Monday 24 Feb 2025

Been a busy morning, got onto the WW Net and hear my uncle check in on the net as well. Talked to Paul for a little while about our computers for a little bit.

We filled her spare pill trays this morning and set her timer to 3x per day (Just like mine).

I ordered two more dispensers, just the tray is $20 so why not get all of it for $15

The attic is warm enough to maintain the temp of the home. We went down for our afternoon nap before we cooked Turkey Chili for dinner.

It’s a VERY NICE day outside, the sunny side of the home is 75 degrees. We didn’t get to go outside very much today, we’ve lost our bottles of sunscreen.

Even the attic fans got some exercise today.

Tuesday (Doc)

Heart doctor today so we’re up at 6AM. We ate breakfast at McDonald’s on the way home. The doc was “Unconcerned” about her BP and that threw us. We’ve spent so much time collecting BP readings over the last week. Boo

We ended up eating lunch at Longhorn’s and then home for our afternoon nap. We are still working on building a schedule so that we can be more productive. Having her out front with her requests takes up the entire day. We spend a good while trying to figure out clothes for her. Her stomach and hips are about the same size at 43 inches. She is also looking for summer shoes, but not tennis shoes. She also does not do things she finds difficult, like writing down things I ask her.

Supper was turkey on Rye bread with a few rice cakes and creme cheese while we watch Castle. I did find the sunscreen today, so walking is back on the table.

Wednesday (Church)

We had a great morning and got a lot done. Cooked Salmon for dinner and that turned out pretty well. (The veggies were a little mushy.) We drove the VAN to a used clothing store to look for some pants. The were usual sizes that are waay too small for her. We ended up looking online for Plus sizes and ordered a couple pants.

Church services went ok, but she didn’t get the E-Mail containing the link for the service for some reason.

I chatted with the same guy on my HF radio at 1AM that I did the day before. We talked until we both had to go to bed.


We took our BP and Glucose this morning, these are my readings according to the time of day. I printed the reports and dropped them off at the doctor’s office. We do not know if the information warrants a doc visit, but we are sure he will.

Shower and get dressed, we’ve got a lot to do today.

I waited too long to cut them back. (They were already budding.)

I did cut them back anyway risking the bush.

Had to use a rake to carry the thorny branches.

Looks much better, unless the bush dies.

Salmon on Rye for dinner, we watched several episodes of Castle. Doc did not call us back today, I really thought he would. Left the garage door open tonight, it’s just a bit of luck that I found it. Nocturnal animals would love to make a home in a warm garage, cept maybe for all the noise in there.


Had scrambled eggs and breakfast sausages for breakfast. Checked into the WW Net with the HAM radio guys this morning. Spent an hour looking for women’s socks that we bought at Burlington Coat Factory to no avail, even used image search?

Spent an hour trying to get a check reissued that I didn’t cash. I have a feeling that I should have called the agent. Oops. They are sending a letter to verify I am the recipient.

I got two more used ones from EBAY and one of them was an “E” serial #!!!
(Which saves me $150 bucks to buy one that has a dose overdue Red Light.)

With three doses per day and nine days per dispenser we need six of them to give us a 30 day supply in hand. (Did I mention I saved $120 getting these last two at $15)


Checked in on the WW Net, 40M band is long. I didn’t hear most of the participants on the net this morning. We ate lunch at Longhorn and went to watch the grandkids at soccer practice. We were pretty tired after being up all day, a good long nap felt great. Her blood pressure is still high, so we played a game of scrabble.

She won.

Headed to bed.


Had a terrible night, my feet started hurting after I laid down. I soaked them in warm water and that helped. My shingles also reared its ugly head even though I took medication for it earlier. I took 250mg of acetaminophen to reduce the pain and watched some TV, I wasn’t good for much else this morning. I did eat a bowl of cereal to settle my stomach. It took another 500mg before I was comfortable enough to get some sleep. When she woke up I took a hot shower and that helped too.

