2 June 2019, a day in progress.

I slept much better last night having a CPAP even if it’s my spare. I was too tired to even go out to eat so we had cereal and oatmeal for dinner. (We did have a huge lunch.)

Finding a horizontal space to work takes a little effort

The bathrooms and their bedroom are fairly clear of clutter and clean. The sewing room is pretty cluttered, but would not take a whole lot of effort to support someone sleeping here.

Sewing room/Guest Bedroom

My boss gave me the option of staying a few extra days so it’s time to organize our last days here. I don’t have the expertise to change the valve in the swamp cooler or repair the air conditioner on the toy hauler. I have not been given permission to fix Dad’s wireless so we are using my T-Mobile hotspot that costs about $40/Month for Internet. (He says the wireless password is on his password sheets, I couldn’t get it to work the first few days I was here.) I tried logging on to his router, but the router refused the connection. (It says it is not finished setup. It requires a hard reset on the unit and start the setup process from the beginning.) He has an Amazon Echo, but without access to the wireless, I can’t work on that either.

When I got to this stage with my Mother, I setup cameras on the outside areas of my Mom’s farm with remote access from Atlanta to manage the cameras and recordings. It allowed us to see if they are home (Cars in the driveway) and to look for them if they didn’t answer the phone for an extended time.

There are a few eggs left and I’ve got over half a box of instant oatmeal. K is running low on Soy milk and strawberry mini wheats so we’ll have to make a trip to the store by Monday. We cleaned the coffee pot as best we could when we got here and have been making Dominican coffee every day using Dad’s machine.

House Fridge

I am thinking I can make some headway on the front area of the garage where the bed is. I can clean out the fridge in the garage of all the expired stuff in an hour or less. I did fill his tank sprayer with fluid to kill off the grass, but not had the time to drag it across his yard. I started trying to clear out some space in the garage pull-out couch, but like everywhere else, it is a pile of stuff with no home.

The hardest part when I cleared my mom’s farm is sorting things. What stuff is needed to maintain the property. What stuff does she not want to let go of and we can find space to keep. What on this property is still valuable enough to try and sell for the estate. Who is going to sell it? What is the condition? What’s it worth, does it run/work, can it be safely used/driven?

Main Garage

With my mom, rust destroyed most of what she was trying to save. Here in Pahrump things last a lot longer in storage. It still would take months to sell this stuff on EBAY.

The well died for the second day in a row this morning, we called the “Well Guy” this afternoon and he found insects (Assumed ants) in between the contacts of the pressure switch. He charged $65 for the trip and we’re in good shape.

We brought P home from the hospital and went to Wally World on the way back to get some milk. We also stopped and replenished the gas before returning home.

P said that they performed the test on F’s Aorta this morning. They did not put in the “Med Port” because they successfully got an IV in his arm.

F was eating when we got to the Hospital this morning, he had a feast of food on the tray.

P was sitting on the scooter I brought her yesterday because they took her big lounge chair for F to sit on after the therapist had F walk out to the hallway and back. They are very concerned that he’s going to fall while he is in the hospital.

We went to the Cafeteria for lunch again today, it suits us. Good food and company!

1 June 2019, a day in progress.

At F’s house in Pahrump, P is currently with F at the Hospital Rm. He is to receive a procedure today, but the specifics are very foggy. He had not eaten since we arrived at the hospital at 11AM yesterday until I left around 18:30.

We filled up the car with gas last night, so we are good for the trip back to the hospital today. Might need to check the engine oil?

I’ve connected the water line to F’s garage “Swamp Cooler” and it seems to be functioning well. I have not gotten onto the “Toy Hauler” to see if a capacitor is the reason the A/C is just humming loudly with no cool.

I checked their electric scooter and the batteries were completely dead. I think Pat needs the scooter to get around the hospital. The plan is to bring the scooter to Vegas and try and get batteries at Batteries and Bulbs.

One of my spare CPAPs is at the FEDX sorting facility in Las Vegas. According to them it is still on schedule to arrive by noon at the hospital. I haven’t slept very well without it and it’s been three nights already. I’ve not gotten anything from Delta on where my primary CPAP ended up. I know the plane left here bound for Atlanta then went to Seattle.

I’ve made coffee and four eggs for breakfast. K is having Strawberry frosted mini wheats.

We’ll probably head to the hospital by 9AM. The water float valve in the swamp cooler is stuck causing the water to run out the overflow. I turned it and the water back off before leaving to the hospital.

I tried charging P scooter last night. Both batteries are only about a volt and the chargers were unable to coax them into working again. We stopped by batteries and Bulbs and picked up a pair of batteries on our way to the hospital. K drove the scooter to F’s room without any issues.

My return trip is scheduled for very early Tuesday morning. I’d like to return to Atlanta AFTER F gets back home from the hospital. My personal opinion is that the trek to and from is too much for me and I think it would be too much for P as well. It’s considerably easier with a navigator/co-pilot to make our way through the neighborhoods to the hospital.

I did get my spare CPAP today, need to find out who brought it to the hospital. He went an extra mile to make sure it got to us on a Saturday. (It had no signature required.)

They did an MRI today and Fred said there is Cancer in his head/brain. They did not elaborate on the severity.

We were able to take a break and eat a good lunch for the second time. The hospital does have some pretty good food in their Cafeteria. P was happy to have the scooter to make the trips to the bathrooms and we took it to lunch. She didn’t know the seat swivels allowing her to sit up against the dining table.

K’s Vertigo is still an issue that we are dealing with as best we can, nausea is the tallest pole in the tent. K also gets panicky when there is a lot of commotion. Which with P making phone call after phone call has been pretty difficult for her. I think we’re going going for a walk where it’s quiet…

The doctors do seem to be focused on F’s heart. (Low blood pressure?) They did an extensive echo on his heart today and they want to do one on his Aorta tomorrow.

No chemo today, I think they are not convinced he can endure it without crashing. He is scheduled have a line put in to induce the Chemo if they are able. Monday he’ll get the Chemo fluid that is recommended for small cell lung cancer.

They had a hard time getting a IV put into him this afternoon, I think he’s a little dehydrated. They were talking about getting him on Boost at the hospital to put some weight back on him. (Calories) Two IVs failed they may have to put a MedPort in to give him fluids and the Chemo on Monday.

We are back in Pahrump and I am terribly tired from not sleeping for three days.

31 May 2019, a day in progress.

F fell in the tub this morning, I haven’t talked to him so I don’t have anything else at the moment. P says there is a chair for the tub in their storage container.

We’re planning on leaving around 10AM for Vegas, lots to do.

The flight with my CPAP went back to Atlanta and then to Seattle. I am thinking there is a good chance it’s actually in Atlanta. My sister-in-law went to the homestead and picked up a spare CPAP and sent it to Las Vegas. I should have it by tomorrow.

We got to the hospital on time, his blood pressure was so low that they gave us a Emergency room right away. We’ve been in the room five hours and there is no end in sight. We’ve eaten lunch in the cafeteria because we got so hungry. Dad has not had food since we got here.

They gave him two bags of electrolites and his blood pressure came up significantly. (Which is good)

A Hospital Doctor came by and told us that his room is almost ready on the 6th floor. Chemo is scheduled for tomorrow.

30 May 2019, a day in progress.

Started the day early, we got up at 0500 for the 0600 departure to the airport. The limo was late, he arrived at 06:09 which complicated the entire trip.

Checking in at the airport was a little slow, there were significant lines. The security lines were really long, that took about an hour to get through. All in all we got to the gate after they had boarded our zone.

K went to McDonalds to get an Egg McMuffin and a cup of coffee. Main 1 was almost boarded by the time we boarded. The overhead bins were full for three rows back so I had to put my bag almost 5 rows toward the rear of the plane. My CPAP didn’t fit under the seat so it went into the bin across from us. (That later proved to be fatal because we never retrieved it.)

The weather is cooler than Atlanta, quite comfortable to be outside except in the middle of the day.

Both my parents are a bit frail and need a little help with the larger tasks of owning a home. A good benchmark for a reference is that they cannot take the garbage can out without using the car to pull it.

We have a little experience with long distance help because of N’s move off of her farm. It feels overwhelming to try and help them sort and simply their lives to where they both are able to sustain themselves without help. Virtually every horizontal space is occupied within the home and the garage with piles of stuff/unfinished projects.

K and I had cereal and the parents had pancakes and coffee for breakfast. I filled the sprayer with roundup to knock down the plants on their land. (It’s not grass, maybe weeds, but it looks more like shrubs.)

We have a Doc appointment this morning at 09:30, we’ll be moving into the car about 09:00.

We were going to stay in the “Toy Hauler” but the Air Conditioning died. The fallback was to stay in the garage but it has a pretty strong oil smell I haven’t located yet. We slept on the living room pull-out bed last night. It was comfortable and we slept pretty well cept for not having my CPAP for the first time in 5 years.

Delta Airlines said fill out a lost item form, so I filled out one and submitted it yesterday. It would surely be helpful to have my CPAP for tonight!

It appears that F doesn’t drive much, P is quite rusty, we had a couple close calls coming back from the airport yesterday. Dad will often fall asleep when he settles down in a chair.

Went to the doc and received some news about the cancer. F has small cell lung cancer, which is linked to smoking. This kind of cancer spreads quickly, usually found after the cancer has spread to other organs, responds well to chemotherapy and cannot be completely “cured”. Chemotherapy can stop the cancer from growing for maybe 8 months and then it will come back resistant to the previous treatment.

We do not know what is in the lump about the size of a hunk of silly putty on the top part of dad’s head.

Dad has one ear that resonates with his voice, so he talks softly. He believes the eardrum is perforated.

Dad’s left hip causes him pretty severe discomfort when stressed and makes getting into and out of cars quite difficult for him.

Dad’s right side is quite sore where his liver is. (Also where the biopsy was taken.)

Oxygen bottles and concentrator arrived today, ordered by the doctor for 24hr use to improve his blood oxygen levels.

If things go as planned, we are headed to the hospital tomorrow just before lunch to start chemotherapy. Yes that’s tomorrow… We’ve tossed the idea of dad being in the hospital for 3 to 5 days since F is so weak. We are not sure if P has the energy to stay with him for some part of the day. We are discussing staying in Vegas until the Chemotherapy is complete. That has some benchmarks like getting a CPAP sent out here by Saturday or I’ll have to go home as planned on Tuesday.

Big day tomorrow, M

A Week in Progress

Status: Start back to work this week and give a urine sample on Monday.

Plans: Get up and be at work 07:00, other than that. We’ll see.

Narrative: Got up a little on the early side, took a shower and most everything went as planned. I left 10 minutes early at 6:15 but all that time was used up in the traffic at GA400 intersection on I-285. Still, I got to work 2 minutes early so all is good.

Went to lunch with the team, lamb kabob. Good eats! Left for home a little on the late side but got home at the expected time of 16:30.

Tuesday we worked from home so I was in my pajamas all morning sipping Dominican coffee while working on the computer. It turned out to be a nice day considering they were predicting an inch of snow.

Looking over the roof at my street.

My first week back at work in almost 18 months went ok. It was good to rejoin the team at work after so long apart. We did a little training and I did a lot of looking around to see what happened over the last 18 months. Projects we talked about back then were already gathering dust waiting on the next tasking. Weather is getting better, it was in the 60’s this afternoon, bright sun and little if any wind. It’s Friday and I am a tired puppy after getting up at 04:30 this morning to make a 06:00 arrival time. I had forgotten just how difficult getting up on Friday was! We had our first of three Home Chef meals today, it was pretty good. We over cooked the veggies just a little, but it was a tasty meal. The shrimp package was open so we threw that one in the trash. 🙁

Pi News: My 1090 4MHz filter arrived, so I removed the Flight Aware filter and put that one in it’s place. Which is inside the box that is getting very crowded in there. I increased my gain to the next step of 29dB to compensate for the losses. What surprised me was that I can decode aircraft below -50 RSSI, that is different. Max decode thus far is about like -33.5 RSSI. It will take several days to figure out the results, especially considering the bad weather flowing across the USA.

Engineering: The 35AH batteries are doing very well on the refrigerator UPS so I will expand that as I can to 100AH. I will also replace the house secondary UPS batteries that is currently on the depleted 100AH WERKER batteries. I do have to figure out the warning light on the refrigerator UPS battery, I have not idea why that is flagged. It doesn’t have anything in the log suggesting what is wrong.

Next Week: No idea.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT set clear goals for the day? No
Did I DMBT make progress to those goals? No
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT fix something today? Yes
Did I DMBT improve something today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
Did I DMBT be fully engaged? Yes
*Did My Best To
Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accomplishments: Purchases: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News:

During the week of 12 Jan 2019

Blog Change: I’ve applied for and acknowledged my acceptance of a job so I am combining all the entries into a weekly post to save time. (Mostly because I haven’t made a post all week.)

Status: Performing run tests on the refrigerator UPS with new batteries. (New batteries have to be cycled a few times and these batteries have not been strapped together before.) It’s less than 21 degrees outside, PiAware is at 78 degrees so the cold should not affect the discrimination clocks in the dongle.

Plans: Need to get organized, it has been tough with the long waiting times in the onboarding process. (I know there is a lot that has to be done.) Need to start my passport application. I need to get a picture for my replacement passport, I think CVS does them.

Narrative: I make a pot of coffee for the wife every morning sometimes she gets the second cup, sometimes I get the third cup. Dominican coffee is always delicious.

I’ve checked the wall insulation while it’s bitter cold this week, the back wall by the sliding glass door is not performing as well as I would have liked. But that outside wall needs to be replaced anyway.

I’ve been adding batteries to the refrigerator UPS all week because every run test to 25% battery has only lasted about 2-3 hours all week. Which is amazing when there are now SIX pairs of 18AH batteries that only have to provide 1.8A of current each. (They should run for almost 24 hours, but absolutely be no less than 8 hours even if they are a little old.) Long range plan is to replace the twelve $75 18AH batteries with six $100 35AH batteries. The six blue batteries in this picture don’t have any life left in them so I went and got two 35AH batteries earlier than I wanted to. I need to let them acclimate before running a long load test again.

Twelve 18AH batteries in a series/parallel configuration for 24V@105AH

I also put a “Smart Plug” on the refrigerator so that I could better monitor the power consumption over time. The fridge draws about 170-200W when running and consumed 1.4KWH in 16 hours. (87.5W Avg)

Cell phone app screen

The airbag light came on in the Ford Focus on Monday, but hasn’t returned all week. Google Foo has a number of suggestions, but the most likely is a faulty switch in the seat belt buckle. Also, it was unseasonably cold Monday morning at 20 degrees may have something temporary to do with it. I should be able to read the code with my code reader. (Light went out next time she drove it.)

Repairs: I accidently miss wired the solar charge controller that I got from Canada years ago and it melted the side of the case and stopped working. (It was a great performer too, Boo.) I put the spare onto the house system and this one is a little more aggressive with the temperature compensation. I ordered a new China branded charge controller that the specifications looks pretty good. I’ll have to wire it since there are terminals on the controller. One good thing about the charge controller is I can eliminate the timer on the external lights. The charge controller is designed to turn a light on and off using the solar panel as a reference.

Next Week: This paragraph used to be “Tomorrow”, but with my time cut back I’m making it Next Week… Monday is my first day back at work and that will require an EARLY wake-up call at 5:30. I have to be at work by 07:00 so my plan is to lay out my accessories and take a shower on Sunday night. Then Monday morning it’s grab and go, especially considering it’s my first day. I don’t know how my hair will look having slept on the curls. (I’ll have to work that one on Monday.) I have a Urine test that has to be done on Monday, I’ve been practicing peeing for two days now. (I have a real hard time peeing on demand, especially now that my On/Off valve trickles about half the time I go pee.)

Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accomplishments: Purchases: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News:

20 January 2019, a day from Mark’s past

Status: Rain should be clearing, but bitter cold air arrives tomorrow.

Plans: Run church services, and seal off the Chimney from the cold.

Narrative: The refrigerator UPS was faulted after replacing the batteries yesterday. There was nothing in the logs or the operational readings that would suggest something really wrong. The battery voltage WAS unusually low like 25.2, unusual for batteries being on charge. (Like the charger in the UPS gave up.) I disconnected the four banks of batteries and put a quick charge on them with an external charger. I connected just one of the four banks and tried restarting the ups OS. That didn’t clear the light so completely shut down the UPS and restarted it. (Which did clear the fault.) I reconnected the banks one at a time until all four banks were connected. I then connected an external charger on them to quickly bring them back up to full charge. I cut off the charger remotely and the batteries dropped to 27.2, which is ok. I’ll watch them for the next couple days, it feels likely that the batteries had not gone through enough cycles to be fully formed.

Wife got up first and made some eggs and toast for me, I got in the shower while the eggs were cooking. Headed out to church about 7:50 and got back about 12:15. Had some crackers and took a good two hour nap.

A friend of mine wanted some advice on his home network, spent about three hours over there before I got back to the homestead.

Tomorrow: Bitter cold, maybe try and find Nancy a phone.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT set clear goals for the day? No
Did I DMBT make progress to those goals? No
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT fix something today? Yes
Did I DMBT improve something today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
Did I DMBT be fully engaged? Yes
*Did My Best To
Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accomplishments: Purchases: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News:

19 January 2019, a day from Mark’s past

Status: Supposed to be an off / on rainy day, so work outside will be tentative.

Plans: I’m trying to figure that out. Last week was a waiting game with the employment onboarding that seems to be at a snail’s pace.

Narrative: Well, I accidentally made coffee. I mean to set the timer, but forgot to rotate the switch to timer mode. Boo.

There is a squeaking roller on our dryer. What I don’t know is if the dryer is wore out and needs to be replaced which would be a major expense. Some of these financial decisions depend on whether my income will increase. If I do get a job and bring in 2-3K, things are easier to decide.

I’ve repaired the primary UPS for the house by replacing the 5 year old batteries. I’ll have to tend them since they are not AGM anymore. ($700 was just a little over the top for a pair of AGM batteries.) I don’t have a solid plan for providing power for our two CPAPs. At issue is where to locate the batteries so they are not exposed to summer temperatures and then where to put a UPS that makes a lot of noise. Even that I can run a standby UPS in the closet instead of the online UPS for the CPAPs.

I’ve repaired the refrigerator UPS by installing eight smaller batteries on it.  I had two 100AH AGM batteries that are $700 to replace.  The difficult thing is at what point do I replace them.  It was decided a little while ago that using smaller batteries that could be replaced gradually better fit my budget than $700 all at once.

Community Bank and Trust of Fl. changed their online banking system, boo.  I actually thought it was one of the better systems I’d ever worked on.  It looks as though they bought onto a service that does the online banking for them.  (And then relieves them of the liability.)  It also looks like they’re using two factor authentication.

Had Chinese takeout for dinner, I had Kung Pow Chicken which was scrumptious by the way. Putts around the rest of the evening. Played a game of scrabble, watched a little TV and called it a day. I checked the Pi-Aware and it didn’t seem to mind the rain tonight. (Hopefully the rain shield will keep the insides dry. (It should with the heat it’s making.)

Tomorrow: Sunday’s are pretty laid out in advance, setup and run services then post the audio after taking a nap.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT set clear goals for the day? No
Did I DMBT make progress to those goals? No
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT fix something today? Yes
Did I DMBT improve something today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
Did I DMBT be fully engaged? Yes
*Did My Best To
Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accomplishments: Purchases: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News:

18 January 2019, a day from Mark’s past

Status: Wet but a little warmer, 100AH boat batteries are ready for install.

Plans: Install boat batteries on APS2424 and test them.

