8 Oct 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.

“If we wish to establish racial equality or gender equality, or equality in any social structure — acknowledge that we can’t pick and choose who gets to be a part of the equality equation. As a humanitarian, before any label that I associate with myself; I hope we recognize that we can only resolve our issues through respect and humility. Through recognizing that it’s not okay to simply “demand” respect whilst belittling an entire culture.” medium.com/in-defence-of-white-people

POTUS has COVID-19, he’s 74 and overweight… Vulnerable!

Finally Got them!

Plans: Let the NodeMCU’s and the dehumidifier run until 13 October.

  • 01:00 Blogging.
  • 07:00 Eating breakfast and making plans
  • 08:00 Nap
  • 09:00 Oil Change Silver
  • 13:00 Lunch and making plans for voting.
  • 14:00 reading the news
  • 16:00 Dinner
  • 17:00 Working on thermostat relays
  • 18:00 Watching a movie about Holmes’s daughter
  • 21:00 Bed

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC


NodeMCU Status: Our air conditioner is limping with a oil logged evaporator until we replace the unit on 13 October. The thermostat is also limping along because of leaking batteries. I’m using these NodeMCU’s to measure the temperature and humidity throughout the house and turn on / off the power to the thermostat.

Thermostat wiring box and relay box.

A new challenge, two thermostats and the one NodeMCU. Looks like this is easier than I thought. The thermostats *8 wires are “Open” except for the Red wire (Power),the Blue wire (Common) and there’s something about the Orange wire (Reversing Valve) it appears to be normally closed to the Red wire. That means is that I can parallel all the wires between the two thermostats except for (Red) and (Orange). Two relays for red, two relays for Orange, Four relays for Cool, High, Fan and Fresh Air.

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know.

Tomorrow: Friday

Retirement: Need to build a budget, are spending is too close to our income. Back to shopping for groceries in person, 800/Month is TOO much on a retired budget.

Project Engineering:

Purchases: Looked for plastic lawn chairs, insanely expensive $250 and up!


Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

Family News: Mom’s in the hospital again.


  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have collapsed, no more potato chips!

Travel: Florida travel looks within reach.

Taxes: 2K tax bill that needs to be paid by Dec.

Pi News:

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To