28 October 2018, A day from Mark’s past

Today’s Notes
General: Went to sleep late and got up at 06:30 about 30 minutes before my alarm went off. Had a couple pieces of toast and took a shower. Went back to bed until 07:30, got dressed and started the car. (It has no A/C so the windows fog up.) Off to church at 07:45 very tired. Church services ended but they’re practicing the Christmas play which delayed my departure until 13:15. Got home had a piece of toast and went to bed. Woke up about 14:30 and headed out to The Home depot for some networking wire (CAT-5e) and Wally world for some supplies. The Home Depot wanted almost 100.00 for the wire that was supposed to be a little over sixty dollars? Headed over to Wally World and got most of the groceries until I started feeling faint. Darted over to Burger King and got a sandwich. I didn’t feel much better but I was good enough to get the remainder of the wife’s list and head home. Had a bowl of Chili whilst I checked THD website for the wire that was sixty dollars and change. Sure enough there were four boxes at the store I just left. I placed two orders for a box each and I am waiting on confirmation from the store. Just so you know Sixty dollars was about the going price several years ago for a 1K box of wire. Earlier this year it was almost a hundred bucks at THD. I checked several places back then and everybody wanted waaay to much money for networking wire. I happened across the sixty dollar price this week and researched the cost of copper. Since July it’s dropped about 30% so I assumed that was the reason that the price had changed. I got a notice from the Lilburn THD store and sure enough they had two 1000ft boxes of CAT5e wire waiting on me. I locked the car and got ready for bed, it’s been a long day.

Accomplishments: Set the camera in the big barn to notify me if anything moves, sure enough I got an E-Mail tonight showing a cat walking the hallways.
Purchases: Two boxes of CAT-5e wire to set security cameras on Nancy’s farm inside the buildings.
Tomorrow: sleep in my mom’s house.
Travel: Drive to FL, the neighbors are going to watch the house for us and the cameras are all set.
Engineering: The two CPAP machines consumed about 520WH last night, the traveling UPS currently has 1800WH of batteries.

Feeling words: anxious, amused, apprehensive, bewildered, curious, cautious, dismayed, edgy, exhausted, loving, mischievous, nervous, optimistic, panicky, rattled, reluctant, reserved, skeptical, thankful, tired, uneasy, uncertain, weak, weary.

Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Noteworthy:


From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT set clear goals for the day? No
Did I DMBT make progress to those goals? No
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT fix something today? Yes
Did I DMBT improve something today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
Did I DMBT be fully engaged? Yes
*Did My Best To