30 Sep 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.

Read something: The “town square test”—can EVERYONE express themselves freely, publicly, without fear of reprisal? Can we speak freely without checking for a BLM protestor confronting us wherever we are? Can we have a sign like Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter in our yards without fearing damage to our homes? Three-warning-signs-of-ideological-totalitarianism

Even in our homes family members are very polarized and resort to going into our corners after showing our dissent to them.

Plans: Let the NodeMCU’s and the dehumidifier run until 13 October.

  • 01:00 Blogging
  • 07:00 Coffee, Breakfast and planning meeting.
  • 08:00 Blogging (Wednesday)
  • 09:00 Checking NodeMCU
  • 09:30 Checking Childfund
  • 10:00 Digging into Home Assistant Entities
  • 11:00 Nap
  • 13:00 Rebuilding Humidifier NodeMCU relay box.
  • 16:00 Eating dinner
  • 17:00 Preparing for church service tonight.

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC


NodeMCU Status: Our air conditioner is limping with a oil logged evaporator until we replace the unit in October. The thermostat is also limping along because of leaking batteries. I’m using these NodeMCU’s to measure the temperature and humidity throughout the house and turn on / off the power to the thermostat.

NodeMCU controlling a high powered relay. (15A Dehumidifier)

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know.

Tomorrow: Thursday

Retirement: Need to build a budget, are spending is too close to our income. Back to shopping for groceries in person, 800/Month is TOO much on a retired budget.

Project Engineering:

Purchases: USB Cables


Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

Family News: Mom’s in the hospital.


  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have collapsed, no more potato chips!

Travel: Florida travel looks within reach.

Taxes: Waiting on Land taxes.

Pi News: I’ve been working with “Home Assistant” software, the Pi’s themselves are in good shape.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

29 Sep 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.

Read something: The “town square test”—can EVERYONE express themselves freely, publicly, without fear of reprisal? Can we speak freely without checking for a BLM protestor confronting us wherever we are? Can we have a sign like Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter in our yards without fearing damage to our homes? Three-warning-signs-of-ideological-totalitarianism

Even in our homes family members are very polarized and resort to going into our corners after showing our dissent to them.

Plans: Let the NodeMCU’s and the dehumidifier run until 13 October.

  • 01:00 Blogging
  • 06:00 Drive to Lowes to get a new air filter.
  • 07:00 Up sipp’n coffee and making plans.
  • 08:00 Walk around the block.
  • 09:00 Chatting with Childfund about their E-Mail
  • 10:00 Building a replacement NodeMCU box for the dehumidifier.
  • 12:00 logging onto Zoom and building links for sessions.
  • 13:00 Nap
  • 15:00 Drive Kathy to dental appointment.
  • 18:00 Chatting with Childfund
  • 19:00 Setting parameters for heating our home into Home Assistant.
  • 21:00 Headed to bed, the debate is Horrible!

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC


NodeMCU Status: Our air conditioner is limping with a oil logged evaporator until we replace the unit in October. The thermostat is also limping along because of leaking batteries. I’m using these NodeMCU’s to measure the temperature and humidity throughout the house and turn on / off the power to the thermostat.

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know.

Tomorrow: Wednesday

Retirement: Need to build a budget, are spending is too close to our income. Back to shopping for groceries in person, 800/Month is TOO much on a retired budget.

Project Engineering:

Purchases: USB Cables


Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

Family News: Mom’s in the hospital.


  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have collapsed, no more potato chips!

Travel: Florida travel looks within reach.

Taxes: Waiting on Land taxes.

Pi News: I’ve been working with “Home Assistant” software, the Pi’s themselves are in good shape.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

28 Sep 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.

Read something: The “town square test”—can EVERYONE express themselves freely, publicly, without fear of reprisal? Can we speak freely without checking for a BLM protestor confronting us wherever we are? Can we have a sign like Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter in our yards without fearing damage to our homes? Three-warning-signs-of-ideological-totalitarianism

Even in our homes family members are very polarized and resort to going into our corners after showing our dissent to them.

Plans: Let the NodeMCU’s and the dehumidifier run until 13 October.

  • 01:00 Blogging
  • Monday…
  • Called Childfund in the morning
  • Renegotiated lunch for tomorrow, bad weather.
  • Helped Todd most of the afternoon
  • Watched TV with Kathy
  • 07:00 Up, sipp’n coffee planning our day
  • 08:00 Shower then get ready for church at 10
  • 11:00 making plans, then a NAP!
  • 13:00 Watched some TV and down for a second NAP!
  • 16:00 Blogging.
  • 17:00 Dinner
  • 18:00 Watching TV with the wife.
  • 21:00 Bed

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC


NodeMCU Status: Our air conditioner is limping with a oil logged evaporator until we replace the unit in October. The thermostat is also limping along because of leaking batteries. I’m using these NodeMCU’s to measure the temperature and humidity throughout the house and turn on / off the power to the thermostat.

New issue, compressor stopped working during a normal thermostat operation. The only thing that’s unique is that the coil temp dropped to 44 degrees right away.

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know.

Tomorrow: Monday

Retirement: Need to build a budget, are spending is too close to our income. Back to shopping for groceries in person, 800/Month is TOO much on a retired budget.

Project Engineering:

Purchases: USB Cables


Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

Family News: Mom’s in the hospital.


  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have collapsed, no more potato chips!

Travel: Florida travel looks within reach.

Taxes: Waiting on Land taxes.

Pi News: I’ve been working with “Home Assistant” software, the Pi’s themselves are in good shape.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

27 Sep 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.

Read something: The “town square test”—can EVERYONE express themselves freely, publicly, without fear of reprisal? Can we speak freely without checking for a BLM protestor confronting us wherever we are? Can we have a sign like Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter in our yards without fearing damage to our homes? Three-warning-signs-of-ideological-totalitarianism

Even in our homes family members are very polarized and resort to going into our corners after showing our dissent to them.

It’s been mailed, not here yet.

Plans: Let the NodeMCU’s and the dehumidifier run until 13 October.

  • 08:00 Sunday morning Omelet and sharing.
  • 09:00 Preparing for service
  • 10:00 Morning services
  • 11:00 Lunch and a nap
  • 13:00 Blogging and reading the www.
  • 16:00 Air conditioner blocked with oil, programming automatic recovery.
  • 19:00 Watching TV
  • 21:00 Bed

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC


NodeMCU Status: Our air conditioner is limping with a oil logged evaporator until we replace the unit in October. The thermostat is also limping along because of leaking batteries. I’m using these NodeMCU’s to measure the temperature and humidity throughout the house and turn on / off the power to the thermostat.

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know.

Tomorrow: Monday.

Retirement: Need to build a budget, are spending is too close to our income. Back to shopping for groceries in person, 800/Month is TOO much on a retired budget.

Project Engineering:

Purchases: USB Cables


Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

Family News: Mom’s in the hospital.


  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have collapsed, no more potato chips!

Travel: Florida travel looks within reach.

Taxes: Waiting on Land taxes.

Pi News: I’ve been working with “Home Assistant” software, the Pi’s themselves are in good shape.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

26 Sep 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.

Read something: The “town square test”—can EVERYONE express themselves freely, publicly, without fear of reprisal? Can we speak freely without checking for a BLM protestor confronting us wherever we are? Can we have a sign like Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter in our yards without fearing damage to our homes? Three-warning-signs-of-ideological-totalitarianism

Even in our homes family members are very polarized and resort to going into our corners after showing our dissent to them.

Plans: Let the NodeMCU’s and the dehumidifier run until 13 October.

