Week of 6 May 2024


I’ve decided not to put the huge list of items on this page from last week. I’ll go back and reach for things I can accomplish this week and post just them.

I didn’t sleep well last night, and I stopped breathing several times which resulted in me being rather tired this morning. I did have a couple boiled eggs and breakfast sausages about 4 this morning. My eyes are puffy which may explain why my nose is stuffy. I need to get some more rest if I am going to get anything accomplished today. I called Coast Dental; they are only taking emergency appointments. It may be necessary to drive there. My weight is 210, which is headed in the right direction. (It also means that I will have increasing issues with my CPAP.) K will be going to the Gym at 9:10 and she has not made a grocery list for tomorrow. I did manage to replace the memory card in the silver dash camera before K left for the gym.

I did manage to make an improvement to my sleep therapy with my O2 sensors. I can connect my phone to the sensor and it will alarm if the O2 drops below the threshold. (It also wiggles my finger, but that doesn’t always wake me.) The Delema is that my heart will compensate for the breathing FIRST. Then my O2 levels will drop, I almost need a heart rate monitor too. The O2 device does not alarm on heart rate. BOO

Well, I am awake enough to make progress with my teeth situation. But I need a shower and get dressed before I head out to their office. K is home and we have a little time to go to the Dentist office and get our lunches. We received two letters from Dahabo and one of the letters was written by her!

Drove to the dentist office and they were closed, lights off! The office hours didn’t say anything about being closed on Mondays. I called another office and they said the office was still open for business, but might be closed for today. The plan is to go there tomorrow morning. The phone number said “Thank You, Good Bye!” when I called it twice today.

We cleaned K’s Invisalign braces again today, it’s a bit of a process that we’ve decided to do on our evening meal. I created a page in her procedure book for the entire process of cleaning them.

Dinner tonight is Progresso Soup and crackers, then another Good Witch movie before bed.


Slept horribly last night because I decided to have a cup of coffee around 9PM. (Really BAD idea.) Slept in this morning until K woke me before going to her Dr. Apt at 9:15. I created one more page for her Invisalign braces for the morning / afternoon and sent a copy to T. I called the dentist and got an apt Thursday morning for a filling and K has an apt this afternoon for her crown that fell out.

Eggs for breakfast, I am out of breakfast sausages. I had a bowl of SMW to supplement my diet with a little fiber.

Picked up Zaxby’s salads for lunch. There’s not enough time to get much done after we eat our lunch. We put the tubs in the trunk in the hope of getting groceries, but that ended up being pushed back another day.

We went to the dentist, but we waited over an hour to have them put her crown back on. We’ll not put the Invisalign braces back on until we’re sure that the cement has hardened. She enjoyed the popsicles and ice creme bars while she can have them.

Spent a few minutes organizing her procedure book, we’ve added so many pages that they need to be divided into sections. There are plenty of tabs available, we might have to rename a couple of them.

Watched the “The Good Witch Destiny” and setup the next one which is “Halloween”. It’s strange on Amazon, if you look for a movie with the complete name it still takes several pages of scrolling before finding the correct movie. I have to believe that is done on purpose to promote movies they want us to watch.


Making a backup copy of my mailboxes onto a USB drive, they are terribly LARGE! I may try to compress them, it’s mostly text that should compress well. I tried playing back my DVR, as usual it refuses to play a video that was recorded. I think the playback fails because there is so much UDP traffic on the switch. Checked in with Jeanie on the WW Net this morning, the band conditions are not very good. They’ve been inconsistent all week this week. Took a shower and we need to get groceries this morning.

Went to Longhorn for lunch, we had Salmon meals this time instead of salads. Sent a friend $200 for his kids that are going overseas, and we picked up groceries at Wally-World.

We took a nap and then read the scriptures for service tonight. We picked up salads at Publix and had our dinner at a friend’s house before participating in Wednesday’s service. Watched the Good Witch Halloween for our evening after church.


Didn’t eat breakfast, headed off to the dentist to get some teeth looked at. I am not totally convinced that my teeth are fine. But the cleaning went really quickly and no warnings from the dentist. Next apt is in 3 months, the 8th of August.

Had dinner at Longhorn, meals this time I had Salmon, and she had a steak. The long story about our meals is that with the Invisalign appliances they are not easy to remove, and you have to wait 30 minutes after eating to put them back in. We’re thinking of increasing our meal size and having just 3 meals a day again. (Which changes everything about how we’ve been eating.) A salad for lunch is not enough to carry us until supper without some starch in the meal. (We’ve been getting Zaxby’s salads every day for $22/day). We’d also like to manage the number of calories, eating a meal with an entire bottle of catchup is also not desirable. Being seniors, we don’t want to spend a great deal of time throwing 20 ingredients together to make a meal either.

We came home and took a good long nap. Moved the cars so we can take the garbage can out.

We LOVE our new dual zone electric blanket, but it needed a few changes. The controls are difficult to adjust in the middle of the night. We learned several lessons from the heated throws, a gentle warmth is all that’s needed. The heated throws were about 110 Watts (High) and constantly turned themselves off. That was WAAY too much heat and we’d get cold about 4 in the morning especially if the power went off. I started with powering the throws with 24Volts Battery power (5W) and that was not enough to offset the heat dissipated through the material. I bought 28V power supply that actually put out 29V (7W) and that worked quite well. The new electric blanket has two sections, each section is about 120 Ohms (100W) max. (One for him/One for her) The 29V (7W) was enough for me, but not enough for her. I ended up putting a 7W throw on top of the blanket so she could vary the amount of heat. In the end that caused her to be chilled when it was just the blanket and sweating with the throw and the blanket. I bought another power supply that was supposed to be 36V and it was actually only 34V (10W) for her side. So tonight, I have 7W on my side and she has 10W on her side, hopefully that will keep both of us comfy! I added one more feature to our electric blanket, it automatically turns itself off during the day.

Watched two “The Good Witch” movies Secrets of Grey House and Spellbound.

  • The Good Witch premiere 2008, Hallmark, Watched
  • The Good Witch Garden, 2009, Hallmark, Watched
  • The Good Witch Gift, 2010, Hallmark, Watched
  • The Good Witch Family, 2011, Hallmark, Watched
  • The Good Witch Charm, 2012, Hallmark, Watched
  • The Good Witch Destiny, 2013, Hallmark, Watched
  • The Good Witch Wonder, 2014, Hallmark, Watched
  • The Good Witch Halloween, 2015 Hallmark, Watched
  • The Good Witch Secrets of Grey House, 2016, Hallmark, Watched
  • The Good Witch Spellbound, 2017, Hallmark, Watched
  • The Good Witch Tale of Two Hearts, 2018, Hallmark
  • The Good Witch Curse from a rose, 2019, Hallmark

Put my nose device on and we headed to bed. My feet need some TLC and my muscles are hurting for some reason.


Didn’t get a lot of rest last night, but I should be able to get in a nap today. Had two boiled eggs for breakfast while I read the news. I took a nap while she went to the gym this morning. We both took a quick shower before heading out to Longhorn’s for lunch. I got my CAT scan accomplished then worked on the back lawn for a little while. (I should have worn sunscreen!)

Had soup for dinner and spent a good while looking at the solar storm hitting the earth this weekend. Band propagation wasn’t too bad this evening. Watched Good Witch Tale of Two hearts, there’s only one movie left.


Heard WW try and get onto the band this morning, but apparently, they abandoned the net today. Talked with my uncle for a good bit, he couldn’t get anything on his radio. I was able to make some local contacts KY and NC, but the longer-range ones were collapsing very quickly. Worked on cleaning off the kitchen table, it gets cluttered pretty quickly. I am getting tired of logging in these Longhorn surveys.

Need to get some more socks, she’s at Target and they should have them. I need a nap, I’m too undecided this morning.

She’s back home frustrated about not being able to find the clothes she wanted at Target. We went to Longhorn’s for Lunch and back home to put her aligners back in. Then back to Lawrenceville to work out the 2nd of June service, then back home to rest. We really need a schedule for these aligners, she cannot go without eating during the day more than four hours. Best thing we’ve come up with is about four hours between the four meals. 7AM, 11AM, 3:30PM, 7:30PM. If we take a little off the 30 minutes after a meal it just might work.

Sunday is going to be interesting. Morning service starts at 11AM so we’ll have to postpone lunch until 12:30 and our snack at 3:30 will probably be more like 4PM.

Sunday, Mother’s Day

No Longhorn’s today, it’s going to be PACKED. I’ll try and talk to mom this morning. My phone is currently on the charger, it was down to 13%. I sent mom a text wishing her a happy Mother’s Day already. I didn’t sleep well last night. We’re still trying to figure out the sleeping and eating arrangements with the Invisalign devices. I think we’ll need to eat four times a day, but she’s thinking only three. Church this morning is at 11, we’ll drive there about 10:30. I’ve already cut up the sweet potatoes for lunch, we’ll add ham and frozen veggies. (I should be able to heat the veggies and cook the sweet potatoes at the same time.) Jessica and Jeff are at a baby shower, so we’ll likely be sitting alone today. WW Net was a bust as the propagation is still bad.

We’re now three weeks waiting for the Estate Taxes to be done. We could owe as much as 7K and as little as $100, I just don’t know. The risky part is that the Estate Lawyers took their fees out of the pre-tax dollars and then didn’t take the taxes out of the IOLTA before giving the remainder to the heirs. (I should have been able to hold it and distribute it myself.)