18 Sep 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies. We ventured out to get our hair cut for the first time in months and got groceries today.

Read something: No matter how loud they shouted, many Soviet citizens thought such exercises (in free speech) absurd. But they hid their real thoughts because speaking (Out) honestly (in a crowd) was dangerous. The Soviet dictatorship created a fear society that failed the “town square test”—can EVERYONE express themselves freely, publicly, without fear of punishment? Can we speak freely without checking for a BLM protestor confronting us wherever we are? Can we have a sign like Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter in our yards without fearing damage to our homes? Three-warning-signs-of-ideological-totalitarianism

Ballet hasn’t been mailed yet
Actually ventured out an bought groceries today!

Plans: Let the NodeMCU’s and the dehumidifier run until September.

  • 08:00 Slept in, sipp’n coffee.
  • 09:00 Going to the store for the first time in MONTHS!
  • 10:00 Putting away groceries and getting organized
  • 11:00 Blogging.
  • 12:00 Nap
  • 14:00 Running Generators #4 and #5, changed oil in #4.
  • 16:00 Reading news
  • 17:00 Dinner
  • 18:00 Watching movie challenger disaster.
  • 21:00 bed.

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC

NodeMCU Status: Our air conditioner is limping with a oil logged evaporator until we replace the unit in October. The thermostat is also limping along because of leaking batteries. I’m using these NodeMCU’s to measure the temperature and humidity throughout the house and turn on / off the power to the thermostat.

Inside this 4″ fake plant is a NodeMCU that wirelessly transmits the readings of the two DHT22 sensors sticking out of it. The NodeMCU produces about .5W of heat so it’s under about 2″ of Styrofoam holding the plant in place. In still air I’ve noticed that the temperature readings are about 1 degree high. I thought about ways of moving the air or moving the NodeMCU to a box away from the sensors. In the end I can easily compensate for the additional heat by adjusting the set points. The best idea I had otherwise was to put a fan directly underneath the plant blowing air up into the leaves. One thing I did learn was that I can easily adjust the “Mass” of the sensor by moving the sensors in/out of the bush.

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know. I saw an ad for @free99fridge in the newspaper that I thought was cool enough to contribute too. I also got a message from ChildFund (AKA Christian’s children fund) that asked if I would answer a survey yesterday. When I called up the survey I was appalled to learn that people were dropping their sponsorships. When I decided to sponsor a child I thought about the long term, until they were 18. If I thought my financial position could be compromised so that I couldn’t support $36 a month, I would not have agreed to the sponsorship. $432 / year is not very much money to an American, we probably spend more than that on Coffee and Cigarettes. In my case, we give CF an extra $14/month to support the child’s community. We also give an extra $50 / month to the child which has normally been shared with the family.

The only other issue I have with ChildFund is their upper level management walks away with over $1M/Year in salaries of our gifts.

We picked up an additional sponsored child today. We should be able to support for 6 years until they turn 18.

Tomorrow: Saturday.

Retirement: Need to build a budget, are spending is too close to our income. Back to shopping for groceries in person, 800/Month is TOO much on a retired budget.

Project Engineering: Hiding our temp sensors inside fake plants.



Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

Family News: Mom’s in the hospital.


  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have collapsed, no more potato chips!

Travel: Florida travel looks within reach.

Taxes: Waiting on Land taxes.

Pi News: I’ve been working with “Home Assistant” software, the Pi’s themselves are in good shape.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

17 Sep 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies. We ventured out to get our hair cut for the first time in months yesterday.

Read something: No matter how loud they shouted, many Soviet citizens thought such exercises (in free speech) absurd. But they hid their real thoughts because speaking (Out) honestly (in a crowd) was dangerous. The Soviet dictatorship created a fear society that failed the “town square test”—can EVERYONE express themselves freely, publicly, without fear of punishment? Can we speak freely without checking for a BLM protestor confronting us wherever we are? Can we have a sign like Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter in our yards without fearing damage to our homes? Three-warning-signs-of-ideological-totalitarianism

Ballet hasn’t been mailed yet
Virus Counts still falling.
Rain headed our way, it will be here most of the day today.

Plans: Let the NodeMCU’s and the dehumidifier run until September.

