24 March 2020, A day in Progress

Status: We’re grounded at the homestead until the virus risk drops considerably.

Plans: Go grocery shopping first thing this morning.

Narrative: Trying to get organized, which takes more effort with the virus threat affecting about everything. According to UPS we should get our portable refrigerator today, which is better than tomorrow because we’ll have groceries to put in it.

The wife is sleeping soundly, I put a fresh cup of coffee next to the bed and that didn’t rouse her either. LOL

Grocery shopping went well this morning. Kroger does open early for Seniors at 07:00 so we had exited the produce section before the store opened officially. We were out of the store by 08:20. I brought gloves to wear, but it is impossible to open those produce bags with them. Next time we go I’ll have Clorox wipes that are plenty sticky to open the bags with. The rest of the shopping I did with the cloth gloves on. My only remaining mistake was helping bag, I ended up within 3′ of the Kroger bagger. (But we’re 3 feet from the cashier too… Hmmm.)

Once home we put all the bags on the floor and washed our hands. Then trying not to handle the outside of the bag while filling the fridge. (It’s fully by the way!)

I think we’re stocked!

The portable fridge came today, it’s a beautiful piece of equipment! The compressor runs off of DC 12 or 24 Volts and there is a power supply inside that powers the unit from a standard outlet. It draws about 75 watts and I didn’t see a current spike when the compressor kicked in. It is currently plugged into my battery backed up outlet in the Livingroom. (Orange)

Seriously Cool Portable Fridge.

I put a bag of ice in the unit, plugged it in and set the temp to -6 degrees. Within an hour it was below zero and the ice never melted. The inside of the fridge is so cold I got freezer burn on my fingers when I felt them. TOO COOL!!!

Tomorrow: Wednesday, if the weather is right put a wireless access point on the chimney for the NodeMCU that will be providing data on the solar strength.

Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accomplishments: Purchases: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News: