Monday 13 Feb 2023

  1. Take equipment to storage.
    • Load snake and battery powered amp in van
  2. D Repair radiator on Blue.
  3. Program remote access backup routers for mom.
  4. Drive to FL
    • Install remote access
    • Repair VPN
    • Install Home Assistant
    • Bring framed picture from Thanksgiving.
  5. D Repair the brakes on Blue.
  6. Our appt with D Marini. Mar 22nd.
  7. Check temperatures for Pahrump pump house every week.
  8. Two 8GB Raspberry Pi’s are ordered from Newark Electronics.
  9. Two more 8GB Raspberry Pi’s are ordered from DigiKey
  10. Received Magic Jack for mom.
  11. Floss, banana, Meds and toes.
  12. Register with IRS as an administrator of an estate.
  13. Nancy’s Will, i don’t have a copy but she’s working on it.
  14. Arizona Land
  15. Take wet cell batteries back
  16. Check Mom’s accounts
  17. Fix mom’s printer working
  18. Hire an accountant for the estate taxes.
  19. Hire a lawyer for Arizona.
  20. Run generators
  21. Run 2M cable, Done
Timer is now reset by NODEMCU making it even more efficient only when needed.

I received the 555 timer circuit boards that I plan on modifying to the circuit above.

I need to cut some of the runs on the board so that I can insert components at those pins.

Tuesday Feb 14th, Valentines

Wife cooked us up some eggs for breakfast. It was a very pretty day today.

The FCC sent me my license to operate and my callsign so I got to work on my 2M radio. It took about 2 hours to run the coax through the attic, into the garage and through the garage wall into my cave. I had to remove several cables from that opening to allow the connector though the wall. Those wires powered the most critical items in my network so they could be run on solar. (As it turns it out it still didn’t fit and pulling the wire out was a waste of time.)