3 November 2018, A day from Mark’s past

Today’s Notes
General: We had a frozen croissant and coffee for breakfast. Attached the horse trailer to Wayne’s truck and headed to Grandpa’s about 10 with an orange crate full of emergency lanterns and the power supply for mom’s bed. Disconnected the trailer and setup the dryer in Aunties garage. The vent goes straight up and into a roof vent. There was some stuff in the end of the vent that needed to be dealt with. Also I need to get onto the roof and check the flashing before it rains. The dryer does appear to be working and the washer needs 4×4’s to push it up just a little for my Aunt. (She’s pretty short.) Drove home to get laundry and returned with the one chick all it’s container components. We spent a good minute cleaning and resetting the chick’s cage in the third bedroom. We moved the wood furniture out of the house and into the wood pile temporally. At least until I can get help loading it all into the horse trailer and bringing it back to mom’s farm. I like the larger TV and it being on a stand in front of the window so that the window’s light is not on the screen. (It’s a good fit, we just will need a TV for the living room. (Mom wanted a bigger TV anyway.) She’s learning all the features of the “Hopper” and one of them may allow the wife to watch her two favorite shows. Mom and sis seem to have worked out the 9 dogs, although it sounds like a lot of work for me. The dogs are taking a toll on the doors though.

Auntie tested the cordless phone and it reaches the far buildings so we’ve brought mom’s cordless back for our use. Our siblings are making progress on Grandpa’s shed I’ll try and get pictures of that tomorrow. We’re back at the farm and had ice cream cones before working on the Cat.

Mom has enjoyed the grandchild for a couple days, they have been in Grandpa’s house almost all day today and a pretty good while yesterday. It is likely that the grandchild will be there again tomorrow as they work on Grandpa’s shed. We all had pizza together for lunch today at grandpa’s house.

The cat is an outside cat that comes and goes as it pleases through an open window.  Mom has enjoyed the cat joining her in the evenings and all she had to do was leave some food out.  For us it’s a problem because the window screen has a hole for the cat and the mosquito’s like to enter as well.  Now that mom is gone the cat has appeared the first night and partook in the food left out for her.  Mom wants to come over and wait for the cat which then leaves all 9 dogs in Aunties care for the duration.  There is no Dish TV anymore to watch so she would probably want us to be here with her.  We are hoping to catch the cat with a couple pieces of bacon tonight.  If I can cover the window before the cat can get out of it we’ll have the cat in the bedroom for mom to catch.  That all depends on the cat arriving and not getting spooked.  We should have had Nancy catch the cat on the first day!

The pile of bug feces on the kitchen floor has to be dealt with, but we need some masks before attempting to clean it. THD has good masks we hope to get in a couple days. We’ve set roach traps out to knock the roaches down a little. Mom has also requested an 80.00 inside and outside service on Monday morning we will have to pay for when they get here out of Nancy’s account. That is a large portion of her disposable income. I may have to move another $500 from Atlanta with the Florida Blue also being taken from her personal account this month.

Tomorrow: Anchor the washer and get a desk setup in the third bedroom. Maybe start working emergency power and lighting.
Engineering: Create a doorbell at the gate that’s a good 200′ from the house.
Engineering: Mom cannot simply change batteries in her sisters landline if they’re dead, the battery is wired in her phone. (No need for an AAA charger.)
Purchases: Need to buy an end table for mom’s bed, a small table with a drawer and a floor lamp next to her big chair at Grandpa’s.

Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accomplishments:
To Do List (And it’s growing)
get all the dog/cat food out of mom’s house.
Buy hay for the cows.
Grandpa’s Buy shades for all lamps going to grandpa’s farm. Thinking 4 of them? (Bedroom Em light, living room Em light, two gear lamps maybe?)
Grandpa’s move two new desk lamps on the desk at Mom’s to grandpa’s farm.
Grandpa’s sanitize, clean and move the four emergency power supplies from Mom’s farm.
Grandpa’s Buy TV cart for Mom’s bedroom.
Grandpa’s buy curtain for Mom’s south bedroom window
Grandpa’s repair yard light over the house
Grandpa’s repair/install fire/smoke/CO alarm
Grandpa’s repair house patio door
Grandpa’s repair house windows
Grandpa’s repair wall outlet/receptacles in Ricky’s bedroom
Grandpa’s erect fences for the dogs
Grandpa’s clean grandpa’s shed
Grandpa’s repair grandpa’s shed roof
Grandpa’s replace property gate
Grandpa’s repair Auntie’s bedroom Air Conditioner Vent
Grandpa’s move the phone and Internet from Auntie’s bedroom into the third bedroom
Grandpa’s Construct a desk from two file cabinets and a door.
Grandpa’s Install emergency (battery backed up) lighting
Grandpa’s Install battery backup on Dish receiver (Maybe move it to living room)
Grandpa’s purchase / repair printer that has died.
Grandpa’s purchase a new computer
Grandpa’s Install a firewall and wireless router.
Grandpa’s Establish a VPN between grandpa’s Fortigate and Atlanta for remote camera adjustment / repair.
Mom’s Clean pile of bugs and trash from kitchen floor
Mom’s Turn camera over the dog runs to point toward the stalls.
Mom’s Set timers for mom’s house lights
Mom’s Lengthen the timer so that the camera over the runs, runs more of the day.
Mom’s Change the Wayne’s shed timer so that it comes on earlier in the morning
Mom’s Set mouse traps or bait in the trailer.
Atlanta Card for the drama department.


From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT set clear goals for the day? No
Did I DMBT make progress to those goals? No
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT fix something today? Yes
Did I DMBT improve something today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
Did I DMBT be fully engaged? Yes
*Did My Best To