Monday 23 Oct 2023

Time for a change in my Blog. It has gotten too crazy with things we have to do every day and the things we keep forgetting. As an example, our medicines have to be approved on the mail order website AFTER the doctor orders them and after the current prescription period expires. That is a lot to keep track of just in itself!

After my morning meeting on 2M we spent a good part of the morning just trying to write down our morning routines LOL. My current plan is to build a routine for our “Day Timer” books. The wife and I both have a pocket Daytimer AND she has a larger half page one that is detailed for everything “we” have to do.

Change 1 is I am moving my “To Do” list from Monday’s to Saturday. That leaves Monday’s post open for a narrative instead of a list. (I can add to Saturday’s list as the week progresses.) It may come to pass that I post that list in the future so that it’s not public visible until the following Saturday. (Which would help with security.)

Both of us have three different days in which our routine is tied to that day. For her it’s Sunday, Gym, Wednesdays and Saturdays. For me it’s Sunday, weekdays and Saturdays.

We had a prescription that the mail order provider ran out of. Ok, then what do I do and when is a rather complicated process that has dependencies.

  1. How many pills do we have left?