Tax Day 15 Apr 2024


Filed extension for our Fed Taxes, I didn’t have any information to file an extension to the estate taxes. Talked to our financial advisor about our finances and the estate taxes. Did some research on filing a final estate tax return which I was asked to do by the lawyers.

Tuesday (Day of rest)

I installed a doorbell on the house for the first time in almost 40 years.

We didn’t do much of anything during the day. I did manage to mow the lawn at sunset.


Back in the saddle again, Got onto WW Net this morning and I heard my Uncle check into the net. Had a cup of coffee while researching estate taxes.

Took a shower and gathered my thoughts on how to proceed. My O2 levels are not very good from last night.

I seem to have held my breath for about 45 seconds….

Converted the throws on our bed to low voltage so they constantly stay a little warm.


Could not check in with WW this morning, they called me and then others broke in and NCC never came back to me. That kinda ends the time spent at 8AM on this net.

Zaxby’s for lunch most of the week, it’s healthy and we don’t have to expose them to our illness. (What ever that is, we know it makes us tired and prone to coughing.)

Had a long talk with my Cousin in Elgin, they were not affected by the tornadoes or inclement weather rolling through the area.

I have searched and cannot find the scanner or encrypted USB cards. I don’t know where either of them is. I wanted them to keep track of the estate letters from the IRS.

Have to change the wiring to the garage light, the IDC connection was quite warm this evening and I need to put the dehumidifier back on a timer so it doesn’t run during the heat of the day.

Checked Child Fund this morning and picked up two letters from Josephine.


Got up around 8AM and sent T some money for coffee. Checked in on WW, I wasn’t awake and did a terrible job. I really need to focus on other things for a while.

I put the timer on the dehumidifier so that it doesn’t add to the heat from the summertime weather during the day. I also changed out the IDC connector for a Power Pole connector on the LED light in the garage. (It’s good for 15 Amps which is considerably more than 1.5A.)

I connected the back yard solar panels to the van to charge up the battery. We haven’t driven either of the cars very much over the last couple weeks. I have considered tying the two unused vehicles batteries together so that they both stay charged.

Boxed up all the newspapers today. I really need to go through them to make sure that there’s not any mail folded up in them.

Research on the 1041 has yielded a possibility that the pretax money collected by the lawyers in the IOLTA may have to have taxes paid on them. As far as I know at the moment the year for the estate starts December 2nd and ends December 2nd. That means there are three years that have to be divided up.


Checked in with WW, again it was awkward because NCC lost his radio during my check-in. It was noisy on the radio this morning and we doubled.

Started a laundry load of whites to replenish my socks.

We went over the day timer tasks for the day and looked for items that we needed to have before next Tuesday. (Assumed next grocery day.) We didn’t want to go into the grocery store on a busy day like to today with us being ill. (And possibly contagious)

Put the back yard solar panels on the Blue Focus, the battery was 12.4V. (Not too bad.)

It’s possible that we’d owe 7K in taxes for the estate if the expenses don’t offset that.

Looked for the Computer Share documentation all afternoon just to find out they were just where they were supposed to be! Scanned the papers that I think I’ll need then I’ll upload them to the estate website.

Watched a Hallmark movie before bed.


Got onto WW this morning and there was no hiccups today, I did not hear my uncle this morning. Spent a couple of hours changing the names of the scanned Compuserve letter files from last night.

Attended church services over Zoom because we are still ill and should isolate for another week. Zaxby’s for lunch after a nap.

Called my cousin and we talked about a lot of things. RSV, we’re pretty sure we have it. Sweating in bed requires light bedding, loose clothing and always a fan. Canker sores might be solved with tums, which we don’t have.

  1. Go through newspapers for mail.
  2. Put the front yard light back onto the relay module.