Monday 17 Feb 2024

Had four eggs, breakfast sausages, rye toast with orange juice for breakfast.

We did a bit of planning and went to the shoe repair shop to fix her boot that the zipper ripped out on Sunday. The zipper got mangled trying to zip up boots that are just a bit too tight. I found two pair of this style in size 8 boots on EBAY, we’ll have to wait to see if they fit her. I thought for a while that the cuff of the boot rolled up to keep her warm in tall snow.

We went to Burlington Coat Factory to find some pants for her. After picking up a couple of prospects we headed to Longhorn in Suwanee for lunch. We had our usual strawberry chicken salad for lunch then headed home for a nap. I called in a prescription, and they said it would be ready at 18:00. I did pick up some 200 glucose test strips that were 30% off. (I’ve not seen them cheaper than CVS prices on Amazon which is strange considering CVS is waay high on a lot of things. They ARE cheaper on EBAY though.)

Checked in with the GARS Net on 2Meter repeater tonight. (It’s a good test of the equipment.)

Her BP is 150 ish and her HR is about 100 tonight, so we’re planning on resting. Her Glucose is also about 150 after having three Arnold Palmers for lunch. My BP was also like 138/74 tonight and I take BP medication to keep it from getting too high.

I added 1/2 500mg Wally World acetaminophen pill to MY evening pills. 250mg acetaminophen seems to take care of our needs in most cases. It’s also really easy to keep up with the dosing with a 90-minute pill dispenser/timer.


My fight or flight response is preventing me from getting any rest this morning. I ended up taking a nice hot bath to calm it down. Checked in on the HAM WW Net this morning while eating fried eggs and breakfast sausages. I am working up some new pages for our Daytimer procedure books, and it will be a work in progress.

I made 4 eggs, breakfast sausages and Rye toast for breakfast. She then asked if she could have the same for her. I gave her my plate and made another round for me. It was a strange happening, I asked her what she had and she said a bowl of cereal. (Her normal breakfast.) If she wants eggs the fastest way is to use the hard boiled egg cooker. Odd.

We went to BN and the removed all the attachments and then took pictures of all of her teeth for the next round of braces. They said I did a good job if cutting down the brace #20 so that it didn’t hang over her missing tooth gum.

We went to Longhorn again today. My Glucose was just over a 100 for like the third time today. Apparently, the strawberry salad at LH is a pretty good meal for seniors.

We both took a good long nap and the shoe guy never called about her boots. I did buy two pairs of size 8 boots of the same manufacturer and style used yesterday. They won’t be here until next week sometime. According to her she’s had them since before we dated. They are in excellent shape like she hasn’t worn them much. We’re only wearing them now because of her Plantar fasciitis.

My glucose ranges are not too bad, I need to cut back on the coffee.

Wednesday (Endodontist)

COLD morning this morning, going to be even colder tomorrow.

We had a large breakfast fried eggs and sausage with a bit of coffee. We took her blood pressure several times and it was not very high. (That’s a relief) She wore her o2 monitor and it showed that she was calm throughout the root canal.

We went to Longhorn (Again) for lunch and I allowed a bit of Cheese cake for dessert.

Back home for a much needed nap. Sandwiches for dinner and a couple of rice cakes with creme cheese on it.

Church services went well, but we were pretty tired.

I didn’t sleep very well, but my CPAP machine reported it did not have many events.

Thursday (Boot repair)

Picked up her repaired boots today, she’s really happy!

Got pretty cold this morning, we left some eggs on the porch for the neighbor.
We’re pretty sure they didn’t spoil, LOL.

Light breakfast today, just a cup of coffee. We need to make a run to the grocery store. We ended up going to Publix and picking up most of the groceries then drove to Longhorn for lunch. We stopped by Aldi’s and got some meat after we had a bit of a nap. It’s pretty COLD outside even at 4PM with the wind upon us.

Rye bread sandwiches and rice cakes with creme cheese for dessert. We’re taking her blood pressure twice a day until we see the doctor.


Checked in with the HAM guys on the WW Net and tried my best to find out who keeps calling me about buying my home. Georgia Local Home Buyers is not a business name so there’s no one to complain too.

She doesn’t know it yet, but two pairs of her favorite boots arrive today. They are a 1/2 size larger than the ones we had fixed this week. They should be just a bit easier to get on.