Narrative: Had my morning cup of coffee and read my E-Mail.

The two boat batteries are ready, but I am missing two nuts for them. They’re attached with a little plastic bag, not on the ground and not in the car either. Drove to Batteries Plus and there they were under the monitor. The manager at Batteries & Bulbs gave me a hard time about virtually everything this morning. (I don’t plan on going back.)

Pulled enough out of the garage to gain access to the APS2424 batteries that were depleted. The Triplite 2400W APS2424 PowerVerter virtually runs the UPS subpanel all by itself. No big issues putting the wet cell batteries in place of the AGM batteries. The great thing about the wet cell batteries is they can support 800Amps! (Boat starting battery.) 2400W is roughly 100A, which is a lot from even an 18AH battery.

We cooked our fourth “Home Chef” meal tonight, Pork tenderloin. Again the vegetables are crisp and the meal was delicious!

I tested the APS2424 running the microwave tonight, it passed with flying colors. The depleted AGM batteries couldn’t supply enough current to run the microwave above 50% power. That opens the door to use the microwave during a power outage and replenish the batteries with solar power.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT set clear goals for the day? No
Did I DMBT make progress to those goals? No
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT fix something today? Yes
Did I DMBT improve something today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
Did I DMBT be fully engaged? Yes
*Did My Best To
Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accomplishments: Purchases: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News:

17 January 2019, a day from Mark’s past

Status: Cold and rain today.

Plans: Purchase replacement battery for Triplite 2424 UPS at Costco.

Narrative: The Internet died at 2AM this morning for some reason and the firewall didn’t fall over to cellular either? I disconnected the Ethernet cable to the Comcast modem and the firewall picked up the cellular connection like it should have. I put another firewall on the Comcast modem and rebooted it. (The MAC addresses really matter when the modem is bridged.) The laptop launched the Comcast activation routine while the firewall was routing traffic to my cellular hot spot. I went through the process that I had done on Monday when I tried to activate two modems at the homestead. The modem rebooted and a short while later restarted one more time. I let it run for about an hour before connecting it to my firewall to take over for the cellular hot spot. I don’t know why after three days the router decided that it didn’t belong on their network. Boo.

My next project this morning was to revive an old T-Mobile hot spot that I’ve not used in like two years. I couldn’t activate it online so I took it to the store. The number I gave them actually belonged to someone else and I was trying to activate this device on their account. Oops? The very young female put in a new SIM and activated it within a few minutes.

Drove to Wally World to look at batteries, they had a boat battery that was rated at 105AH at a 1A rate. (I have NEVER seen such nonsense.) Boat batteries are normally rated in reserve minutes at 25Amps! Still at $85 it was a good buy even if the capacity was more like 75AH. Costco had an Interstate battery in the same category of price, but listed as 100 reserve minutes.

Spent about a half an hour removing the two 100AH AGM batteries from the refrigerator UPS this afternoon. For now it’ll have to survive on 54AH from three pairs of 18AH batteries. I bought two large 100AH wet cell boat batteries to go on the 2.5KW PowerVerter APS2424 and turned in the two 100AH AGM batteries for exchange. It started raining so I’ll have to move them onto the powerverter some other time. The great thing about the wet celled batteries is they can provide a large amount of current! I might buy one more pair so that there is 200AH@24V like there was when I put all this together.

The wife and I made our Home Chef meal tonight, stuffed chicken. Totally delicious!

I stripped this blog of the daily posts until I can safely post them again. I will continue to write them, but they will not be linked to the opening pages.

I brought in the two batteries I bought yesterday to assess them and to balance them for team use. They are close, but not identical dates. I’m missing one set of nuts. I parallel them and put them on a charger before putting them in service tomorrow.

Tomorrow: Put the two 100AH boat batteries on the APS2424.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT set clear goals for the day? No
Did I DMBT make progress to those goals? No
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT fix something today? Yes
Did I DMBT improve something today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
Did I DMBT be fully engaged? Yes
*Did My Best To
Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accomplishments: Purchases: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News: