Mayor Bottoms videos for something she said.
  • 20:00 Bed.

Narrative: There is still a lot of junk laying around the house that I need to get rid of, the question is how…

White Fragility: With the decentralized BLM organization and that the protests are being organized on social media, we are on a long road…. I am now thinking revolution, mayor Bottoms is calling it “Transformation“.

We’ve talked to several members of our church and they say no. However, there is no reason for BLM (mostly white lately) protests to let up and their laundry list of demands is never ending. If the city governments don’t capitulate, BLM protestors allow ANTIFA to destroy and burn while the demonstrators keep the police and fire departments at bay using lasers to blind the police. With the pressure being exerted by these two organizations the cities are giving them a pass on minor violations and rapidly trying to produce legislation that will appease the mob.

Feelings: The young are listening to social media and social media is not telling the whole story to manipulate them.

Tomorrow: Church, it’s Sunday.

Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accmplishments: Purchases: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News:

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

10 July 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.

Plans: Lots to do.

  • 07:00 Up, breakfast and coffee
  • 08:00 Prepare for trip to the doctor.
  • 09:00 Dr. Appts for wife and myself.
  • 10:00 Return home.
  • 11:00 Start work on Air Conditioner that seems to have a frozen evaporator.
  • 12:00 Locate circuit board for Stove.
  • 13:00 Start work on stove that has a burnt circuit board.
  • 14:00 Waiting for the wife.
  • 16:00 Mow lawn.
  • 17:00 Dinner, beans and ham.
  • 18:00 Planning, maybe a nap.
  • 22:00 Blogging

Narrative: Had a busy day that started with two doctors’ appointments and ended up with massaging the air conditioner so it stays running for 9 more days.

The trip to the doctor was the first time we met in person since the virus outbreak in February. (Then it was a virtual appointment.) Yesterday we went to the office but Kathy was the only one with the appointment. Today we both had appointments in person with masks and a process of using hand sanitizer before handling the office clipboard.

When we got home the air conditioner was running on high cool but the temperature was one degree above set point. (Unusual) Using a temp gun the air coming out of the vent was 65 degrees. Too warm for the compressor on high cool and too cool for it not to have run recently. I turned off the breaker for the compressor and let the fan thaw the evaporator coils in the air handler. (Took about half an hour on high fan, surprising!) I took the cover off the coils and they looked pristine with no material in the drip tray. The drip line had mold on the underside of the pipes which I wiped off and discarded. Turned on the compressor and checked the temp of the coils, they were above 60 degrees which is right on target. Also there was good air flow through the coils. (I have no idea why the coils are freezing up.)

I did manage to fix the stove today. Lightning took out a diode and that blew both of the control boards for the stove top. I replaced the first board before I knew the second one was also blown.

White Fragility: It feels to me that the black population has an entrenched hatred for police officers. I agree that there has been some aggreges abuse, but the forgiveness seems a bit short. Eventually the “Movement” will have a steep hill to climb if the protesting keeps willfully disregarding established laws and ordinances. (Instead of positioning themselves above our existing laws as though they didn’t apply to them.)



Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accmplishments: Purchases: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News:

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

9 July 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.

Plans: Dentist appointment today, a new struggle.

  • 08:00 Up and eating breakfast, morning meeting with the wife.
  • 09:00 Blogging and getting ready for a dentist apt.
  • 10:00 Drive to Dentist.
  • 11:00 Dentist appointment time.
  • 12:00 Should be returning home.
  • 12:30 Instacart ordered
  • 13:00 Instacart shopping
  • 14:00 Done with shopping, ordered Chili’s
  • 15:00 What a let down, food was late and cold.
  • 16:00 Researching UV lights for Air Handlers.
  • 17:00 Talking about BLM
  • 18:00 Probably a nap is in order….


