Week of 22 July 2024

Monday 81 Degrees

I had a hard time getting to sleep last night, I finally laid down about 3:30. My feet are being obnoxious and so is my bacterial infection. Sometime yesterday I had too many calories and not enough exercise. (Even though I went to storage and to church yesterday.) I did have fun on the radio last night, I talked to Hawaii and the West coast on my radio using only 2 Watts of electricity. (A flashlight’s worth.)

No eggs were ready, so I had to make them.

I tossed the eggs that our neighbor brought and left outside overnight. They were 75 degrees when I brought them in and outside on the porch for more than 12 hours.

I put them in a bowl of cold water to cool them.

I also cut up a couple of potatoes and I’ll start boiling them when she leaves the gym for home.

The potatoes got ready to be smashed a bit quicker than I had planned.

I put them in an insulated bowl for later.

Insta Pot is ready to steam the frozen vegetables, I don’t really know where we got that steamer insert. I turned it off after the water started boiling.

I finally put the groceries away that were in the middle of the living room. They’ve been there for two weeks.

We should not have purchased some things that we already had plenty of and now the pantry if overflowing.

She worked on her meals/grocery shopping list for a couple of hours.

I brought up why are was spending all this time on making a complicated meal. All we really need is a piece of meat, vegetable and some kind of starch. (Rice / Potato) We made a pork tenderloin on Friday that we ate on Saturday and today. We just added steamed veggies with a potato, and it was a great meal today. She bought this “Dump” meal recipe book and was all excited to use it today. The problem with us being seniors is that we don’t want to go back 30 years and use Campbell soups for a base and 5 other ingredients we don’t need. We ended up with she can test meals on Thursdays. All of the other days are complicated enough as it is with Gym and Church activities.

Tonight, she has two phone calls so we’re eating the last of the pork tenderloin as shredded pork on bread with a little BBQ sauce.


Coffee without sugar this morning, I have got to get serious about my sugar intake. My body is telling me that it is having trouble regulating my blood sugar levels. We had made plans yesterday to accommodate a Zoom meeting for the women at 11:30 by getting groceries earlier. We got up and were out the door by 8:30 on our way to Wally World. We had gotten so much extra over the last two trips that this one was pretty lightweight. We also greatly simplified our meals/shopping, so we didn’t need a lot of condiments. We were home with the groceries put away by 9:30 today!

I found out today there is an advertising Identifier on all Cell phones and it is used to invade our privacy. Originally the trackers used the permanent cellphone IMEI. Several years ago, they were forced to use a new “Ad identifier” that could be changed by the user. The ID on our Cell phones CAN be changed or deleted. How to Disable Ad ID Tracking on iOS and Android, and Why You Should Do It Now | Electronic Frontier Foundation (eff.org)

Had a great meal at Longhorn, I brought a bottle of coke and a couple glasses. I compared it to the fountain coke they brought me without ice. (Tried not to dilute it.)

I still think theirs (Left) is lighter than the coke from the bottle. When I tried diluting it until they were the same color, I over did it. (It had an obvious taste difference even though I thought they were the same color.)

I asked her what the plan was for dinner tomorrow and she said some kind of steak that we did not buy this morning. We have a turkey breast and two packages of chicken in the freezer. We do have two ham steaks, chicken thighs and a package of ground beef in the fridge to make dinner with tomorrow. The decision is to make turkey black bean chili tomorrow, that’s a large meal that will last two days.


Woke up and coffee was waiting for me. Got onto the radio and checked the weather first thing this morning. We got into a long discussion about closing my cave door that took hours. It evolved into a wider discussion about respectful communication that evolved into another discussion about the Daytimer documentation. In the end it was decided that she document her actions on a plain legal pad, and I’ll move it into the Daytimer.

Two inspectors came from Gwinnett County came by. They parked in our neighbor’s driveway and walked the long way around to our front door. Our new doorbell went off any we just looked at each other like, “who’s at our door?” I gave them a run down on all the shootings that have happened on our street since September. They asked for the report numbers which I provided the ones that I have.

We had Turkey Chili for Lunch and we’re going to a friend’s house for dinner before we attend our midweek service. I didn’t get a link from the two inspectors, so I won’t have to upload any video to them. We watched the president’s address to the nation about him pulling out of the race for 2024. I didn’t find anything more about Kamala Harris. It’s a little unsettling about Kamala Harris, she could ride the wave of having a president that is a woman of color for the first time.

I erased the recordings on the DVR and set the DVR to record from Midnight to 6AM so that I am not unnecessarily recording people’s voices during the day. The camera with a microphone for the front yard is on the front porch. The microphone for the camera on the VAN camera has died, I am not sure where the opening for the microphone actually is.


The coffee was made already, she poured a cup while I checked the weather and got onto my HAM radio net. I moved her work record items into the Daytimer and filled out a few things in her Action List. She’s headed to Kroger to get today’s lunch which she forgot to add to the grocery list on Tuesday. She also got some items we’ll need for the potato bar on Sunday for House Church. She took out the garbage can when she got home. Need to get some vittles down my neck, but there’s no eggs made in the fridge. Well, that’s an easy fix.

Effortless Egg cooker

Cleaned off the kitchen table, it is the first thing to get messy.

We took about a half hour nap then started dinner.

I started the rice in the Panda Rice maker and she’s working on the stove making our lunch. The sirloin steak was overcooked and tough as leather and there was no sauce, just the oil that it was cooked in. She loaded my plate with the oil from the frying pan over my bed of rice, ewe! I give her first try at a dump dinner as awful.

Time for another nap, eventually I’ll be able to sleep at night again…

Salad time, we have to be on our way to the Sr Home by 5:30 for Bingo.


Up and sipping my coffee while getting organized. She has a dental appt which is in the air since Dr. Glass called her a while ago and said they didn’t have a hygienist. I personally don’t think she actually has an appointment today. But 2PM is also problematic on a Gym day that she arrives home at 11:30 and takes a shower right after. That makes it 12 Noon before she can take a nap or start dinner. She wants to make chicken thighs, but the Stir Fry dinner she made yesterday would have been a much better fit. It’ll take 20 minutes to warm the oven and another 20-30 to cook the chicken thighs. It’s also about 30 minutes for either the potatoes or frozen veggies.

Finally got ahold of the phone service, she does NOT have a dental appointment today. That opens the door to have dinner a little late, but we really should NOT be cooking in the OVEN on Gym days.

Ended up going to Longhorn for Lunch and we saw JJ who was my server with the coke debacle. She seemed pretty upset at my review when we first got there. I told her that it had nothing to do with her performance and that seemed to soften her just a little. She offered that the regular Coke was the same and asked if I wanted a different product this time around. I opted to diet coke this time and that was fine. Dinner was perfect as always, I left her a pretty large tip on $60 meal.

We came home and took a pretty hearty nap afterwards. I worked on cleaning up the den alongside my chair for about four hours. (With all the projects trying to get the new cameras up and running it was a bit of a mess.) I have five piles of tubs with the piece parts of my home automation in my cave. It will be a couple days putting the loose pieces back into the proper tub.


I took a quick nap until Uncle called me and brought me up to speed on his arm.

Well, it’s 10AM and no one of the five people I’ve sent messages to about the Women’s retreat has responded. Found out that I miss read the text message and we’re not going across town today. We had one of those campaigns this morning with her where it takes an hour to figure out how we got here with our meals. We ate the ground Turkey on Wednesday because we forgot to buy BBQ sauce on Tuesday at Wally World. The planned meal for Thursday was strip steak that we also forgot to purchase. She went to the store to buy the steak and the BBQ sauce on Thursday. She overcooked the steak and it was tough as leather and there was no gravy just the oil it was cooked in.

Friday was another disaster with the chicken thighs that were expiring on Friday but there’s no time to cook a dinner and make an oven meal on Gym days. WE REALLY SHOULD HAVE COOKED THEM ON FRIDAY. We had grandma’s chili today leaving the chicken thighs to sit one more day past it’s eat/freeze date. Even Grandma’s chili was missing a can of tomato soup, it wasn’t much of a chili without chili powder or tomato sauce.

What we’ve come up with is to put color-coded Post-it notes on the cupboard door with the meat due dates on it.

Spent most of the evening preparing for the church service tomorrow, it’s going to be a crowd. We blew out the speaker last month and the new speaker is optical or USB which can’t be run 40′ to the television. There’s a CW contest that’s taking up all of the 40M FT4 frequencies.

Time to get caught up on the news and head to bed.

Sunday 320KWH/1280KWH

Busy day today, we have to be on our way by 9:30 AM to arrive before 10AM. We had coffee and both of us took a shower before getting dressed. I packed the car with all the stuff we’ll need, and we left on time. The equipment worked great, but I was dripping in sweat after the service was over. We got back home, and I took a quick shower then a nap.

We had leftover turkey chili for supper and then debated for two hours about her possible appointment with Emory. In the end, the doctor gave her a sheet of paper with Emory contact information. (Nothing about an appointment is on the sheet.) I am assuming a follow-up appointment for the 6th of August was made with the doctor, which she remembers as THE appointment with Emory. (But we don’t have a time or a place, just a date.) I was shocked that we’ve gone this long without chasing this down. (And I cannot do it.)

I got another IR Illuminator today; I need to modify its power before mounting it.

Speaking about long drawn out productions, my parents tax return for 2018 is still not resolved. The issue is that it was during COVID19 and she didn’t get the return since she was in the hospital.