2 hard boiled eggs and coffee for breakfast while I checked in with the HAM guys on the WW Net. We ended up running to the doc in a box, but they were packed. The nearest fire station had just left the barn and the next one was empty when we got there. We ended up going to Longhorn for lunch. We stopped by the fire station on the way home and they checked her BP. They also gave us some good advice on what to do next. Our best bet is to gather documentation that provides a story, then the doctor might see the point we’re trying to present to him.

We spent a couple of hours looking up each medication and what is the best time to take it. We ended up using two dispensers with eight dispensing times to separate her medications to see if she improves. If we’d used one dispenser and were late taking the pills, they would be out of reach under the lid.

Monday 17 Feb 2024

Had four eggs, breakfast sausages, rye toast with orange juice for breakfast.

We did a bit of planning and went to the shoe repair shop to fix her boot that the zipper ripped out on Sunday. The zipper got mangled trying to zip up boots that are just a bit too tight. I found two pair of this style in size 8 boots on EBAY, we’ll have to wait to see if they fit her. I thought for a while that the cuff of the boot rolled up to keep her warm in tall snow.

We went to Burlington Coat Factory to find some pants for her. After picking up a couple of prospects we headed to Longhorn in Suwanee for lunch. We had our usual strawberry chicken salad for lunch then headed home for a nap. I called in a prescription, and they said it would be ready at 18:00. I did pick up some 200 glucose test strips that were 30% off. (I’ve not seen them cheaper than CVS prices on Amazon which is strange considering CVS is waay high on a lot of things. They ARE cheaper on EBAY though.)

Checked in with the GARS Net on 2Meter repeater tonight. (It’s a good test of the equipment.)

Her BP is 150 ish and her HR is about 100 tonight, so we’re planning on resting. Her Glucose is also about 150 after having three Arnold Palmers for lunch. My BP was also like 138/74 tonight and I take BP medication to keep it from getting too high.

I added 1/2 500mg Wally World acetaminophen pill to MY evening pills. 250mg acetaminophen seems to take care of our needs in most cases. It’s also really easy to keep up with the dosing with a 90-minute pill dispenser/timer.


My fight or flight response is preventing me from getting any rest this morning. I ended up taking a nice hot bath to calm it down. Checked in on the HAM WW Net this morning while eating fried eggs and breakfast sausages. I am working up some new pages for our Daytimer procedure books, and it will be a work in progress.

I made 4 eggs, breakfast sausages and Rye toast for breakfast. She then asked if she could have the same for her. I gave her my plate and made another round for me. It was a strange happening, I asked her what she had and she said a bowl of cereal. (Her normal breakfast.) If she wants eggs the fastest way is to use the hard boiled egg cooker. Odd.

We went to BN and the removed all the attachments and then took pictures of all of her teeth for the next round of braces. They said I did a good job if cutting down the brace #20 so that it didn’t hang over her missing tooth gum.

We went to Longhorn again today. My Glucose was just over a 100 for like the third time today. Apparently, the strawberry salad at LH is a pretty good meal for seniors.

We both took a good long nap and the shoe guy never called about her boots. I did buy two pairs of size 8 boots of the same manufacturer and style used yesterday. They won’t be here until next week sometime. According to her she’s had them since before we dated. They are in excellent shape like she hasn’t worn them much. We’re only wearing them now because of her Plantar fasciitis.

My glucose ranges are not too bad, I need to cut back on the coffee.

Wednesday (Endodontist)

COLD morning this morning, going to be even colder tomorrow.

We had a large breakfast fried eggs and sausage with a bit of coffee. We took her blood pressure several times and it was not very high. (That’s a relief) She wore her o2 monitor and it showed that she was calm throughout the root canal.

We went to Longhorn (Again) for lunch and I allowed a bit of Cheese cake for dessert.

Back home for a much needed nap. Sandwiches for dinner and a couple of rice cakes with creme cheese on it.

Church services went well, but we were pretty tired.

I didn’t sleep very well, but my CPAP machine reported it did not have many events.

Thursday (Boot repair)

Picked up her repaired boots today, she’s really happy!

Got pretty cold this morning, we left some eggs on the porch for the neighbor.
We’re pretty sure they didn’t spoil, LOL.

Light breakfast today, just a cup of coffee. We need to make a run to the grocery store. We ended up going to Publix and picking up most of the groceries then drove to Longhorn for lunch. We stopped by Aldi’s and got some meat after we had a bit of a nap. It’s pretty COLD outside even at 4PM with the wind upon us.

Rye bread sandwiches and rice cakes with creme cheese for dessert. We’re taking her blood pressure twice a day until we see the doctor.


Checked in with the HAM guys on the WW Net and tried my best to find out who keeps calling me about buying my home. Georgia Local Home Buyers is not a business name so there’s no one to complain too.

Two pairs of her favorite boots arrived today. They are a 1/2 size larger than the ones we had fixed this week. They should be just a bit easier to get on. (Except as it turns out, they are still new and will have to be broke-in LOL.)

We managed to get sick on something we ate or drank today. We both felt ill this afternoon, so it wasn’t the coffee. I didn’t feel ill until after we ate lunch which was chicken breasts from Aldi’s. It had a March use by date, and we brought it home in 30 degree weather. No idea, but she did not hold onto her lunch. My fingers are tingling, and my tinnitus is ringing. She laid down for a nap while I worked on raising the humidity above 30.

She slept with her new boots on LOL.

It’s about 6PM and my sour stomach has subsided. She is feeling better after emptying her stomach into the porcelain bowl. I managed to eat a ham sandwich on rye and have a few rice cakes with creme cheese on them. We both took our evening pills and then set down to take her blood pressure. The last few days we’ve done this the first reading is around 150/75, then after holding on to her for a minute or so it drops down to 135/72. Tonight was the first night that didn’t happen, she was afraid that I would get sick being so close to her. Her blood pressure didn’t drop tonight when I held her. The doctor was wondering why all the BP checks in the office were normal, but the ones from home are high. Our family is not as close as it once was, Trump politics have divided us. I heard someone say that family is more important than money, then proceeded to prove that wasn’t true over the next two years.


We had eggs for breakfast Saturday, and we were tossing around what to do about dinner since we wanted to go to Wally World for a few odds and ends. We ended up going to Longhorns for lunch and we saw our third familiar face while we were there.

I reorganized my pill dispensers to a 3x per day, that was a bit harder than I anticipated. We have ONE dispenser that is on a timer and the other four are just containers for the pill trays. When the tray in the timer dispenser gets empty we swap out from the spares to refill it. We move the 2nd spare into the spares and the empty tray goes into 2nd spare to get refilled at our next convenience. Like the 2x trays, we have 28 days worth of medicine IN HAND. After I did mine, we did hers on Monday so that we both are taking pills together 3X per day.

We watched Castle while eating rice cakes with creme cheese and then headed to bed.

Monday 10 Feb 2024

Up early, had to bathe this morning. WW Net starts in 50 minutes, so I am checking my E-Mail and drying off. Fortinet has been sending me E-Mails for a couple of weeks so I checked my firewalls for any misconfiguration. The only thing I found was there was not a firewall policy to block private address from reaching out across the ISP connection. I added policies for all my networks this morning to prevent that from happening. (Normally their gateways prevent private addresses, but we are only using their gateways as media converters.)

Lunch was COD the frozen fish and veggies.

Dinner was a bowl of soup and crackers while we watched Castle. I worked on my network for a little while and then bed.


Dr. Appointment at 9AM so we’re grabbing breakfast and heading out the door this morning. Then we found out it was raining, ewe! We got to the doctor’s office on time and they checked her arms and hands. Turns out that she has carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands. (Which causes tingling and weak fingers.) The doctor said to purchase a brace to wear in the evenings and while sleeping. We got to longhorn too early to eat so we went home for a nap. We went to Longhorn for lunch and then back home for another nap. We changed her pillow from the CPAP pillow last night and seems to be sleeping better. Morning headaches seem to be an issue of late and they can be caused by low oxygen when sleeping, especially for CPAP users. The oxygen sensor also indicates an reading in the mid 80’s at night. (I had to change the alarm for her since it vibrates my finger at 90.)

I found out while we were watching Castle tonight that her right foot is bothering her again. She’ll need to wear a compression sock and put a cold pack on it to lower the swelling. I also had to start a new medications document to keep track of how much she took and when. (Most of this will be on the pill dispenser’s log.) She took one 500mg Advil at 6:40 so she can only take one more until 9PM. (There’s only one more available in the dispensers anyway.) We put a cold pack inside a T-Shirt for about 15 minutes tonight, then she had to put her braces back in. That’s another variable, she cannot take Advil on an empty stomach. (We may need to take both pills at once before she goes to bed.)

We also created a sheet to tabulate her pains and what meds have been taken for it.


Did not sleep well, neither did she. My shingles is acting up and my kidneys seem to be unhappy. Her heel of right foot is swollen, her braces are tight, and she has had headaches most every night/morning. She is taking Tylenol for her headaches and Ibuprofen for her foot and wrists.

We went to Longhorn’s on Swanee Road for lunch, because it was closest to the Orthodontist. Lunch was just fried chicken bites that we shared and two side salads. It was a very cheap meal at 15 bucks. We arrived at the Orthodontist about 30 minutes early and that worked out well for them too. They took a bite CT scan and we paid them 300 bucks then headed home. They gave us another prescription Amoxicillin, but this one was for 875mg. We’ll have enough Antibiotics to last until our next appointment.

The 875mg Amoxicillin (Pink Pills) are HUGE! I loaded them into the tray and switched out her spares tonight. (We’ll reload her spares tray when we are awake.)

We were both too exhausted to participate in in the group session tonight, that makes two weeks in a row.

We got our SEVENTH pill dispenser today, it has a serial number of C on it. It is the only one that the seal was broken before I got it.


No coffee this morning, I’ve had too much caffeine which has been seriously affecting my sleep. Checked in on the WW Net and then sat on JS8 waiting for Paul. We chatted for a little while this morning. I’ve had back pain for about a week at night that suggested it was my kidneys, so I got a UTI test yesterday.

The left one was from last night and the right one was this morning. I called the doctor’s office and they asked me to drop off a sample. I’ve not heard back from them yet.

My fasting glucose was 107 this morning, boy am I hungry. No breakfast today, dinner was COD fish and veggies. We need to make a grocery run today, we’ve got a doctor’s appointment again tomorrow.

Back from Wally World, we were getting low on staples. I called CF and we adjusted all the gifts to a point where they will all be in the monthly rollup together. Sending a gift in the last week of the month has a high risk of being delayed 30 more days. No visibility of the gifts made in November was possible from the associate that I talked too. She also told me that it was unrealistic to have a thank you letter in 60 days after the gift arrives in country. We’ve been giving gifts for more than 20 years, if the gift passes 60 days something went wrong. We also talked about the duplicate letters, that conversation also had inconsistencies of best practices.

It was an eventful evening her heart rate got up pretty high and erratic for about 20 minutes.


Didn’t sleep well last night, it could be from the 1/2 bag of potato chips I snacked on last night. I cut up some more of the 500mg acetaminophen tablets to get 250mg tablets for the pill dispensers. So far, we both get good results with the smaller 250mg tablet of Acetaminophen.

Picked up some flowers for the wife at a gas station tent. Their gig was to sell “Made to Order” flowers. I originally thought it would be just buckets of premade flowers. It took them better than 20 minutes to put this bouquet together.

Her heart was throwing PVCs for a short while after she got up from her nap.

I checked my glucose and ran a report on the last 14 days.

Saturday (Light Rain)

Up at 7AM, looked for KK4SAC and didn’t see him. Bands are bad, I can’t hear half of the stations this morning. Had Mexican corn tamales that our neighbor shared for breakfast.

Baked chicken legs for lunch, we forgot the veggies. We took another nap after we cleaned up the kitchen. I researched hoses and ways to combine CPAP hoses so that I could clean four of them at one time. What I ended up doing was taking four masks apart and using the hose connectors.

Braces on her wrists Tonight for the Carpel tunnel.

It’s a process to wash out these CPAP hoses. The idea is to run warm soapy water through them with enough water to clean them. I connected four hoses end to end and ran soapy water through them by siphoning water from a large storage tub.

Then I connected the end to the shower hose to rinse them. Last step is to run the shower to rinse the outsides off. (Oh, it’s a good idea to take the rubber seal out of the shower hose first LOL.)

I take the hoses outside and sling the majority of the water out the ends of the hose. The last thing I needed to do is run air through the hoses to dry them. For years I just let them dry hanging over the coat rack. Now I put a fan under the coat rack since only one end is facing down.


I have toe fungus issues. I also have the typical cracking heels of someone with diabetes. The cracks in my heels will get infected if I don’t wear shoes/socks. If I wear shoes/socks then the moisture builds up on my toes and makes the toe fungus unmanageable. I’ve tried flip-flops, but they are uncomfortable to wear in small quarters. Socks do not last very long when worn as shoes either, but that’s ok.

In the past I have cut up socks to use for other purposes. The toe portion works very well for spot cleaning and wiping the dew off the car windows. I wear the heel portion over my testicles to keep them dry against my legs. (My dad and I share an issue with yeast infections of our groin.)

The heel portion I use on my testicles rides down from my ankle and cannot be used on my feet.

If I cut the entire toe portion off, the sock again rides back toward the heel. The solution seems to be to leave a portion of the sock between the big toe to hold the sock in place. That makes the socks Left/Right and I’ll need to dedicate an entire drawer to these specialized sock fragments.

No word from the doctor on my urine sample. I have seriously cut back on coffee to help with sleeping through the night. My Sucrose has been just over 100 for several days now. Hard to believe that my coffee affected my sugar levels that much.

I did a bit of research on acetaminophen. Acetaminophen is quickly metabolized in our bodies and has a short half life (time it takes to metabolize 50% of the drug) of two to three hours.

  1. Homestead Exemption *, 770-822-8100
  2. Glenn Wilk
  3. Colonoscopy
  4. Audible
  5. Weekend book page CPAP cleaning
  6. Apply for VA benefits

Monday 3 Feb 2025

The Ibuprofen and the Hydro codons knocked her pain down enough that she slept pretty soundly this morning. I checked in on the WW Net and had 4 eggs, sausage and a slice of rye toast for breakfast.

Her cheek is noticeably swollen this morning. We called our dentist, and they said we’ve not been seen for more than a year, so we called Braces Now and it went to voice mail. We drove to Braces now and they were at a different location today. Worse the only person that showed up said that they were not dentists, but orthodontics. (*I assumed that was a specialty of dentistry.) We called our normal dentist office back and made an appointment for 10AM. I dropped her off and I headed home.

She called me about an hour later and I drove back to the dentist office. It’s now long past the time she was supposed to take her pain pills, and she was pretty miserable. The shock was that they cannot use the normal injection to relieve the pain if the tooth is abscessed. I held onto my wife as she screamed in pain while they pried her back molar out of the jawbone. (I was crying myself.)

Back home we’re trying to treat the hole in her jaw while getting back on schedule with her medications. We have one more tooth to be removed on Wednesday. I will have to look over the paperwork thoroughly, but I assume that the responsibility for her teeth was hers with her dentist and NOT braces now. (The assumption I made was that she was under their care, we paid them almost $6,000.00 just to have two teeth pried from her mouth today. (Implants will probably cost another $6,000.00.)

There is a very large lump on the side of her cheek. (Larger than the one above) that has me concerned for her health. We’ve both been under a dental surgeon and she could extract a tooth in about 20 minutes with almost no pain.

CF Philippines sent me a status of Josephine’s gifts saying they’ve been sent to the Local Partner. (They are still pretty late at 65 days.) The plan going forward is to withhold gifts without letters at three, that will save all of us a lot of time.

Tuesday (30 Hours to go)

She’s in a lot of pain this morning. We changed the Amoxicillin to 3x per day which is every 8 hours. She has 6 Codon’s left which will get her till the extraction of #30 tomorrow. (Both lower molars on her right side will be gone.)

7AM, 2x Ibuprofen and back to bed for a little while. 10AM is the next pill. I sent a message to Fortinet asking them why all the marketing E-mails are being sent to me.

I am running out of gas, needed a nap… We were very particular about her pills all day today and she’s almost free of pain. (It hurts to push against the cheek) We’ll take a 800 Ibuprofen before going to the dentist tomorrow.

Got a message from LiveFine about our pill dispensers. The E-Mail looks like it just wanted to verify our purchase (Under warranty and under customer service agreement.) There are a lot of discrepancies with this product. It looks like a value added product where someone can put their name on it and market it as their own. Which means the manufacturer is not interested in marketing the product themselves. In the current environment we have no idea who is selling product retail from inside There’s no way to hold anyone accountable for any failure of this medical device. (Which is crazy inside the USA.)


We’ve both taken a shower and I checked in on the WW Net as we get ready for the dentist this morning.

Dentist went ok, we left there with more questions than we had answers. We were given a referral to an orthodontist to try and save the tooth. The long story is that she could not guarantee that the pain shot would work and we’d be in the same situation we were on Monday. We called the Orthodontist and made an appointment for next Wednesday. That’s 7 days from now and we have enough antibiotics for 6 days.

My next problem is that keeping track of these four medications is proving to be difficult. Depending on the last pill taken and the current dose to be taken, changes when the next pill is taken.

Ibuprofen can be taken at 1:30 intervals, half of a tylenol can also be taken at 1:30 intervals, Codon’s at 6:00 intervals, and Amoxicillin at 12:00 intervals. So all of the pills can be divided into 3 hour intervals. What ended up happening is that we occasionally took them at a 4:30 interval. Then you end up with a piece of paper that looks like this.

To accommodate all these different times I had to use two dispensers, since they can only do 8 alarms. The two pain med trays are staggered by 1:30 so that one of the two trays can be used at any given time. The Amoxicillin was just put into her regular 12hr dispenser. (We had to take them at 8 hours for two days, that was tough.)

Or four pill trays that look like this. If we take the pills from these trays, we’ll not have to worry about taking them too often.

I exchanged callsigns with a station in Canada and California tonight using ONE Watt of signal! (That’s AMAZING)


I heard back from Ignacio Customer Support Agent for Live Fine, he said “You should be fine, you should have any issue with the unit”. Ok, unit is singular and I was asking about the five other devices. How about risk to my network? I know that these units reach out to AWS over an encrypted channel.

I checked in on the WW Net while sipping on my coffee. I do have one tooth that is sensitive after I’ve aggressively flossed it yesterday. Lunch was ham with veggies served on warmed plates thanks to a gift we received over Christmas.

The pill dispensers can only do 9 dispenses a day so I have to use two dispensers for 16 doses. I thought it better to use alternate times versus morning and evening for pain management since there’s always a dose available. But the dispensers prevent more than three doses in a short amount of time. (When a dispenser moves you could have the previous dose, the current dose and the dose in the 2nd dispenser available to the patient.) That still would not exceed the maximum dose of either medication.

We’re trying to determine the minimum amount of pain medication and that’s been a little more difficult than I had anticipated. She didn’t take any medication for 5 hours and then she complained that her mouth hurt for the next three hours while taking the maximum (Incremental 90Minute) dose for Ibuprofen and Tylenol. She passed up her 6PM dose and took the 9PM dose with some pain present. I’ve pulled the Ibuprofen from every other slot in Meds 2 to reduce the dose just a little. I also changed both timers from 90 min to 2 Hr. increments to space out the medication a little more.

For the first hour the dispenser flashes blue requesting to take pills. After that it flashes red for an hour letting us know that we’re late.


Checked in with the HAM radio guys on the WW Net while sipping on my coffee. She again stretched out her pain meds past 5 hours this morning so we may be on the other side of all this pain meds. I wanted to get rid of Blue Focus before the next Insurance renewal. I’ve got three days left, the 10th is Monday.

My Glucose is still within range, albeit barely for pre-diabetes.

Hers has come back down to a normal range for us with the meds.

We went to get some cash and then to the eye doc to repair her glasses. Then we had a great lunch with our friends in downtown Lawrenceville. Back home for a good nap and some TV time. We made our coffee for tomorrow then went to bed a bit early tonight. Her pain meds are on a 4-hour timer for the next two days. She’ll have access to two 1/2 doses at any time. I thought about collapsing the regiment into just one timer but that might be a little premature. It’s no trouble to let these two dispensers run.

Acetaminophen comes in three dosages, 100mg for kids, 325mg for adults and extra strength 500mg for adults. Cutting a 500mg in half results in two ~250mg tablets. It’s actually pretty hard to cut them exactly in half even with a pill cutter. It’s far easier for me to cut them with the dog nail clippers where I have more control over the process. If she has a headache 250mg has been sufficient thus far. It’s not good for her to take Ibuprofen at all, let alone take an 800mg tablet.


Her feet are swollen, and it is hard to get her boots on. The assumption is all the salt that was in the Mexican food we had for lunch yesterday.

We had scrambled eggs and breakfast sausages for breakfast. My shoulders are a little sore and that’s a distraction from getting a head start on what I have to do today. Time to go through my morning list.

Our current chores list, it’s growing!

I’m staggering my 20mg omeprazole to reduce the efficacy to 15mg. Now when my stomach gets a little overactive, I just take a small sip of baking soda water for immediate relief. She’s taking 40mg / per day which is a huge pill and a lot of medicine.

I bought a new license for the new FortiGate, it should get here on Monday. The licenses grant me updates which are vital to a secure network.

Helped her do a little housework this morning from both of our lists.

I cut the end of the Invisalign tray off for the tooth she had extracted on Monday. We have one more tray in the series, but we haven’t worn them for more than a week with all the drama. With the crowding the doctors were pushing #30 towards the back so we don’t really need the back of the tray. They were pretty tight tonight, and she had to take Tylenol so that she could get some sleep.

Most of the thank you letters from our Child Fund children are at the edge of being overdue. Normally Mariel responds within 30 days, it’s strange that Her’s is this far behind. The gifts were sent in November, delivered to the in-country team in December and they should have gotten them about the middle of the month. The child has two months (Dec+Jan) to send a thank you letter back to us. Roughly Feb 15th all of those legs of the gift+letter have expired at 74 days, we’re at 69 days for all of them.

Vacuumed the house today and we’re washing her masks. (She changes them every other day.)

Our neighbors brought over some food wrapped in corn husks. Apparently it is a Mexican delicacy to wrap corn meal in a moistened corn husk.


Had to change the dispensers back to 8 doses per day. With the braces in place, she needed Tylenol more often than I had planned. (Ibuprofen would need her to take out her braces and wait 30 minutes to put them back in.)

Checked in with the HAM radio guys on the WW Net and talked to Paul for a good long while. We had scrambled eggs for breakfast with sausages.

Church service went well, we went to CVS and picked up a prescription for Amoxicillin that will carry us through the procedure on Wednesday. The question is that the Dentist prescribed 3PPD and the original prescription was for 2PPD that ends tomorrow morning. We did 3PPD for a couple days after the extraction and then dropped back down to 2PPD. I mistakenly read the dentist prescription as 2 pills, not 21 pills. LOL.