Week of 27 May 2024

Monday (Memorial Day)

It was raining pretty hard this morning, so I disconnected the radio antennas. The lightning was at a pretty good distance. (I’ve made the mistake of handing RF cables during a lightning storm and just missed getting shocked.) Had egg salad and some breakfast sausages for breakfast along with a couple mini baby ruth bars. I turned off and unplugged the one remaining APC 1300 UPS. It draws about 16W which is only about $1.55 / month. While I was taking a nap, I got to thinking I ought to make a list of things I DON’T like to do.

She misjudged the amount of time it would take to run to the Gym, so we went to Longhorn again today. I cleaned the primary filters in the air conditioner by rinsing them with the hose. I ran the fan for a while to dry them out before engaging the cooling. The humidity of the house got up to 68% which I thought was pretty dramatic. We watched another Teagarden mystery tonight before watching Johnny Carson for laughs.


Checked CF and there were no letters. Checked the news, all garbage. I didn’t log onto WW this morning and I’ve not heard from Paul. We got groceries at Wally World this morning, almost $200.00 worth. Helped make dinner today, beef stew looks pretty good. Worked on Sunday service for about an hour and sent several text messages. We watched Teagarden Mysteries before heading off to bed. Not much accomplished today.

I did manage to treat my toes twice today and remember my medicine. It’s just terribly difficult for me to put medicine on my toes twice a day. The nail fungus never really traveled to the nearby toes and it’s terribly contagious. (It sure likes my big toes though.)

3 days after the first photo, I believe the left toe shows improvement…


Still sending messages back n forth to church Live Stream team. I tested my hotspot and got about 30Mbits with a Slate router which is enough. A mango only got about 3 Mbits LOL. She went off to get a bit of groceries that we missed yesterday, and I tossed messages back n forth along with reading the news.

We ended up going to Longhorn’s for dinner and I had Salmon as usual. The Salmon was horrible, it was way too salty and had a tough skin that couldn’t be easily cut. As it turns out the manager chose to serve the Salmon even though it was not properly prepared. The decision is to move to a different restaurant again, it’s always the food that makes us angry enough to stop coming. The Salmon is $24 for us and there’s no excuse to cook it properly EVERY time. We took a nap upon returning home. Time to start planning for church tonight.

Well the Hot Spot test on the Midweek Zoom did not go very well, I have doubts that this will work on Sunday. But I really need to do this AT the park. No messages on CF from the kids, it’s been a minute since we’ve gotten them.


Did not sleep well last night, mostly my feet were bothering me. The bottoms of my feet are puffy, like I have socks on even when I don’t. I don’t know if my feet are rebelling against the medicine that I got for my toes either. Sent the cash to my friend’s daughters that are in Germany, they come home next week. We worked on our schedules most of the day. Had left over beef stew for lunch. We declined to assist with Bingo tonight. I did manage to cut the grass that had grown so tall that it fell over. We watched Teagarden mysteries again tonight Con a Con.


Slept till 06:30 and talked with my uncle for a bit this morning. Checked the news and for letters on CF. It’s been a minute since we’ve seen letters from the Philippines. We’ve not followed the schedule that we spent hours on yesterday, but that was sort of expected. The Silver Focus is on a slight incline, but the oil level was waay over full. We’ll probably do an oil change tomorrow.

Washed all of the Wife’s masks and four of the hoses. I laid the hoses on the dehumidifier to dry the insides of them.

Three attic (Auto Radiator Fans) got a bit of runtime on them this week. They are powered from the six solar panels on the roof that provide about 17Amps of 12VDC.

Consumption points to Smart Home drawing more power than Air Conditioning.

Garage temp sensor went offline, trying to enable DHT power pin in Software to GPIO16. Had to move the power wire from 3V to D0 (AKA GPIO16) and I can now reset the DHT remotely.


Did not sleep well last night. Slept in until 08:30, changed MY PAY password that expires in a couple of days. Took a shower and put medicine on my toes

Not sure, but I think I am making progress with them.

We had BBQ chicken legs for dinner and figured out how to use the Insta-Pot to steam the veggies. That works really well because the Insta-Pot will not burn the bottom of the pan when it runs out of water.

I went to Public Storage to pick up the equipment for tomorrow. It took four trips to load up the van. I looked over my haul after I got home to make sure I had the things I needed. I pulled out a table and chairs along with some plastic for tomorrows outside service.

We watched the last of the Teagarden mysteries tonight before we headed off to bed.


Woke at 06:10 and checked the weather, It was supposed to rain at 4AM, 7AM, and 10AM. The weather radar showed all the rain was well north of Atlanta. It was overcast, but the clouds were not heavy enough that I was worried. I was in the van ready to drive by 07:00 after loading the few remaining things in the van. Arrived at the park before the others and there were two guys cleaning the park. I managed to get everything onto a furniture moving cart until one of the wheels fell between the sidewalk and all the stuff rolled off in the grass.

The keyboard player showed up just in time to reload the pile back onto the cart and get it under the pavilion. The weather continued to improve throughout the morning, and it was beautiful by the time we packed up the equipment.

I was totally exhausted by the time got home, shower and a nap were about all I could do. We ended up going to Longhorn on Web Gin Road for lunch. I had a steak since I’ve been eating Salmon for several years now. (I was wondering if my body was rebelling against the 14oz of Salmon every week.) I felt pretty incredible Sunday evening, and that’s unusual of late.