MASKS!: Were at a dentist office today that one office person did not wear a mask across her mouth. (She said that we wouldn’t be able to hear her with her mask on.) The company policy is that everyone wears a mask! She came out to the car to deliver some forms with the mask pulled down to her chin (Below her mouth). Now we are breathing her exhale in a small space! She pulled up the mask after balking and we had no trouble hearing her through the thin mask she was wearing. (Not even a cloth mask.)

White Fragility: I am sincerely afraid of engaging in a conversation with most of my fellow parishioners of color. We were warned during a church service by a woman of color weeks ago that a white person would not be able to console a person of color. We’ve tried engaging them when they’ve posted vulgar hate videos online to which they responded with “We’re raising awareness”. I am sure that every person in America knows about BLM by now. Any “Raising Awareness” at this point is holding a mob of white college student’s knee on white leadership’s necks until they give in to the BLM organization’s demands. My feeling is that we now have a church of Black Christians that have not forgiven the sins of others who have hurt them. Before George Floyd we were a united church of Christians that were of many colors. Open conversations about our walk in Christ last year was easy and without any risk of offending each other.



Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accmplishments: Purchases: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News:

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

8 July 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.


  • 07:00 Eating breakfast
  • 08:00 Walk around the block.
  • 09:00 Blogging and reading the news
  • 10:00 Cleaning.
  • 11:00 Moved Backup CKT to a Standby Modified Square wave UPS to reduce heat.
  • 12:00 Shut down Pure Sine Wave inverter. (Reduced the noise considerably)
  • 13:00 Cleaned up materials used in testing the batteries for MSW Inverter test.
  • 14:00 Built cart for groceries tomorrow. (Now very complicated with Dental APT.)
  • 15:00 Nap
  • 16:00 Dinner
  • 17:00 get ready for church and changed the fireplace lights to 60W bulbs.
  • 18:00 Setup table for church and a charging cord for my phone.
  • 19:30 Church Ezra.
  • 20:00 Installing wireless charging stations in all of our rooms.

Narrative: Shortly after we bought the house I had a homebuilt Un-Interruptible Power Supply that powered my computers and the lights on the fireplace. Over the years it has become a secondary breaker panel with outlets in every room that will remain powered when the utility power fails. It also has become two completely redundant circuits with separate power sources that can support their loads for more than five and up to twelve hours. (Including a third circuit for the refrigerator.)

Today I have stepped backwards on one of the two circuits, I have decommissioned the “Online” UPS for an offline modified square wave one. (That I used to use about 10 years ago.) The advantage is they don’t produce any noise and very little heat. The disadvantage is that they tie the utility power to the house circuit as long as it falls within an acceptable range. Outside that range a relay switches the power to battery with a minor break in power to and from battery. (The online UPS use battery power for their inverters 100% of the time so there is no break in power.) There is a significant power loss with the “Online” UPS units of about 20% where the offline ones are near 100% efficient when they are not charging the batteries. The last problem that the “Offline” versions have they don’t recognize a MSW as an acceptable power source and will run on battery. I found out that my new 48V online UPS units are also in that category, which was unnerving.

I’ve already moved most of my loads off of the online UPS in the garage to reduce the temperature extremes that are not good for my batteries.

White Fragility: I really wish that the national news would not carry EVERY SINGLE incident of abuse to a black man without giving an equivalent amount of media attention to all colors of men and women that have been abused. It paints a very biased picture that black men are always the target of abuse.


Tomorrow: Dental appointment, a new challenge.

Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accmplishments: Purchases: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News:

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

7 July 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies. We replenished our liquor cabinet yesterday. The odds of someone in Kroger with an active case of the virus is roughly 50%. Overcast day, I need to block the switchover to solar power.

Plans: Need to start working on our Taxes and finishing up projects on the homestead power.

  • 08:00 Up, Coffee, breakfast and our morning meeting.
  • 09:00 Vacuuming the floors and blogging.
  • 10:00 Reading the news
  • 12:00 Lunch and Insta cart.
  • 13:00 We got TWO cartons of eggs for the first time today!
  • 14:00 Tested a really old 700VA UPS, not sure if I like it enough to keep it.
  • 15:00 Wasting time reading the news.
  • 16:00 Checking Kickstarter event.
  • 17:00 Watched You’ve got mail and went to bed early.