  • 07:00 Up, sipp’n coffee and chatting with the wife.
  • 08:00 Grocery Shopping
  • 15:00 Mow the front lawn
  • 17:00 Dinner
  • 18:00 Reconfigure Air Conditioner, it got oil logged again.
  • 19:00 Early Bed

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC


NodeMCU Status: Our air conditioner is limping with a oil logged evaporator until we replace the unit in October. The thermostat is also limping along because of leaking batteries. I’m using these NodeMCU’s to measure the temperature and humidity throughout the house and turn on / off the power to the thermostat.

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know.

Tomorrow: Sunday.

Retirement: Need to build a budget, are spending is too close to our income. Back to shopping for groceries in person, 800/Month is TOO much on a retired budget.

Project Engineering:

Purchases: USB Cables


Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

Family News: Mom’s in the hospital.


  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have collapsed, no more potato chips!

Travel: Florida travel looks within reach.

Taxes: Waiting on Land taxes.

Pi News: I’ve been working with “Home Assistant” software, the Pi’s themselves are in good shape.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

25 Sep 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.

Read something: No matter how loud they shouted, many Soviet citizens thought such exercises (in free speech) absurd. But they hid their real thoughts because speaking (Out) honestly (in a crowd) was dangerous. The Soviet dictatorship created a fear society that failed the “town square test”—can EVERYONE express themselves freely, publicly, without fear of punishment? Can we speak freely without checking for a BLM protestor confronting us wherever we are? Can we have a sign like Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter in our yards without fearing damage to our homes? Three-warning-signs-of-ideological-totalitarianism

Plans: Let the NodeMCU’s and the dehumidifier run until 13 October.

  • 08:00 Up late, sipp’n coffee and chatting with the wife.
  • 09:00 checking the Home Assistant software.
  • 10:00 Writing letters to ChildFund.
  • 11:00 Time for lunch and a nap.
  • 13:00 Helping set up remote network and Pi’s.
  • 14:00 Rebuilding Pi’s and debugging Home Assistant.
  • 17:00 Tomato soup and cheese sandwiches for dinner.
  • 18:00 Watching TV.

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC


NodeMCU Status: Our air conditioner is limping with a oil logged evaporator until we replace the unit in October. The thermostat is also limping along because of leaking batteries. I’m using these NodeMCU’s to measure the temperature and humidity throughout the house and turn on / off the power to the thermostat.

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know.

Tomorrow: Saturday.

Retirement: Need to build a budget, are spending is too close to our income. Back to shopping for groceries in person, 800/Month is TOO much on a retired budget.

Project Engineering: Hiding our temp sensors inside fake plants.

Purchases: USB Cables


Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

Family News: Mom’s in the hospital.


  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have collapsed, no more potato chips!

Travel: Florida travel looks within reach.

Taxes: Waiting on Land taxes.

Pi News: I’ve been working with “Home Assistant” software, the Pi’s themselves are in good shape.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

24 Sep 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.

Read something: No matter how loud they shouted, many Soviet citizens thought such exercises (in free speech) absurd. But they hid their real thoughts because speaking (Out) honestly (in a crowd) was dangerous. The Soviet dictatorship created a fear society that failed the “town square test”—can EVERYONE express themselves freely, publicly, without fear of punishment? Can we speak freely without checking for a BLM protestor confronting us wherever we are? Can we have a sign like Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter in our yards without fearing damage to our homes? Three-warning-signs-of-ideological-totalitarianism

Plans: Let the NodeMCU’s and the dehumidifier run until September.

  • 04:00 Built second sensor that will live OUTSIDE attic enclosure.
  • 08:00 Eating Breakfast and planning the day.
  • 09:00 Walk around the block.
  • 10:00 Installed sensor into the attic and programmed Home Assistant.
  • 11:00 Lunch
  • 12:00 Vacuuming the house.
  • 13:00 Nap
  • 15:00 Breaking down boxes and taking out the garbage.
  • 16:00 Dinner
  • 18:00 Watched a movie on the abuse of personal data and its affect on Democracies.
  • 20:00 Blogging and getting ready for bed.