  • 00:00 Blogging.
  • 04:00 Building temp sensor plant, I put the plant on the dining room table.
  • 06:00 Moved the plant next to the buffet.
  • 08:00 Slept in, sipp’n coffee.
  • 09:00 Shower and getting ready for a Dr. Appt.
  • 10:00 Dr. Appointment
  • 12:00 Back home, eating lunch.
  • 13:00 Thinking about a nap.
  • 15:00 Getting organized.
  • 16:00 Not happy about the temp sensor being a whole degree warmer.
    • Moved the temp sensor away from the buffet and all the mass on top of it.
  • 17:00 Taco’s for dinner.

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC

NodeMCU Status: Our air conditioner is limping with a oil logged evaporator until we replace the unit in October. The thermostat is also limping along because of leaking batteries. I’m using these NodeMCU’s to measure the temperature and humidity throughout the house and turn on / off the power to the thermostat.

Inside this 4″ fake plant is a NodeMCU that wirelessly transmits the readings of the two DHT22 sensors sticking out of it. The NodeMCU produces about .5W of heat so it’s under about 2″ of Styrofoam holding the plant in place. The rather thick clay compressed paper pot should dissipate the heat without adversely affecting the temperature.

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know. I got a message from ChildFund (Christian’s children fund) that asked if I would answer a survey yesterday. When I called up the survey I was appalled to learn that people were dropping their sponsorships. When I decided to sponsor a child I thought about the long term, until they were 18. If I thought my financial position could be compromised so that I couldn’t support $36 a month, I would not have agreed to the sponsorship. $432 / year is not very much money to an American, we probably spend more than that on Coffee and Cigarettes. In my case, we give CF an extra $14/month to support the child’s community. We also give an extra $50 / month to the child which has normally been shared with the family.

Would we consider picking up a dropped child from the program? I hadn’t thought about adding a second child, in my mind, as seniors on a fixed income, we were doing our part at roughly $1,500/Year. $3000/Year is beyond our budget. But that is an inflated amount based on our current sponsorship. They also asked if I’d be willing to pick up a sponsorship at a reduced rate? That never crossed our minds either.

So here’s the decision before us, it is very likely that CF will send me an E-Mail asking if I would pick up an additional sponsorship. My plans are to consider their offer even though we’re seniors on a fixed budget. Until then we’ll make contributions to their “Where Needed Most” fund.

Tomorrow: Friday

Retirement: Need to build a budget, are spending is too close to our income. Back to shopping for groceries in person, 800/Month is TOO much on a retired budget.

Project Engineering: Hiding our temp sensors inside fake plants.



Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

Family News: Mom’s in the hospital.

Arts: Watched the movie The Social Dilemma which discusses how the social networks are using our humanism against us to make money. In the process of making tons of money they are unraveling democratic societies around the world.

  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have collapsed, no more potato chips!

Travel: Florida travel looks within reach.

Taxes: Waiting on Land taxes.

Pi News: I’ve been working with “Home Assistant” software, the Pi’s themselves are in good shape.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

16 Sep 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies. We ventured out to get our hair cut for the first time in months.

Read something: No matter how loud they shouted, many Soviet citizens thought such exercises (in free speech) absurd. But they hid their real thoughts because speaking (Out) honestly (in a crowd) was dangerous. The Soviet dictatorship created a fear society that failed the “town square test”—can EVERYONE express themselves freely, publicly, without fear of punishment? Can we speak freely without checking for a BLM protestor confronting us wherever we are? Can we have a sign like Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter in our yards without fearing damage to our homes? Three-warning-signs-of-ideological-totalitarianism

Ballet hasn’t been mailed yet
Virus Counts still falling.
Rain headed our way, it will be here late tomorrow.

Plans: Let the NodeMCU’s and the dehumidifier run until September.