Narrative: Spent a good part of the day wiring four 18AH batteries for a 12V UPS (Top Right on picture below) and powered up five 24V UPS units to reform their capacitors.

White Fragility: A student got expelled from school because she produced a video that described the published results from White-White, Black-Black and White-Black homicides. OK it was a little dramatic. However, with all the hate speeches promoting BLM being allowed, what happened to free speech when it opposes BLM?

Feelings: We are wore out trying to understand all the political parties that are aligned with BLM as a slogan. BLM is a scary organization….


Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accmplishments: Purchases: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News:

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

6 July 2020, a Sister’s Birthday

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.


  • 05:00 going back to bed, been up all night.
  • 07:00 Work on the house while it is cool
  • 08:00 Instacart food delivered and I put charging cable on primary UPS batteries.
  • 10:00 Replenished our liquor supply.
  • 11:00 Lunch
  • 12:00 Nap
  • 14:00 Working on bench power supplies and blogging.
  • 15:00 Ordered safety goggles for weed Whacker
  • 16:00 Cleaning
  • 21:00 Bed

Narrative: I added a SB50 connector to the primary ups and put two PP30’s on the mating connector to charge the batteries from the generators.

White Fragility: While it is true that black men between the ages of 25 and 29 are killed by police at a rate between 2.8 and 4.1 per 100,000, that’s well below the rate of their death in accidents (76.6 deaths per 100,000), by suicide (26.7 deaths per 100,000), from other homicides (22 per 100,000), from heart disease (seven per 100,000), and from cancer (a little over six per 100,000). Moreover, black women in the same age bracket are killed by police at roughly 5 percent the rate of black men; surely if police killings were driven solely by racial animus, then black women would be victimized at a much higher rate. Despite the racial disparity in rates, a study of police-involved homicides between 2009 and 2012 shows that whites constituted a majority (52 percent) of victims. What explains “state violence” against whites? All in all, the evidence paints a murky picture, though still a troubling one. Too many people—including whites—die at the hands of law enforcement, but black men and women are much more likely to be killed by civilians and certain diseases than by the police. This is one of the best articles I’ve read, it certainly passes the sniff test. https://www.city-journal.org/hearing-what-black-voices-really-say-about-police


Tomorrow: Tuesday.

Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accmplishments: Purchases: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News:

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

5 July 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.


  • 07:00 Up eating breakfast.
  • 08:00 Morning planning meeting
  • 09:00 Getting ready for church
  • 10:00 Church services
  • 11:00 Lunch and check on 18AH battery charging.
  • 12:00 Nap
  • 14:00 Adjust power supplies and measure power from Solar panels (235W)
  • 15:00 Blogging
  • 16:00 Making battery cables.
  • 17:00 Post Office run and put a battery charging cable onto the car.
  • 18:00

Narrative: My bench in my “Man Cave” draws about 170 Watts of power 24/7. 170W x 8Hrs = $0.17 per day or ~5$ per Month in savings. During the day the six 100W solar panels offload the power from my power bill. The power supplies are set to just below the voltage of the solar charge controller. That way 100% of the load can be taken by the SCC relieving the two redundant power supplies. An internet controlled switch enables the output of the inverter during times that the sun is actually on the panels. (Making it 100% efficient at night and 80% efficient during the day if the sun is not powerful enough to relieve the power supplies.)

White Fragility: By 1980, the earnings of black women with college degrees surpassed those of white women with a college degree. Black married couples typically have relied more on women’s earnings than other races and the percentage of single-parent, female-maintained families is highest among the black population. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_wage_gap_in_the_United_States

Feelings: People looking for material to post on You Tube are taunting the police with vulgar language across the country and recording their behavior in an attempt to entrap them.


Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accmplishments: Purchases: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News:

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

4 July 2020, My 66th Birthday

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.

Social Security Administration

Information About Current Social Security Benefits

Beginning July 2020, the full monthly Social Security benefit for a given month are paid on the 2nd Wednesday of the following month. (For example, Social Security benefits for Mark Vogt in July will be paid in August.) We’ll deduct $144.60 for medical insurance premiums each month.


  • 07:00 Up and making breakfast
  • 08:00 Walking around the block.
  • 09:00 Added some shade to my Pi Aware receiver.
  • 11:30 Eating Tuna sandwich for lunch.
  • 12:00 2nd Nap
  • 14:00 Testing batteries
  • 15:00 Watching the great race
  • 16:00 Blogging

Narrative: Put a piece of tape across the Pi Aware receiver to keep the sun off the Raspberry Pi.

It cooled off the Raspberry Pi more than 4 degrees C in less than five minutes, the Raspberry Pi can run at 80C which is quite warm.

White Fragility: I am finding hard to relate to our friends of color, I am not into violence to achieve change in the USA systemic racism. I also do not know how they are planning to improve the black quality of life out of poverty. You can’t work in the food service industry and own a home. (Unless you’re really good.) The Mayor of Chicago built housing for the low income families that was a disaster. It eventually had to be torn down. (I think gangs took over the buildings and made life miserable.) I know that families have to have “Skin in the game” or they will not take care of homes given to them. They need the financial ability to maintain the home that is usually diverted into other areas of family life or Drugs/Alcohol. (So the home falls into disarray.)

Feelings: I am discouraged that it feels like much of the effort for change is being laid onto the shoulders of the white privileged.

Tomorrow: Church, we are not looking forward to getting schooled on Racism.

Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accmplishments: Purchases: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News:

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

3 July 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.


  • 06:00 Put out recycling and close the garage door.
  • 07:00 Breakfast and morning meeting.
  • 08:00 Getting organized.
  • 08:31 My SS check will arrive on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
  • 09:00 Nap
  • 12:00 Lunch
  • 13:00 Blogging and Instagram.
  • 14:00 2nd Nap
  • 15:00 Up, blogging and Instagram.
  • 16:00 Dinner
  • 17:00 Blogging and Instagram
  • 18:00 Rehoming Ekecity plugs
  • 19:00 Repairing Pi Aware

Narrative: I was on the roof trying to repair my Raspberry Pi ADSB receiver most of the evening. I checked the temperature of the Pi earlier today and it was 74C which is just under throttling temp. When I checked the throttling status it showed that insufficient power was being supplied to the Pi.

It was a lot of work to change out the power source tonight. I had a tiny 12V USB power supply that should have been sufficient. I changed that out for a rather large potted 24V 3A 5V power supply that I connected using an old Cana Kit micro USB power cord.

White Fragility: I’ve given a lot of thought tonight about the black population and the systemic racism that they have to deal with. It’s true that we white privileged Americans won’t change our habits unless they make us suffer a little. (And keep their knees on our necks for a while.) However they cannot get greedy and hurt us white folks enough that we rebel, then they’ll get nothing changed after that. They’ve crossed the line with the monuments and now they are shooting innocent drivers in their cars when they get scared. Protestors should not be able to encircle someone’s vehicle until they are threatened by the imprisonment of the driver in their vehicle that cannot move.



Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accmplishments: Purchases: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News:

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

2 July 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.


  • 08:00 Breakfast
  • 09:00 Instacart shopping and talking to mom.
  • 10:00 mom’s cell phone dead, we’ll have to wait until tomorrow.
  • 12:00 Lunch, researching portable air-conditioner, portable Split by Forest Air.
  • 14:00 Nap.
  • 15:30 Up

Narrative: Working with the elderly on a new subject over the telephone is extremely difficult. What I am imagining and what she is seeing always end up to be a different picture.

White Fragility:



Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accmplishments: Purchases: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News:

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To