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC


NodeMCU Status: Our air conditioner is limping with a oil logged evaporator until we replace the unit in October. The thermostat is also limping along because of leaking batteries. I’m using these NodeMCU’s to measure the temperature and humidity throughout the house and turn on / off the power to the thermostat.

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know.

Tomorrow: Friday.

Retirement: Need to build a budget, are spending is too close to our income. Back to shopping for groceries in person, 800/Month is TOO much on a retired budget.

Project Engineering: Hiding our temp sensors inside fake plants.

Purchases: USB Cables


Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

Family News: Mom’s in the hospital.


  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have collapsed, no more potato chips!

Travel: Florida travel looks within reach.

Taxes: Waiting on Land taxes.

Pi News: I’ve been working with “Home Assistant” software, the Pi’s themselves are in good shape.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

23 Sep 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.

Read something: No matter how loud they shouted, many Soviet citizens thought such exercises (in free speech) absurd. But they hid their real thoughts because speaking (Out) honestly (in a crowd) was dangerous. The Soviet dictatorship created a fear society that failed the “town square test”—can EVERYONE express themselves freely, publicly, without fear of punishment? Can we speak freely without checking for a BLM protestor confronting us wherever we are? Can we have a sign like Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter in our yards without fearing damage to our homes? Three-warning-signs-of-ideological-totalitarianism

Plans: Let the NodeMCU’s and the dehumidifier run until September.

  • 00:00 Blogging
  • 03:00 Adjusting the heat temps.
  • 07:00 Watching the temperatures change.
  • 08:00 Eating Breakfast and planning the day.
  • 09:00 Drive to pay for our new air conditioner.
  • 11:00 Eat’n lunch
  • 12:00 Nap
  • 13:00 Planning for service tonight.
  • 15:00 a little logistics, then a nap.
  • 16:00 preparing for service
  • 21:00 Bed, i’m tired.

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC


NodeMCU Status: Our air conditioner is limping with a oil logged evaporator until we replace the unit in October. The thermostat is also limping along because of leaking batteries. I’m using these NodeMCU’s to measure the temperature and humidity throughout the house and turn on / off the power to the thermostat. I’ve changed the fan speed several times and dehumidification only occurs on the lower speeds. (Higher speeds cool the air without taking the moisture out.)

At 8PM I switch the temp sensor from the Dining Room to the Bedroom. As you can see from the chart above, the house temperature drops from setpoint while Home Assistant maintains the bedroom setpoint. At 7AM the sensor is reverted to the Dining Room again and the house is brought up to setpoint.

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know.

Tomorrow: Thursday.

Retirement: Need to build a budget, are spending is too close to our income. Back to shopping for groceries in person, 800/Month is TOO much on a retired budget.

Project Engineering: Hiding our temp sensors inside fake plants.



Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

Family News: Mom’s in the hospital.


  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have collapsed, no more potato chips!

Travel: Florida travel looks within reach.

Taxes: Waiting on Land taxes.

Pi News: I’ve been working with “Home Assistant” software, the Pi’s themselves are in good shape.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

22 Sep 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.

Read something: No matter how loud they shouted, many Soviet citizens thought such exercises (in free speech) absurd. But they hid their real thoughts because speaking (Out) honestly (in a crowd) was dangerous. The Soviet dictatorship created a fear society that failed the “town square test”—can EVERYONE express themselves freely, publicly, without fear of punishment? Can we speak freely without checking for a BLM protestor confronting us wherever we are? Can we have a sign like Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter in our yards without fearing damage to our homes? Three-warning-signs-of-ideological-totalitarianism

Plans: Let the NodeMCU’s and the dehumidifier run until September.

  • 00:00 Working on NodeMCU Heat Pump mode with Cold Temps.
  • 08:00 Coffee and morning brief.
  • 09:00 Walk around the block
  • 10:00 NodeMCU programming.
  • 12:00 Programming done, Nap Time!
  • 14:00 Reading Luke (Bible)
  • 16:00 getting organized and helping with a new planter.
  • 17:00 Dinner, Turkey
  • 18:00 Reading Luke
  • 21:00 Bed.

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC


NodeMCU Status: Our air conditioner is limping with a oil logged evaporator until we replace the unit in October. The thermostat is also limping along because of leaking batteries. I’m using these NodeMCU’s to measure the temperature and humidity throughout the house and turn on / off the power to the thermostat. I’ve changed the fan speed several times and dehumidification only occurs on the lower speeds. (Higher speeds cool the air without taking the moisture out.)

Spent a large part of the day building asynchronous routines for the heating behavior part of the thermostat. There are usually two routines required for each action, boundary and Asynchronous. The boundary routines are more timely since they are triggered at a threshold. The Asynchronous routines are safety routines and also to bring the air temperature back onto the boundary to normalize the behavior. (If the temp happens to be above the boundary then the routine to turn on the compressor to cool the room is never triggered.) Switching thermostats (Rooms) at night/morning is a large cause of the loss of control. The Asynchronous routines are triggered by a patchwork of timers with staggered (As best I can) delays.

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know.

Tomorrow: Wednesday

Retirement: Need to build a budget, are spending is too close to our income. Back to shopping for groceries in person, 800/Month is TOO much on a retired budget.

Project Engineering: Hiding our temp sensors inside fake plants.



Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

Family News: Mom’s in the hospital.


  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have collapsed, no more potato chips!

Travel: Florida travel looks within reach.

Taxes: Waiting on Land taxes.

Pi News: I’ve been working with “Home Assistant” software, the Pi’s themselves are in good shape.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

21 Sep 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.

Read something: No matter how loud they shouted, many Soviet citizens thought such exercises (in free speech) absurd. But they hid their real thoughts because speaking (Out) honestly (in a crowd) was dangerous. The Soviet dictatorship created a fear society that failed the “town square test”—can EVERYONE express themselves freely, publicly, without fear of punishment? Can we speak freely without checking for a BLM protestor confronting us wherever we are? Can we have a sign like Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter in our yards without fearing damage to our homes? Three-warning-signs-of-ideological-totalitarianism

Plans: Let the NodeMCU’s and the dehumidifier run until September.

  • 04:00 Installed temp sensor in Sewing Room.
  • 04:30 Ordered USB cables to clean up Den.
  • 08:00 Up and sipp’n coffee.
  • 09:00 Drive to Kroger for a few groceries
  • 10:00 Put groceries away and work on NodeMCU for Heat programming.
  • 12:00 Nap
  • 14:00 Trip to Lowes.
  • 15:00 Getting organized.

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC


NodeMCU Status: Our air conditioner is limping with a oil logged evaporator until we replace the unit in October. The thermostat is also limping along because of leaking batteries. I’m using these NodeMCU’s to measure the temperature and humidity throughout the house and turn on / off the power to the thermostat. I’ve changed the fan speed several times and dehumidification only occurs on the lower speeds. (Higher ones cool the air without taking the moisture out.)

Three done, two to go.

Inside these 4″ fake plants is a NodeMCU that wirelessly transmits the readings of the two white DHT22 sensors sticking out of it. One thing I did learn was that I can easily adjust the “Mass” of the sensor by moving the sensors in/out of the bush. I found out AFTER i bought them on Amazon that the pot is compressed paper LOL. Which just happens to work very well with the wireless radio in the bottom of the pot.

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know.

Tomorrow: Tuesday.

Retirement: Need to build a budget, are spending is too close to our income. Back to shopping for groceries in person, 800/Month is TOO much on a retired budget.

Project Engineering: Hiding our temp sensors inside fake plants.



Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

Family News: Mom’s in the hospital.


  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have collapsed, no more potato chips!

Travel: Florida travel looks within reach.

Taxes: Waiting on Land taxes.

Pi News: I’ve been working with “Home Assistant” software, the Pi’s themselves are in good shape.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To