16 June 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.


  • 08:00 Juice and French toast, then coffee
  • 09:00 Morning planning meeting.
  • 10:00 terminate two 100Ft solar cables for mom.
  • 13:00 package up the two solar cables and eat lunch.
  • 14:00 Time for a nap
  • 16:00 quick battery test and clean up.
  • 17:00 Dinner
  • 18:00 Tried to watch a movie, I am waay too emotional.

Narrative: I cut the ends off a 100Ft 12AWG extension cord and replaced them with Anderson SB50 connectors so that mom could connect/disconnect them easily. The voltage on these connectors is a nominal 34Volts at 5 amps and open circuit voltage of 44 volts. It would benefit her and me if we could run three panels in series, that would have an open circuit voltage of 66V! Little worried she’d get shocked and an continuous arc is more likely when disconnecting the wires.

I am going to color/key code the connectors to their position in the series connections from the panel, solar charge controller to the golf cart.

Feelings: There was a skirmish in New Mexico that tells a tale.


Then, a white man in a blue T-shirt appeared to rile the crowd, according to video obtained by KOB4. People erupted in shouts, and the man took a few steps back. A masked protester swung a skateboard and struck him in the shoulder. The man backpedaled out of the crowd, but continued to exchange shouts with protesters.

Someone in the video encouraged people to follow the man and get his license plate number. Several people followed him, and one tackled him to the ground. As he tried to stand back up and three people tried to hit him again, the man in blue pulled a gun and fired four shots, striking one man and scattering the crowd.

In a second video that captured the moments following the shooting, the gunman sat in the middle of a road as the New Mexico Civil Guard ‘militia’ members formed a circle around him. One man carrying a semiautomatic rifle, and wearing camouflage fatigues and a military-style helmet, kicked the handgun away from the man and stood with his foot on top of the weapon.

Police responded to the scene with tear gas and stun grenades to force the crowd back. Officers detained several members of the ‘militia’ group, according to reporters and witnesses at the scene. Video showed officers placing the apparent gunman into a cruiser.

“Notice how calmly they’re all being detained,” former housing secretary Julián Castro tweeted Monday night. “Don’t tell me George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks and Eric Garner — who did not harm anybody — couldn’t be treated differently. What Julián Castro didn’t say was that most of the men recently killed would still be alive if they hadn’t resisted while being arrested.

Tomorrow: Need some more emotional barriers, this world is getting to me.

Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accmplishments: Purchases: Project: Theme: Engineering: Repairs: Pi News:

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To