1 April 2020, A day in Progress

Status: Sheltering in place as ordered by the county. We are good with about 30 days of meals and 7-10 days of produce.

Plans: Work this morning remotely for four hours. Take a walk around the block with the wife. Work on my NodeMCU herd and refine connection types.

Narrative: Woke up really early this morning at 05:30 and worked on the company training that was due. I started a pot of coffee and finished the training around 08:00.

Kathy and I took a walk around the block, it was a little cool today. The breeze was much stronger than it was on Monday. Bright sun today offset the temperature when we got to the last 1/3 of the block.

The cover came in for the portable freezer, the freezer sits IN the cover. The freezer is full of food and is several pounds heaver than if we’d had done this before filling it. Well, then there’s Kathy who’s been working out for weeks just lifts it into the bag without straining! WOW (My back felt it and she’s good… LOL)

Put the fridge in a bag, the added insulation saved more than 100WH/Day.
The big fridge is 2400WH/Day and this one is 900WH/Day.

The temp of the fridge’s surface was about 3 degrees less than the room temp which is pretty good for a portable unit. I covered the unit with a blanket and the surface dropped about eight degrees. I have similar results with the bag around the unit except now it is on all six sides. I have a wattmeter on the cord to capture the power consumption which I am projecting will be about 10% less with the cover on. (Increasing the insulation.)

With the 600KVA Lifan generator at 300W for 4 hours I can run this fridge for about .4 gallons of gasoline/day. I’d have to run the generator twice that and at 500W (Max for the Lifan) for the big fridge.

We’ve been ordering stuff every other day for the last two weeks as shown by the pile of boxes waiting to be recycled.

Boxes waiting to be recycled.

Tomorrow: Thursday, another day of sheltering in place. We’ve signed up to bring a friend a meal tomorrow. All three family members have the virus, so we have to be very careful.


Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accomplishments: Purchases: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News: