15 May 2020, my last payday.

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies

Plans: Keep organizing and cleaning.

  • 07:00 Rise and Shine
  • 08:00 Breakfast and news. (Tropical storm off Florida)
  • 09:00 Cleaning, Organizing
  • 10:00 Put away groceries
  • 12:00 Talk to mom and check the lawns.
  • 13:00 Shower and Nap Time
  • 15:30 Reading and writing in my blog.
  • Mom’s Bug-Out needs:
  • 6 Gallons of Water for herself (Not animals.)
  • Big bag for clothes and
  • Small bag for medicine and diapers.
  • Battery charger for phone
  • Solar charger for battery charger
  • Shelf stable food. (Anchovies?)

Narrative: Ever since I cleaned the condenser coils under the kitchen fridge the power has been a little less. A more dramatic difference seems to be that the power drawn now varies considerably with type of use (loading groceries and consuming ice.)

Tomorrow: Saturday, should be a nice day


  • Prayer List:
  • God
    • That we remember and share about the love of Christ as we go.
    • That we would love God’s word and apply it to our daily life.
    • That we would desire Christ to be in our lives above all else.
    • That God would show us the idols of our heart.
    • That we would be quick to repent.
    • We compare every thought about ourselves against the love Christ has for us.
    • That we would love others like Christ has loved us.
    • That we would number our days and be grateful for every one of them.
  • Personal traits/needs
    • Humility
    • Wisdom, Memory, Organization
    • Turning away from Sin
    • Health
    • Strength/Stamina
    • Talents
  • Family members
  • Family Group
  • Church members
  • Church leaders
  • Government leadership
  • Friends and neighbors
  • Pandemic
    • Those who have fallen ill.
    • Those who are vulnerable
    • The young and strong among us unwittingly spreading the disease.
    • Give the Government leadership wisdom and a pervasive voice.
    • Give the Scientists the wisdom and talents to produce a vaccine.
    • Comfort the Front line Health Care workers and keep them safe.
  • Social network providers to maintain control over their platforms.
    • Disinformation
    • Spreading of Hate and discourse
    • Rebelling against the Government
    • Promoting taking up arms to display anger/frustration.
  • Those who serve us.
    • Health care providers
    • Instacart, DoorDash
  • Sharing the Gospel with others.

Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Travel: Noteworthy: Accmplishments: Purchases: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News:

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To