  • 08:00 Breakfast with the wife
  • 09:00 Assessing all the changes I made to the Home Automation.
    • We’ve opened up the windows, it’s cool (Although not dry) outside.
  • 10:00 Blogging, and running Generator #3 for an hour.
  • 11:00 Generator oil checked and put away. Changed Gen#2 Oil.
  • 12:00 Looking for a lost check.
  • 14:00 Delivered a roll of toilet paper.
  • 15:00 Catching up on the rioting.
  • 16:00 ChildFund Network is loosing sponsors.
  • 17:00 Dinner
  • 18:00 Get ready for church.
  • 21:00 Bed Time

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC

NodeMCU Status: Our air conditioner is limping with a oil logged evaporator until we replace the unit in October. The thermostat is also limping along because of leaking batteries. I’m using these NodeMCU’s to measure the temperature and humidity throughout the house and turn on / off the power to the thermostat.

Inside this fake plant is a NodeMCU that wirelessly transmits the readings of the two DHT22 sensors sticking out of it. Even with all the care that I put into this Temp Sensor project there are still unknowns. (Like why the left side of the sensor is a whole degree warmer than the right side.)

I do not know why it is so difficult to achieve 50% humidity throughout the day. The humidifier cannot keep up even though it is large and the house is small?

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know.

Tomorrow: Thursday.

Retirement: Need to build a budget, are spending is too close to our income.

Project Engineering: Hiding our temp sensors inside fake plants.



Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

Family News: Mom’s in the hospital.

Arts: Watched the movie The Social Dilemma which discusses how the social networks are using our humanism against us to make money. In the process of making tons of money they are unraveling democratic societies around the world.

  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have collapsed, no more potato chips!

Travel: Florida travel looks within reach.

Taxes: Waiting on Land taxes.

Pi News: I’ve been working with “Home Assistant” software, the Pi’s themselves are in good shape.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

15 Sep 2020, a day in progress

Read something interesting: No matter how loud they shouted, many Soviet citizens thought such exercises (in free speech) absurd. But they hid their real thoughts because speaking (Out) honestly (in a crowd) was dangerous. The Soviet dictatorship created a fear society that failed the “town square test”—can everyone express themselves freely, publicly, without fear of punishment? Can we speak freely without checking for a BLM protestor confronting us wherever we are? Can we have a sign like Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter in our yards without fearing damage to our homes? Three-warning-signs-of-ideological-totalitarianism

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies..

Ballet hasn’t been mailed yet

Plans: Let the NodeMCU’s and the dehumidifier run until September.

  • 08:00 Breakfast with the wife
  • 09:00 Modifying Home Assistant to use the new temp sensor bush.
  • 10:00 Assist putting groceries away.
  • 11:00 Haircut!
  • 12:00 blogging and lunch.
  • 13:00 research hurricane and blogging.
  • 14:00 Nap
  • 15:30 Getting organized.
  • 16:00 Got gas for Kathy.
  • 17:00 Dinner, called mom.
  • 18:00 Watching a movie about the negative affects of Social Media.

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC

NodeMCU Status: Our air conditioner is limping with a oil logged evaporator until we replace the unit in October. The thermostat is also limping along because of leaking batteries. I’m using these NodeMCU’s to measure the temperature and humidity throughout the house and turn on / off the power to the thermostat.

Inside this fake plant is a NodeMCU that wirelessly transmits the readings of the two sensors sticking out of it. Even with all the care that I’ve put into this Temp Sensor project there are still unknowns. (Like why the left side of the sensor is a whole degree warmer than the right side.)

I do not know why it is so difficult to achieve 50% humidity throughout the day. The humidifier cannot keep up even though it is large and the house is small?

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know.

Tomorrow: Wednesday.

Retirement: Need to build a budget, are spending is too close to our income.

Project Engineering:



Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

Family News: Mom’s in the hospital.


  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have collapsed, no more potato chips!

Travel: Florida travel looks within reach.

Taxes: Waiting on Land taxes.

Pi News: I’ve been working with “Home Assistant” software, the Pi’s themselves are in good shape.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

14 Sep 2020, a day in progress

Read something interesting: No matter how loud they shouted, many Soviet citizens thought such exercises (in free speech) absurd. But they hid their real thoughts because speaking (Out) honestly (in a crowd) was dangerous. The Soviet dictatorship created a fear society that failed the “town square test”—can everyone express themselves freely, publicly, without fear of punishment? Can we speak freely without checking for a BLM protestor confronting us wherever we are? Can we have a sign like Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter in our yards without fearing damage to our homes? Three-warning-signs-of-ideological-totalitarianism

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies..

Ballet hasn’t been mailed yet

Plans: Let the NodeMCU’s and the dehumidifier run until September.

  • 08:00 Breakfast with the wife
  • 09:00 Modifying Flower Pot temp sensor (Sensors not agreeing)
  • 10:00 Repairing camera DVR, it hasn’t worked for a week.
  • 11:00 Looking for a light bulb that was delivered on Friday.
  • 12:00 Eating ham sandwich and blogging.
  • 13:00 Nap Time
  • 15:00 Working on Flower Pot Temp Sensor.
  • 16:00 Watching National Treasure, working on FPTS.
  • 17:00 Helping mom with dinner, testing FPTS.
  • 18:00 Blogging.
  • 21:00 Bed

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC

NodeMCU Status: Our air conditioner is limping with a oil logged evaporator until we replace the unit in October. The thermostat is also limping along because of leaking batteries. I’m using these NodeMCU’s to measure the temperature and humidity throughout the house and turn on / off the power to the thermostat.

Putting this NodeMCU sensor in the flower pot turned out to be two days work.

The first problem was the NodeMCU was pretty big compared to the pot so I had to cut the Styrofoam at an angle to give it some room. Second problem was the DHT22’s were pretty long, i shortened them slightly by cutting off the end of the sensor so they would fit in the cup underneath the bush..

After I had assembled the sensor the NodeMCU produced enough heat even in the bottom of the pot to change the temperature of the sensors. I moved the sensors to the edge of the leaves to make them more accurate. (Looked a little like ears on a bush LOL.)

Powering the NodeMCU was also a difficult challenge since the microUSB connector was at the end of the device. I didn’t want the connectors hanging out of the pot underneath the bush. It took me half a day to decide on using five feet of 24AWG CAT-5 wire powered from an old 1A 5V power supply that came off of a camera. I wrapped the CAT-5 wire around the NodeMCU pins to make the connection. I bent the pins 30 degrees toward the center of the NodeMCU to reduce the height requirement. It also became obvious to invert the NodeMCU in the pot, although that wasn’t preferred because of the wireless antenna was on the top of the NodeMCU. I had already decided against having the NodeMCU lay flat against the bottom since I had dropout problems with that position.

To reduce the height of the DHT ears on the bush I cut a hole into the supporting structure. That allowed the DHT to protrude into the cup at the base of the bush. You can see the brown/white power wire draping from the bush from the back of the pot. Since I damaged the Styrofoam, the arrangement had to be held down with a strap of wire to the bottom.

Even with all the care that I’ve put into this project there are still unknowns. (Like why the left side of the sensor is a whole degree warmer than the right side.)

If I put a fan on the sensor, the readings match!

I took the 1st humidifier back because it was AWFULLY NOISY even on low. I thought about getting a smaller one, but even this large one was running constantly! The 2nd one is much quieter, but it amazed me that “Low Speed” is not that much lower or less noisy?

I do not know why it is so difficult to achieve 50% humidity throughout the day. The humidifier cannot keep up even though it is large and the house is small?

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know.

Tomorrow: Tuesday.

Retirement: Need to build a budget, are spending is too close to our income.

Project Engineering:



Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

Family News: Mom’s in the hospital.


  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have collapsed, no more potato chips!

Travel: Florida travel looks within reach.

Taxes: Waiting on Land taxes.

Pi News: I’ve been working with “Home Assistant” software, the Pi’s themselves are in good shape.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

13 Sep 2020, a day in progress

Read something interesting: No matter how loud they shouted, many Soviet citizens thought such exercises (in free speech) absurd. But they hid their real thoughts because speaking (Out) honestly (in a crowd) was dangerous. The Soviet dictatorship created a fear society that failed the “town square test”—can everyone express themselves freely, publicly, without fear of punishment? Can we speak freely without checking for a BLM protestor confronting us wherever we are? Can we have a sign like Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter in our yards without fearing damage to our homes? Three-warning-signs-of-ideological-totalitarianism

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies..

Ballet hasn’t been mailed yet

Plans: Let the NodeMCU’s and the dehumidifier run until September.

  • 08:00 Breakfast with the wife
  • 09:00 Getting ready for services.
  • 10:00 Sunday Zoom
  • 11:00 Set attic temp sensor to not run all night long.
  • 12:00 Blogging.
  • 13:00 Worked on my flower pot temp sensor.
  • 17:00 Dinner
  • 18:00 Disabled Solar power for the bench (It chattered.)
  • 19:00 Working on my flower pot temp sensor
  • 21:00 Bed.

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC

NodeMCU Status: Our air conditioner is limping with a oil logged evaporator until we replace the unit in October. The thermostat is also limping along because of leaking batteries. I’m using these NodeMCU’s to measure the temperature and humidity throughout the house and turn on / off the power to the thermostat.

I’ve come up with a place to “Hide” the Temp Sensor for the Home Automation Software.

Memories from the last time I did this in 1985 has helped me build a new thermostat system for the air conditioner. In 1985 the temp sensors were in the ceiling and I had to account for the stratifying increase in air temperatures when the air was still (Nighttime). So it’s “Better” to have the thermostat in the middle between the floor and the ceiling.

It is better if the thermostat is NOT near a vent supplying heat/cold into the room, it artificially exaggerates the temperature changes to the entire room. I have also struggled with having the sensor on a wall that has heat/cold sources which can sway the temperature readings significantly.

The new plan is to have the above planter in a room away from the vent and in an open part of the room to provide the most accurate reading I can. I plan on using the Styrofoam to keep the heat from the NodeMCU from affecting the temp sensors. It will also all the NodeMCU to be vertical which will allow better wireless connectivity.

I took the 1st humidifier back because it was AWFULLY NOISY even on low. I thought about getting a smaller one, but even this large one was running constantly! The 2nd one is much quieter, but it amazed me that “Low Speed” is not that much lower or less noisy?

I was not prepared for the complexity of having a humidifier in our home. First and foremost I cannot imagine not having one from this point forward. It took me two days to bring the humidity down to 50% from about 60%RH. The air conditioner cannot not keep the humidity around 55% on it’s own and there is a HUGE comfort factor when the humidity is changed to 50%. I tried for several days to get it down to 40%, but that cost me several dollars/day and was a fleeting effort.

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know.

Tomorrow: Monday.

Retirement: Need to build a budget, are spending is too close to our income.

Project Engineering:



Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

Family News: Mom’s in the hospital.


  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have collapsed, no more potato chips!

Travel: Florida travel looks within reach.

Taxes: Waiting on Land taxes.

Pi News: I’ve been working with “Home Assistant” software, the Pi’s themselves are in good shape.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

12 Sep 2020, a day in progress

Read something interesting: No matter how loud they shouted, many Soviet citizens thought such exercises (in free speech) absurd. But they hid their real thoughts because speaking (Out) honestly (in a crowd) was dangerous. The Soviet dictatorship created a fear society that failed the “town square test”—can everyone express themselves freely, publicly, without fear of punishment? Can we speak freely without checking for a BLM protestor confronting us wherever we are? Can we have a sign like Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter in our yards without fearing damage to our homes? Three-warning-signs-of-ideological-totalitarianism

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies..

Ballet hasn’t been mailed yet

I ventured out yesterday, went to a big box store for the first time in weeks!

Plans: Let the NodeMCU’s and the dehumidifier run until September.

  • 07:00 Breakfast with the wife
  • 08:00 Forgot to put out the recycling last night, will discard it in the trash.
  • 09:00 Reading the news, Blogging. Virus risk in Gwinnett is dropping every day!
  • 10:00 Reading the temperatures on dehumidifier coils.
  • 11:00 Writing E-Mail and blogging.
  • 12:00 Nap
  • 14:00 Working on the attic fan relay.
  • 16:00 Large Salad, then dinner
  • 18:00 Watched an old war movie about attacking Germany across the bridges.
  • 21:00 Bed.

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC

NodeMCU Status: Our air conditioner is limping with a oil logged evaporator until we replace the unit in October. The thermostat is also limping along because of leaking batteries. I’m using these NodeMCU’s to measure the temperature and humidity throughout the house and turn on / off the power to the thermostat.

Attic Fan Relay

I am ready to install the attic fan relay. I need a better 5V power supply, but this one will work until I find one. I am also a little leery of the breadboard surviving the attic heat, but I may need to make other changes that will be easier with the breadboard. The temp sensor is attached to the lid, I will likely have to remote that to the outside of the box at some point.

Temperature sensor inside electrical box

I set two demarks, the first being that the sun is shaded by the trees about 4 in the afternoon. (Turn on the fan to cool attic) The second is to turn on the fan at 115 Degrees because it can maintain the temp at or below for a good 30 minutes.

2nd Dehumidifier, although the first one appears to be ok.

I took the 1st humidifier back because it was AWFULLY NOISY even on low. The 2nd one is much quieter, but it amazed me that “Low Speed” is not that much lower or less noisy?

I ran the dehumidifier at 40% most of the evening and this morning, to my amazement I didn’t make much progress towards that goal. (Keep in mind this is a SMALL 1200SqFt house!) This morning I lowered the fan speed on the air conditioner and it was a much cleaner slope towards 45%. (The air conditioner cycling off didn’t raise the humidity every time it stopped.) Also there may have been ground gained yesterday from removing the humidity out of the house contents. (I don’t have a way of measuring how much water is stored in the furniture.)

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know.

Tomorrow: Saturday

Retirement: Need to build a budget, are spending is too close to our income.

Project Engineering:



Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

Family News: Mom’s in the hospital.


  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have collapsed, no more potato chips!

Travel: Florida travel looks within reach.

Taxes: Mail Them!

Pi News: I’ve been working with “Home Assistant” software, the Pi’s themselves are in good shape.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

11 Sep 2020, a day in progress

Read something interesting: No matter how loud they shouted, many Soviet citizens thought such exercises (in free speech) absurd. But they hid their real thoughts because speaking (Out) honestly (in a crowd) was dangerous. The Soviet dictatorship created a fear society that failed the “town square test”—can everyone express themselves freely, publicly, without fear of punishment? Can we speak freely without checking for a BLM protestor confronting us wherever we are? Can we have a sign like Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter in our yards without fearing damage to our homes? Three-warning-signs-of-ideological-totalitarianism

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies..

Ballet hasn’t been mailed yet

I ventured out yesterday, went to a big box store for the first time in weeks!

Plans: Let the NodeMCU’s and the dehumidifier run until September.

  • 07:00 Breakfast with the wife
  • 08:00 Forgot to put out the recycling last night, will discard it in the trash.
  • 09:00 Reading the news, Blogging. Virus risk in Gwinnett is dropping every day!
  • 10:00 Reading the temperatures on dehumidifier coils.
  • 11:00 Writing E-Mail and blogging.
  • 12:00 Nap
  • 14:00 Working on the attic fan relay.
  • 16:00 Large Salad, then dinner
  • 18:00 Watched an old war movie about attacking Germany across the bridges.
  • 21:00 Bed.

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC

NodeMCU Status: Our air conditioner is limping with a oil logged evaporator until we replace the unit in October. The thermostat is also limping along because of leaking batteries. I’m using these NodeMCU’s to measure the temperature and humidity throughout the house and turn on / off the power to the thermostat.

2nd Dehumidifier, although the first one appears to be ok.

I took the 1st humidifier back because it was AWFULLY NOISY even on low. The 2nd one is much quieter, but it amazed me that “Low Speed” is not that much less noisy?

I ran the dehumidifier at 40% most of the evening and this morning, to my amazement I didn’t make much progress towards that goal. (Keep in mind this is a SMALL 1200SqFt house!) This morning I lowered the fan speed on the air conditioner and it was a much cleaner slope towards 45%. (The air conditioner cycling off didn’t raise the humidity every time it stopped.) Also there may have been ground gained yesterday from removing the humidity out of the house contents. (I don’t have a way of measuring how much water is stored in the furniture.)

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know.

Tomorrow: Saturday

Retirement: Need to build a budget, are spending is too close to our income.

Project Engineering:



Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

Family News: Mom’s in the hospital.


  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have collapsed, no more potato chips!

Travel: Florida travel looks within reach.

Taxes: Mail Them!

Pi News: I’ve been working with “Home Assistant” software, the Pi’s themselves are in good shape.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

10 Sep 2020, a day in progress

Read something interesting: No matter how loud they shouted, many Soviet citizens thought such exercises (in free speech) absurd. But they hid their real thoughts because speaking (Out) honestly (in a crowd) was dangerous. The Soviet dictatorship created a fear society that failed the “town square test”—can everyone express themselves freely, publicly, without fear of punishment? Can we speak freely without checking for a BLM protestor confronting us wherever we are? Can we have a sign like Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter in our yards without fearing damage to our homes? Three-warning-signs-of-ideological-totalitarianism

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies..

Ballet hasn’t been mailed yet

Virus cases in Gwinnett County dropping quickly!

Plans: Let the NodeMCU’s and the dehumidifier run until September.

  • 07:00 Breakfast with the wife
  • 08:00 Walked down the block and back.
  • 09:00 Updated my blog and checked the news.
  • 10:00 Adjusted the NodeMCU programming.
  • 11:00 Nap
  • 12:00 Lunch and looked for ornaments for the NodeMCU’s
  • 13:00 Nap and checked the news.
  • 14:00 Swapped out the Dehumidifier at Lowes. I am not sure it was bad.
  • 15:00 Back from Lowes, new unit is quieter. Still though I just don’t know.
  • 16:00 The dehumidifier is just not as quiet as I had hoped, but I am keeping it.
  • 17:00 Ok, start something new.

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC

NodeMCU Status: Our air conditioner is limping with a oil logged evaporator until we replace the unit in October. The thermostat is also limping along because of leaking batteries. I’m using these NodeMCU’s to measure the temperature and humidity throughout the house and turn on / off the power to the thermostat.

Making my 2nd high amperage relay. The NodeMCu closes a 5v relay and it connects the line voltage to the coil of the 2nd relay. The AC relay was chosen to reduce the low voltage power needed to switch the large current motor on / off.

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know.

Tomorrow: Friday

Retirement: Need to build a budget, are spending is too close to our income.

Project Engineering:



Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

Family News: Mom’s in a rehab center, hopefully she’ll get home soon.


  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have collapsed, no more potato chips!

Travel: Florida travel looks within reach.

Taxes: Mail Them!

Pi News: I’ve been working with “Home Assistant” software, the Pi’s themselves are in good shape.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To

9 Sep 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies..

Ballet hasn’t been mailed yet

Virus cases in Gwinnett County dropping quickly!

Plans: Let the NodeMCU’s and the dehumidifier run until September.

  • 07:00 Breakfast with the wife
  • 08:00 Catching up on the news
  • 09:00 Blogging and checking the Node MCU
  • 10:00 Planning….
  • 12:00 Nap
  • 14:00 Homework for church tonight.
  • 17:00 Dinner
  • 18:00 Mow the back yard
  • 19:30 Church
  • 21:00 Bed

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC

NodeMCU Status: Our air conditioner is limping with a oil logged evaporator until we replace the unit in October. The thermostat is also limping along because of leaking batteries. I’m using these NodeMCU’s to measure the temperature and humidity throughout the house and turn on / off the power to the thermostat.

I need a nice looking ornament to put this thermostat in? It is not very big, although it does have two antenna that need to stick out.

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know.

Read something today: No matter how loud they shouted, many Soviet citizens thought such exercises absurd. But they hid their real thoughts because speaking honestly was dangerous. The Soviet dictatorship created a fear society that failed the “town square test”—can everyone express themselves freely, publicly, without fear of punishment? Can we speak freely without checking for a BLM protestor confronting us wherever we are? three-warning-signs-of-ideological-totalitarianism

Tomorrow: Thursday

Retirement: Need to build a budget, are spending is too close to our income.

Project Engineering:



Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

Family News: Mom’s in a rehab center, hopefully she’ll get home soon.


  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have collapsed, no more potato chips!

Travel: Florida travel looks within reach.

Taxes: Mail Them!

Pi News: I’ve been working with “Home Assistant” software, the Pi’s themselves are in good shape.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To