3 April 2020, A day in Progress

Status: Sheltering in place for about the second week, we have plenty of supplies.

Ok, maybe more than a week.

Plans: Work for half a day, and mow the lawn.

Narrative: I know four people that have the right symptoms and cannot get a COVID-19 test. That means (To Me) that this page on the Georgia website is seriously underestimating the number of cases out there.

These are people 1. Have been tested + 2. Test came back Positive!


I was wondering why the numbers in Georgia are Linear. (Not Logarithmic) It didn’t follow that the rest of the USA is on a sharp incline, but the numbers in Georgia are much flatter. I believe that they represent the number of tests given rather than the number of patients that are ill.

As you can see, we went out today and replenished our spirit supplies. Now that I’ve reassessed our risk I wiped down all the bottles to make sure I haven’t brought the virus home with them. We’ve gotten to where we stage everything coming into the house one day to let any virus have a chance to dissipate.

It’s hard to look outside and feel like there is a virus killing a thousand people a day.

The view from our front door.

As you can see, I mowed the lawn today with our battery powered mower. (One battery did the entire front yard.)

We did go to the bank for the first time in months. They control the lobby entrance, so I called them first. The directions were to go to the first drive-thru and it had a drawer for my dollar coins that’s pretty heavy. We had filled out a check before hand and it was a pretty easy task in the end. I haven’t decided whether I should dis-infect the coins since they haven’t been touched in a long time. (They are rolled and boxed.)

Feelings:Found this chart online a while back. I am going to try to use it to represent MY feelings for the day. (I had originally tried to use a list of feeling words, but that was too time consuming for me to do it every day.)

Found out today that the virus is MUCH closer to home

We had a good sized salad and stir fry for dinner. Watched a good movie about living in Antarctica for a year and went to bed.

Tomorrow: Saturday, should be another bright sunny day.

Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Travel: Noteworthy: Accomplishments: Purchases: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News: