Monday 9 Sept 2024


I am up and she’s made coffee for me this morning. N4JQQ called twice on the HF radio this morning, and no one answered, that’s unusual! I checked into the net and listened out.

I am trying to adjust the cameras so that we get a better picture of these passing cars. The noise is pretty high on the camera sensor, it will take a little more adjusting. In the past I would limit the gain of the sensor, that cut the noise out of the video.

We’ve been struggling with her documenting things in the right place in the large shared Daytimer. She gets very confused as to what goes where. Schedule is for things that we have to do at a specific time and Diary & Work record is things we’ve done. She just stares at it in bewilderment and cannot figure out what to put her task.

Daytimer Schedule page, this is great place for appointments and tasks completed.

The bottom of the page is for tasks that don’t have a specific time to do them.
We don’t use the expense list for anything.

I have a smaller version for my documentation.

Drumsticks, Sweet potatoes and Veggies for Lunch today. Mariel sent us a letter today. One egg and breakfast sausages for breakfast this morning along with Dominican Coffee. Melvin is headed to Kenya on Wednesday. My phone is at 27% charge, and I need a nap.

Received a new battery for one of the three Dell laptops, it fit so I bought another one. (Amazon didn’t have genuine DELL batteries anymore.)

We got our “Whole Foods” order, I didn’t like the auto $5 tip though

Dinner turned out pretty terrific. Steamed veggies, two sweet potatoes cooked in the microwave and 5 oven baked chicken legs that we served in the new Crock Pot.

Pacific Tax service called me today, we’re moving forward!


Got up early and adjusted the camera video settings to best capture a moving vehicle.
(I had to turn off the Digital noise reduction as it created unwanted shadows.)

Color camera is much more difficult to capture a fast-moving car.
(Two adjustments were needed, turn off DNR and reduce the “Sharpening” to 0.)

Back home from getting groceries at Wally World, it was pretty cheap today. They were out of Egland’s Best eggs, so we’ll get them next week. Took a good long nap and then I worked on the estate taxes for quite a while.

Checked the cameras tonight, they look terrific!

I tried to watch the debate, it was horrible to watch. Kamala wasn’t answering the questions, she was just provoking Trump into speeches and then laughing about it.

Time to watch Harry Potter! Ok, maybe bedtime?


It’s 3AM and we both had a bowl of cereal with a bit of coffee while reading up on the debate. I tried to go back to sleep and waiting on the estate taxes is bothering me. The amazing moment was when I learned that the final tax return was actually for all three heirs! I still do not know if we’re talking about any money owed.

We drove to storage to look for 2021 Estate taxes and they were not there. We also looked for Fender Conference amplifiers, which we found 3 more. There are no scripts on Express Scripts that can be filled. Sent an E-Mail to the heirs to have them call the tax service in Nevada. We have a reading for tonight’s service, I need to get on that.

Pill timer caps came in today, we now have eight of them.

This is the church’s storage; These huge tubs have got to go!

Watched the bible project videos with the wife until we needed a nap. Soup for dinner then zoom church services.

I have shingles outbreak AGAIN! (Stress triggered.)

All three heirs have put their names in the hat for the final tax return. Hopefully we’ll get that behind us without much fanfare.


I did not document much about today. I did not get onto my HF radio with the guys this morning. I did call Gwinnett Clinic and there were no appointments available. They did write me in for 3PM and that turned out to be a godsend. I spent most of the day getting ready for the Air Conditioning repairman to arrive. There was a lot of stuff on the floors and tables that needed to be spruced up. He got here around 10AM and everything checked out ok. We spent a little time working on a locking mechanism for his truck and then we ate lunch. I spent the afternoon running shotgun for getting ready for the Women’s Retreat. We went to Gwinnett clinic about 3 and they confirmed that I had shingles. A prescription was sent to the drugstore, and we picked that up an hour later. I broke my pill bottle timer by trying to remove the safety ring and got Liquid Crystal on my bottles! It took another half hour to clean up the mess. (I am hoping that none of it got onto my pills.)

Watched Hudson & Rex on Faith & Family until we retired.


The bands were horrible this morning, so I didn’t check in with the HF guys today either. I put the garbage can out for pickup and then walked out when he came by.

I usually meet him and say good morning!

I worked on the Women’s retreat for a while. I also spent a little time working this Blog while eating a few breakfast sausages.

I dug up my old “Time Matrix” and modified it for myself. The hard part in this blog is that the time matrix is a “Picture” that is stored as “Media” and it keeps every copy.

Dinner was a sheet pan dinner with chicken legs, apples and brussels sprouts.

When I was a newbie Christian we were told that we are only caretakers of what we have because at the end of the day everything belongs to God. I believe that we have a modest home.

1Jn 3:17  If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? 

Mat 6:19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 3:10-11 – “What should we do, then?” the crowd asked. John (the Baptist) answered, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.” Proverbs 11:24-25 – One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

Matthew 6:2-4So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. If you’ve not done it, you could try paying for the meal/toll for the car behind you. You might find it very entertaining for the entire family. It’s pretty easy to give a card or to palm a gift to someone in silence that cannot be easily seen by others.

It’s a little more difficult to know how to meet the needs of the people holding their signs on the roadways. Jesus taught us in “Luke 6:30Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.” I’ve given cash gifts and had discussions with others about is that helping them or just enabling their self-destructive behavior.  We’re also taught not to judge others in Mat 7:1  “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. Mat 7:2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. I’ve bought many things if the request was specific.


It’s been a difficult morning. Our meals are up in the air and her knee is hurting. She is not following the meal schedule for her Invisalign braces.

We’re at Eastside Hospital Xray her knee, it has been getting painful to move after sitting for a while. Degenerative arthritis in her knee, they gave her crutches. That is one more chink in her driving ability.

I am getting very hungry, I’ve not eaten today. We went to Longhorn for dinner, it’s been three weeks since we went there. JJ did a good job, the steak was cooked correctly, and the chicken was tender. They didn’t have Modelo Especial beer though. I am seriously considering boycotting Longhorn and my shot of whisky until they bring it back.

Back home, we both needed a good long nap and to relax watching Hudson & Rex on Faith & Family until we retired.


Woke up at 7:30 in time to check in with the guys on my HF radio. Spent a good part of the morning digging up details for the Women’s retreat. I made some drawings and purchased some equipment that will be needed for the training session on Saturday. I picked up one K10 floor monitor, I looked up the monitor on Guitar Center and they no longer sell them. Truth is that they are not very good speakers, but they work. Fidelity is something that has a diminishing return and we use them very infrequently. We do not know how many microphones we have for the Women’s retreat, and I’ve asked.

We drove to CVS and picked up her prescription this afternoon. I spent two hours talk to L about Women’s Retreat, I didn’t get very far. I didn’t much left after that so we watched Hudson & Rex on Faith & Family until we retired.