15 December 2018, a day from Mark’s past

Status: In Cordele getting some much needed rest.  We put all the UPS units that were supporting the three networks in the car.  Five UPS units took up a bit of room, but they did their job really well for about 8 months. Today is the first time mom’s farm has not E-Mailed me a picture of something moving!

Narrative: Woke up and had to clear my sinus so I’m catching up on my Blog.  It’s been a whirl wind for the last week and we’re exhausted.  We left the hotel about 08:00 and got home around 11 AM in good traveling  weather.  It took several minutes to figure out how long we were gone, as it turned out we left Atlanta about nine days ago.  Unpacked the car and filled up our living room with boxes and bags for the last time. 

Repaired one of my failing cameras so I can see the front porch for the first time in months.    I rebooted the camera on the side of the house, I’ll have to wait a little while to see if the ferrite core helps keep it alive.

I also checked our finances, we’ve got about $300.00 left on our credit card and there’s a little over  $1,000.00 in the checking account.  I had hoped to replenish our checking account next week, but it looks like it may be a couple weeks.  I have hours of work to do to account for all the expenditures this year moving mom.  I thought I’d throw together just the cash contributions to get some money back into our accounts as soon as I can.  I sent a list to sis and we’ll send it to mom when we agree.

Our tree has a lot of lights burnt out so we went to Lowes to get some more, they were almost sold out of lights!  We did get some LED lights, but it was very slim pickings today.  I’ll put them on the tree after updating the blog.  I made some Dominican coffee and put some Bailey’s Irish Crème in it.  Good Stuff!  Most of the lights were attached to the tree with little green clips, they’re not too bad.  The green wire ties however  are the same color and size as the wire.  I did manage to finally cut a wire trying to cut a wire tie, but I am also FINISHED de lighting the tree!

Purchases: Christmas lights and gift tags.

Travel: Cordele to da Homestead in good time.

Repairs: Front lawn camera and replacing the lights on our Christmas Tree.

Noteworthy: I am finally getting the hang of this new editor in Word Press. It doesn’t do the things the same way as the old one did.

Tomorrow: Christmas Play then Christmas Party that I am not sure I am up for.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT set clear goals for the day? No
Did I DMBT make progress to those goals? No
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT fix something today? Yes
Did I DMBT improve something today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
Did I DMBT be fully engaged? Yes
*Did My Best To
Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words:  Accomplishments: Engineering: Project: Theme: Engineering:  Pi News: