Week of 26 Aug 2024

Monday 36/41 KWH

Checked in with the HAM guys and took a shower. We’re working on our list of things to get at the farmer’s market this morning. She got hungry and was asking for something to eat, all I could think of was a “Boost” drink. We want to stop eating M+Ms when she’s hungry! We used to eat Baby Ruth bars, they’ve been sitting in our cupboard for weeks now that she’s got braces.

We made a short list and headed down to the Farmers Market. We brought home some salmon and vegetables among other things. They did have some unique cooking accessories. We bought a 3Qt saucepan to steam potatoes and a colander drain the water out of the noodles. It was interesting that the paper towel rolls were smaller at the Farmer’s Market than at Wally World?

We got a notification of a prescription was ready for pickup at CVS so we stopped by there after getting a gallon of milk at Kroger. It wasn’t the prescription we needed for the MRI so we headed down to our family doctor’s office. (They hadn’t returned our call.) When we got there, we found out that they had gone home early on Friday because someone ran into the building! We got a script for the medicine and picked it up a little later. Calling Emory, they scheduled an appointment for OCTOBER!

She got a notification from OPM that her SSN has appeared on a public website database along with information normally used to verify her identity. The funny part is that when I checked if MY data was also compromised on the public website it WAS! (OPM did not inform me because I listed my home address.)

Urgent: We found a match to your Social Security Number on the dark web. Breached Site:  nationalpublicdata.com While this information doesn’t necessarily mean you are a victim of identity theft, you may be ARE at risk of malicious use of this data.

Leftover Pork tenderloin was for our evening meal. My piece was a little pink so I gave it a couple minutes in the microwave. (We used a thermometer to verify the temperature when we cooked it on Saturday. We did overcook the thinner pieces by the time the thicker piece was up to temperature.)

Gwinnett Amateur Radio club has a Net on 2M at 19:30 that I’ll join, then it’s an evening with my lovely. We’ll have to figure out what’s for din-din tomorrow at some point. Wally World is first thing in the morning tho.

  1. Pick up amplifier from the school!
  2. Repair the brakes on Blue.
  3. Repair radiator on Blue.
  4. Put the Wife’s name on the home
  5. Put the Wife’s name on the van.
  6. Apply for Sr discount on garbage collection.
  7. Apply for school discount on my taxes which have almost doubled.
  8. Update my will and publish.
    Make a list of items on our Wills.
  9. Chair power supply for mom.
  10. Outside Service Power
  11. Put water in UPS batteries.
  12. Get with Paul about supplementing power.
  13. Tell brain doctor about weight drug
  14. Next Appt for Emory
  15. Our Taxes due Oct 15th.
  16. Nevada Taxes overdue.
  17. Reply to IRS letter.
  18. Page for changing hoses and tanks
  19. County tax form
  20. Southeastern Lung care
  21. Recycle electronics
  22. Offering Prayer
  23. Change Oil in the van.
  24. Rebuild Dual Heater Automation.
  25. Buy a plot for the wife.
  26. Find van keys.
  27. Write will for the Wife.
  28. Pull two power wires into the attic.
  29. Advance Medical Directive
  30. Health Care durable power of attorney.
  31. Financial Durable power of attorney.
  32. Buy an outside driveway light.
  33. Buy spare tire for VAN
  34. Relocate back yard camera
  35. NERO license for K computer
  36. Pay for Air Filters, talked to Jim on Thursday.
  37. Pick up air filter at Lowes.
  38. Put $75 out for the mowing service.
  39. TurboTax 2024 due on Oct 15th.
  40. Dispose of disassembled generator
  41. Mount US Flag
  42. repair the gate on the van, it’s the pulldown motor.
  43. Dispose of garage shelves one at a time.
  44. Wait for Pacific Tax Service to call me.
  45. USB Microphone for Echolink.
  46. Electronic recycling.
  47. Move refrigerator batteries from hot garage.
  48. Solid Waste discount
  49. Make EYE Appointment
  50. Find a cigarette lighter plug to use to charge the car batteries.
  51. Social Security (Survivor plans)
  52. Mark’s retirement (Survivor plans)
  53. Baxter retirement (Survivor plans)
  54. Research new smoke/fire/CO detectors.
    Draw fire detector wiring diagram.
  55. Insurance rebate check
  56. Solar attic fan box.
  57. Termite inspection date.
  58. Remove Heat2 Temp and Humidity.
  59. Replace dryer vent with one that closes off the outside air
  60. Add relay to refrigerator UPS to charge from Solar.
  61. Fix Jacoby account
  62. Buy more solar panels in case of NATO WAR.
  63. Change owner of church Public Storage locker.
  64. rebuild Attic fan power switchbox.
  65. Wells Fargo Advisors
  66. Good Will
  67. Hand truck
  68. Fertilize the lawn
  69. Repair the eves on our home
  70. Replace back door of garage
  71. Repair window in garage
  72. Two 8GB Raspberry Pi’s are ordered from Newark Electronics.
  73. Put tape over door seals on Blue.
  74. Research Lawyer for Arizona

Tuesday 27/33/41 KWH

Well, I’m up at 7AM got my shower in and eating scrambled eggs and ham. Wally World went fine cept she didn’t write down the berries that she wanted. (So, we didn’t get them.) The $13 slim fast power we bought at the Farmer’s Market did not have a seal. (I am certain you cannot just buy a powder like this without some kind of product seal.) Wally World doesn’t carry Strawberries and Creme, so we’ll have to go back to the Farmer’s Market OR order it on Amazon. We’re not going to Longhorn’s today for the first time in months. (We always go after we get groceries.) Our car insurance and our county taxes has gotten Ridiculously expensive. She still does not have a good eating routine with her braces. It’s pretty common for her to have a sour taste in her mouth and be irritatingly hungry by 10:30. She cannot chew with her braces in, so she’s been eating M+Ms for weeks. The problem is that I think she has Insulin rebound and low sugar again about two hours after eating lunch. (Because of the sugar)

She met with the girls for their prayer time and then we ate Chili for dinner. It wasn’t a lot of chili and we didn’t have any sides. I really didn’t want to just jump into the car and go to Longhorn’s either. We took a good long nap afterwards. My heartrate was a little high, I need to start wearing my O2 sensors for a while.

We managed to reschedule her MRI appointment in September which is three weeks sooner! They cannot do the scan at the Decatur Hospital Imaging Center because of the type of scan requested.

Finished our evening planning tomorrow and watching Hallmark movies.

Wednesday 24/42/42 KWH

Slept a hard 7 hours last night, we both slept in until 9:30 ish. Checked in with my fellow HAMS on my Radio. I had two hard boiled eggs for breakfast and breakfast sausages with Cran Grape juice. Coffee was good. We took some time and planned dinner, chicken breast with curry sauce over rice. The biggest change was to use corn starch to thicken the watery sauce. It was really good. We did need to steam some vegetables for a balanced meal. (The chicken breasts were HUGE, over three pounds in one package.) I got my retirement check, so I paid some on our CC bill. Paul should be on his way to the Hamfest tomorrow. Shelby Hamfest 2024 – 2024 Shelby Hamfest

Her daily routine with Invisalign braces.

  • Wake Up
  • Take Medicine
  • Wait 30 minutes
  • Remove Braces
  • ~ 07:30 Eat Breakfast
  • Wait 30 minutes
  • Brush, Floss and put braces in
  • Drink 1/2 Boost
  • Make Dinner
  • Remove braces
  • ~ 12:00 Eat Dinner
  • Wait 30 minutes
  • Brush, Floss and put braces in
  • Take a nap
  • Drink 1/2 Boost
  • Make a sandwich
  • Take braces out
  • ~ 17:00 Eat Sandwich
  • Wait 30 minutes
  • Brush, Floss and put braces in
  • Take braces out
  • ~21:00 Eat cheese or yogurt
  • Wait 30 minutes
  • Brush, Floss and put braces in
  • Go to bed
  • Take braces out
  • ~ 03:00 Eat bowl of cereal
  • Wait 15 minutes
  • Brush, Floss and put braces in

It gets to be difficult with all these things to work around every day. Not to mention all the other things that seniors do like Doctor appointments and stuff.

Thursday 24/48/42 KWH

We both didn’t have a great night’s sleep, but it wasn’t terrible. We always struggle on church nights anyway. I made a new daily schedule page for my Daytimer.

I printed this sheet and put it into a pocket Daytimer this morning.

Waterway HAMs are saying the “Skip” is long, meaning we cannot talk between stations close to each other. I cannot hear N4JQQ and normally he’s booming in at 300W. If I am going to be productive today, I’ll have to take a nap first.

Up from my nap, she has drunk two bottles of boost and it’s 10 in the morning? The plan was to eat a large enough breakfast to coast until lunch and drink a boost about 10AM. Dinner was left over chicken and veggies; it was really good. We are needing to discuss these Boost drinks, they are kinda expensive to drink four of them a day.

I am working on a presentation for “generosity”, it’s going very slowly. I need to have a final draft by 7th of September. (8 Days) The good thing is that I am retired and I have time. I closed my Linked-In account today, I should not need that anymore!

I got some medicine for my yeast infection. We’ll have to wait three days to see if it’s working. She left a small glass of Margarita in the fridge that I am going to finish off this morning. Tried my radio and no one answered, it happens… I know that the skip is long, meaning that there is a minimum distance that they can hear me, and that distance is 2,000 miles tonight.

Friday 22/43/40 KWH

We got a recommendation from my monitoring agency. They recommend we take the following proactive steps because of the national public data breach. (The news said that they are an aggregate for data found on the internet that is resold for profit.)
Place a fraud alert on your credit file as soon as possible at Experian.com/fraud or by calling 1-888-397-3742.
Place a freeze on your credit file at all three credit bureaus–Experian®, TransUnion® & Equifax®.
Review your credit report from all three bureaus and report any activity you don’t recognize. Request a copy of your latest credit reports by visiting AnnualCreditReport.com.
Review resources available at the Social Security Administration online by visiting SSA.Gov/Fraud.
Monitor your credit cards and bank accounts and notify your financial institution of any suspicious transactions.
Be on the lookout for phishing texts and phone calls attempting to get sensitive information from you. Avoid clicking links from unknown senders and avoid giving our personal info to someone you do not know.

Up and sipp’n my coffee this morning while I listen to the HAM radio. The new medicine for my yeast infection is a bust, it was really uncomfortable this morning. I’ve gone back to what I had been using and keeping the skin dry as possible.

She planned to have beef stroganoff today, but there’s a Dutch oven with coconut chicken in the fridge that will spoil. It took an hour to decide on eating the coconut chicken today and the beef stroganoff tomorrow. A third meal involves burritos that we’ve been looking for burrito seasoning mix. The recipe she read out to me today says “TACO” seasoning! We waste so much time not having thought through these meals.

Insulated bowl for heating vegetables or leftovers

Lunch as it turns out is Coconut chicken with steamed broccoli and fresh Rice made in our rice maker.

It turns out that I have shingles AGAIN! I went to a “Doc in a box” today for a rash that showed up on the sides of my face. She looked at it and said it was shingles. I had my doubts, and she wasn’t sure. We both knew that this is a holiday weekend so she wrote a script for the shingles medication. CVS sent me a text before I got home that the medication was ready to be picked up. After we got home I realized that there was rash on the side of my back that was starting to bother me. That’s the same place the rash was on the last shingles outbreak. I’m not in any pain since I got the medication early (Just like last time…). My back is warm and my face itches a little, that’s about it. (At least for today.)

Our two cases of “Boost” arrived today. We’ve got over 48 bottles for her to drink when she gets that sour mouth with her braces in. It sure beats her eating M+M’s.

Saturday 26/41/39 KWH

My uncle was unable to drive to the Shelby HAM fest and sell his wares because of his shattered elbow.

Our toilet valve is leaking, they do not last any longer. Why make these valves that last 20 years and only have to purchase once. It makes more money for everyone cep the homeowner if we replace the valve every year. It turns out that I had bought an extra one and it was in the garage waiting for me. Took maybe 5 minutes to pop off the valve and replace it. The bolt holding the tank on was loosened and started leaking, that too was a 5-minute fix.

Day 2 of shingles

The rash is behind my bellybutton on the right side of my back. They are getting more disruptive than yesterday. I am tired, but I am also too uncomfortable to get a good night’s sleep. I have a general “itchiness” but very little pain as of yet. I do have the nerve pain medication from last time if it does start hurting.

I have a new plan to reduce the emotional turmoil of her handicap. The plan is not to question anything she did/does and let her deal with the natural consequences. Where it falls off the chalk board is when she comes asking for help dealing with the consequences. (Which is how I ended up being proactive when I started sniffing a problem was about to rear its ugly head.)

Flypaper still does a great job with the fruit flies/grain moths. Seems like we’re bringing them home every week from Wally World. We’ve not had an infestation since putting one strip in the dining room and another strip in the cupboard.

Neighbors brought dinner tonight, we ate about a third of it.

Watched Hudson & Rex on Faith & Family until we retired.

Sunday 36/41 KWH

We’ve both slightly crippled this morning, I had to take the pain medication last night to get to sleep. I checked in with the HAM radio guys this morning and we went back to bed for an hour. I had 4 eggs and breakfast sausage and then we joined the Zoom church service.

Some while back we noticed that the raisins that were in her oatmeal were MUCH tastier than the raisins in Frosted Raisin Bran boxes. We started just buying Frosted Bran flakes instead and adding Sun Maid raisins to our bowls. After the Kennedy speech, I looked online for an alternative and came up with a Whole Foods product.

We’re taking Senator Kennedy’s advice and trying to eat albeit a little healthier food. Whole Foods had products that are NOT manufactured to make us addicted to eating it. (Companies are using sugar and other ingredients to trigger hunger in our bodies so that they sell more product.) https://www.youtube.com/live/n15oCfLdmXI?feature=shared&t=2074

We had leftovers and steamed veggies for dinner. It started raining so I’m going back down for a nap. Stopped raining but it is still pretty cloudy. My head is also cloudy, I have to work on my Power Point today!