1 June 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies. Gwinnett County case count is more than anytime this year. We’re not going anywhere soon…

Plans: Need to knock out some things on my bucket list.

  • 00:00 Trying to find a replacement NAS.
  • 02:00 Ordered a NAS, it will take until Saturday to get here. (Strange for Amazon.)
  • 07:00 Up and sipp’n coffee.
  • 08:00 Weed-n-feed the front lawn and took a walk
  • 09:00 Changing battery Focus
  • 11:00 Checking on a new battery.
  • 12:00 Drove and got a new car battery
  • 13:00 Connected solar panel to car to charge battery.
  • 14:00 Nap time
  • 15:00 Swap Cars.
  • 16:00 Clean out blue Focus
  • 17:00 Emissions test for Saturn
  • 18:00 Clean out blue Saturn
  • 19:00 Sign title and position three cars.
  • 20:00 Shower and planning.

Narrative: I’ve lost a movie library, but I don’t have time to work it right now. I have backups, but everything isn’t in them. 1st priority is to move my shared drive onto a new library. Bought a 4 Bay NAS, i’ll populate it once I find four hard drives for it. The two Hitachi drives in the DNS-321 I was using for my video library died together. (They both died!) I’m leaving the three NAS off until I can build a NAS to push the data onto. I probably have twenty hard drives around here that need to be organized.

I also lost a SSD in a laptop and all the data on it. 🙁 I need to get back to using a network attached storage from using the hard drives in a workstation. I can use Microsoft cloud storage for now.

DLink no longer makes / supports NAS drives so I had to look around. The Buffalow NAS looked pretty good but they are a little old and Windows 10 wasn’t listed. I’ve spent a good couple of hours on this. 🙁

I bought a new NAS, it will get here next weekend. I’ll put an empty hard drive in it to make sure it does what it says and then spend the $400 more to get the four hard drives for RAID5.

Bought mom a couple solar panels and charge controller, she’ll get them tomorrow.

I am pretty happy with the performance of the 600W on the roof, but surprisingly it is not enough to support the refrigerator and our CPAPS. I’ve given this some thought and my starting point has to be the CPAPs. I have four 24V UPS units that are very efficient (And very quiet) I think what I am going to do is put one of them in the bedroom. The hard part will be charging the battery at current, Need about 7Amps for 10 hours, what I really have is 12 Amps for 5 hours.

Just found out that my lawn is being taken over by “Creeping Charlie” which is an IVY plant with fairly large leaves. Apparently cutting the lawn without bagging the clippings exacerbates the growth of the plant.

I got my exercise in today. The Saturn ran out of gas in the emissions line. I had to push the car across the parking lot and get fuel before returning. The emissions passed and I signed the title over to our neighbors.

Feelings: I am still angry about the destruction in our cities.

Tomorrow: Tuesday, get organized and get something done.

Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accmplishments: Purchases: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News:

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To