1 June 2019, a day in progress.

At F’s house in Pahrump, P is currently with F at the Hospital Rm. He is to receive a procedure today, but the specifics are very foggy. He had not eaten since we arrived at the hospital at 11AM yesterday until I left around 18:30.

We filled up the car with gas last night, so we are good for the trip back to the hospital today. Might need to check the engine oil?

I’ve connected the water line to F’s garage “Swamp Cooler” and it seems to be functioning well. I have not gotten onto the “Toy Hauler” to see if a capacitor is the reason the A/C is just humming loudly with no cool.

I checked their electric scooter and the batteries were completely dead. I think Pat needs the scooter to get around the hospital. The plan is to bring the scooter to Vegas and try and get batteries at Batteries and Bulbs.

One of my spare CPAPs is at the FEDX sorting facility in Las Vegas. According to them it is still on schedule to arrive by noon at the hospital. I haven’t slept very well without it and it’s been three nights already. I’ve not gotten anything from Delta on where my primary CPAP ended up. I know the plane left here bound for Atlanta then went to Seattle.

I’ve made coffee and four eggs for breakfast. K is having Strawberry frosted mini wheats.

We’ll probably head to the hospital by 9AM. The water float valve in the swamp cooler is stuck causing the water to run out the overflow. I turned it and the water back off before leaving to the hospital.

I tried charging P scooter last night. Both batteries are only about a volt and the chargers were unable to coax them into working again. We stopped by batteries and Bulbs and picked up a pair of batteries on our way to the hospital. K drove the scooter to F’s room without any issues.

My return trip is scheduled for very early Tuesday morning. I’d like to return to Atlanta AFTER F gets back home from the hospital. My personal opinion is that the trek to and from is too much for me and I think it would be too much for P as well. It’s considerably easier with a navigator/co-pilot to make our way through the neighborhoods to the hospital.

I did get my spare CPAP today, need to find out who brought it to the hospital. He went an extra mile to make sure it got to us on a Saturday. (It had no signature required.)

They did an MRI today and Fred said there is Cancer in his head/brain. They did not elaborate on the severity.

We were able to take a break and eat a good lunch for the second time. The hospital does have some pretty good food in their Cafeteria. P was happy to have the scooter to make the trips to the bathrooms and we took it to lunch. She didn’t know the seat swivels allowing her to sit up against the dining table.

K’s Vertigo is still an issue that we are dealing with as best we can, nausea is the tallest pole in the tent. K also gets panicky when there is a lot of commotion. Which with P making phone call after phone call has been pretty difficult for her. I think we’re going going for a walk where it’s quiet…

The doctors do seem to be focused on F’s heart. (Low blood pressure?) They did an extensive echo on his heart today and they want to do one on his Aorta tomorrow.

No chemo today, I think they are not convinced he can endure it without crashing. He is scheduled have a line put in to induce the Chemo if they are able. Monday he’ll get the Chemo fluid that is recommended for small cell lung cancer.

They had a hard time getting a IV put into him this afternoon, I think he’s a little dehydrated. They were talking about getting him on Boost at the hospital to put some weight back on him. (Calories) Two IVs failed they may have to put a MedPort in to give him fluids and the Chemo on Monday.

We are back in Pahrump and I am terribly tired from not sleeping for three days.