3 December 2018, a day from Mark’s past

Status: We have baby German Roaches in the bathroom, so apparently we brought some egg sacks from Florida.

Narrative: I had planned on spending a little time keeping the roaches from gaining a foothold in our homestead. We’re currently counting on roach hotels with pheromones to attract them and borax powder under the fridge. Having only seen a few and we’ve killed the ones we’ve seen I’ll call that even. Seeing the baby today doesn’t make me happy, but it’s only one so far. If they start appearing in larger numbers we can get an exterminator service for a year for roughly $250.00 where they spray every three months.

I am still playing with the tunnel configurations to grandpa’s house. I was able to stop the ping to mom’s farm and the link stayed up. I am trying the same configuration for the Atlanta link. Both the Tampa links are down. The two links are still up this evening, so that appears to be the fix. (We’ll really need the tunnels tomorrow!)

I’ve been a secretary all day doing follow-ups and writing documents. The wife is getting bored now that her class is over with. (It didn’t help I was so busy.) She did go to the pool and got groceries. Updated mom’s monthly budget and sent them a copy. Transferred the monthly allotment into the Expense account so Ricky can pay her bills.

I did sort through two more baskets of stuff from Florida today, we’re almost to a point that I can put up the Christmas tree.

Engineering: I worked on the house power distribution today and repaired the backup battery power for the Television. (The TV has it’s own power source if the power is off more than about 7 hours.) The solar panels charge three banks of batteries, TV battery backup, Refrigerator Battery backup and CPAP battery backup. The CPAP battery backup is currently located in a closet where it’s not much use. I don’t want to move it to the garage (Too Hot) and there’s not enough room in the bedroom for it. The “Other” option is to locate the batteries in my cave and run the wires through the wall to the inverters. Undecided whether that’s the direction for all the batteries in the garage. The heat in the summertime is very detremental to the length of service for the 2,000.00 worth of batteries in there.

Tomorrow: Sign the offer letter!


From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT set clear goals for the day? No
Did I DMBT make progress to those goals? No
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT fix something today? Yes
Did I DMBT improve something today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
Did I DMBT be fully engaged? Yes
*Did My Best To
Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accomplishments: Purchases: Engineering: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News: