Monday 23 Sep 2024


We’ve both woken up several times during the night. I forgot to take my evening pills last night, took them about eight hours later. Checked in with the guys on the HF radio and had three eggs and sausage for breakfast. I’ve been kind of laying low to hear from Lisa, but crickets would be louder. I’d really like a status of our Estate taxes from Nevada, but nothing from them either.

I got sunburnt Saturday with three hours in the bright sun, and I am really feeling it today. We got into an argument about groceries, she was writing the inventory on the grocery list. The trouble with that is you don’t know how many to buy. (And that’s the whole purpose of a grocery list.) We also found out that she had not done her daily inventory, and a package of ham had to be tossed. It was more than a week past the eat/freeze date. She is supposed to put post-it notes on the cupboard to make it easy to pick out the oldest meat in the fridge.

We ended up having salmon, it had to be eaten today. We had left over veggies and sweet potatoes with the salmon. It ended up being a good lunch.

I put a weatherproof solar charger on both the van and the blue Ford Focus (that we’re not driving). I split the output of the charger to both of the cigarette lighter plugs with small three-amp fuses to protect the cars. (The wires actually connect the two car batteries together) The four solar panels are on the fence in the back yard. It would have been easier to use a panel on the van, but the fence panels were already mounted for another project. Yellow/black is solar… Pink/Blue is batteries.

Dinner was organic chicken noodle soup from Whole Foods. They have an interesting package that unfolds to open. 🙂

Watched a little TV before turning in.

Tuesday (Groceries)

Showered, got onto the HF radio with the guys then got dressed. Wally World wasn’t bad, no round steak and the 1/2 Gallon Borden milks were expired. (Again, that’s two weeks in a row.) I made this mistake of licking my fingers to open the plastic bag After I handled the chicken. (BAD Idea) I put a timer on the front yard light so that I could power the IR illuminators without having the yard light create shadows. It worked pretty well according to the cameras. The timer is off by a couple minutes, but that’s no consequence.

Her heart rate was a little high on her FitBit so she put the O2 sensor on. (There’s no reason her heart rate was almost 100 while sitting in a chair watching TV.)

Her heart rate dropped some, but a resting heart rate should be around 60.

My heart rate is much lower than hers.

I took some Tylenol and my evening meds and we turned in for the evening.

Wednesday (Midweek Church service)

Woke at 7:30 I have moderate pain and slight itchy across my back and arms this morning. My ears are ringing which usually means I was low O2 at some point.

Hasn’t changed much, should be here in force on Friday.

I checked in with the guys on my HF radio while I downloaded the data from our O2 sensors. She’s changing the bedding and I’m getting my day organized. Her heart rate while cleaning our home is 81 this morning. The car batteries were 12.6V this morning, they were 13.8 when the sun came up and charging them. I put a plastic bag over the timer that turns off the hanging light on the corner of our home. I used to turn off the power, but I use that power for the IR illuminators until I can run another cable. She did not do an inventory of our refrigerators yesterday. It takes a LOT of time walking behind her and checking things?

Burritos was lunch today, we added Taco seasoning, cheese and Salsa to the tortilla. No veggies or starch for dinner today.

Graphic: Byron Manley and Renée Rigdon, CNN


Slept in until almost 9AM and I again have moderate pain and slight itchy across my back and arms this morning. My ears are ringing which usually means I was low O2 at some point. I didn’t get onto the HAM radio because I got up so late. All my stored passwords have been erased by Norton Password manager. (I didn’t know getting rid of their storage deleted all the storage.) Uggg

I am trying to get some momentum, but not having much luck. My HF antenna in the back yard had fallen over, with all this rain the stake came up out of the ground. I originally had two stakes, but I never needed the second one until today. The stake that came out tried to poke my eye out as I pulled the rope back down, luckily, I had my eye lid closed when I saw it swung around. The ropes were all loose since some of they are Nylon. (I need to change them out for poly for the winter.)

Burritos for lunch, actually it tasted better on chips than rolled up in a tortilla. Nap time. Checked on the hurricane, it’s going to be 7 hours later to Georgia which pushes weather ever closer to Women’s Retreat.

The tropical force wind probability has been moving north all day.

Updated my two of the three Raspi’s so that I can use them again.

Mom called, they won’t get power back until Sunday Night and the solar power generator battery is down to 20%. They tried to run the TV and the Dish Network Hopper, but that really ran the battery down.


No damage, just a tremendous amount of rain.

Up at 8:30, so too late to meet up with our HAM guys. She poured me a cup of coffee and I took the garbage can out to the curb. I need to take the recycling out too, but that truck comes later in the day and it is still raining.

Two of the four camera on my DVR stopped working this week.

Camera 2 is now sitting on a car tire facing west to take over the area.

I had to change the configuration of my bed and remove the wedge.

I have an issue with Gurd if I lay flat, so I’ve been using a wedge to keep my upper body elevated. The problem with that is my head falls over and I choke myself several times during the night. (And it can be a couple minutes until my body circulation pools my blood away from my skin.) I am hoping that with the pillow LOWER than my body that my head won’t wonder down to my chest at night! (Her pillow has been in this configuration for months for the same reason. We put an exercise mat under the mattress pad to elevate us slightly long ago.

I sent a message to Nevada asking about our estate taxes. I paid our County Taxes today, $3400.00 YUK She didn’t follow the directions on the frozen fish and put the fillets themselves in cold water (Instead of the sealed pouch). It took three attempts at reading the instructions before she would agree that she did it wrong. I don’t know if my place is to stand alongside her on these simple instructions. I am sure they are trying to prevent bacteria from getting into the fish while it is thawing.


Lowering my pillow seems to have helped my breathing at night.

I didn’t sleep very well last night because how involved I’ve gotten with the Women’s Retreat today. I got up early and gathered a tub of cables for the projector. (We hadn’t discussed this, but it was on the program given to the attendees.)

Washing our tubs for the two CPAPs, Vinegar and warm soapy water.

I’ve been trying to get their return check from 2019 for 5 years.

Women’s Retreat happened today. I only got one phone call, and the morning session is about over. The assumption is that it went well, and they didn’t need any help.

Lunch was chicken thighs, veggies and sweet potatoes. I didn’t eat the potatoes because my skin has too much sugar on it from yesterday’s meal at Longhorn.

We went to CVS that was closed yesterday for the Tropical Storm and now they are closed because a tree fell on the building. We’re trying to pick up a narcotic and that cannot be transferred to another CVS.

Filled out a survey on Longhorn at Web Gin Road for JJ, she did a great job yesterday.


I am up, took my morning meds and waiting my turn on the HF radio. The payment to the County hasn’t processed yet, which may be because it’s the weekend.

Went to home church and that went very well. We had left over chicken thighs for lunch and I took a HUGE nap for hours. I went and retrieved the sound board and two Fenders from storage. The sound board was damaged, apparently it fell off the cart and no one said anything. The wires for the speakers also were not in the amplifiers so I had to put off any testing.