1 Oct 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.

Read something: The “town square test”—can EVERYONE express themselves freely, publicly, without fear of reprisal? Can we speak freely without checking for a BLM protestor confronting us wherever we are? Can we have a sign like Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter in our yards without fearing damage to our homes? Three-warning-signs-of-ideological-totalitarianism

Even in our homes family members are very polarized and resort to going into our corners after showing our dissent to them.

Haven’t received them yet.

Plans: Let the NodeMCU’s and the dehumidifier run until 13 October.

  • 01:00 Blogging
  • 08:00 UP, getting ready to shop at Kroger
  • 09:00 Putting away groceries and eating breakfast
    • Called mom.
    • Writing a letter to Childfund kids.
  • 10:00 Checking on NodeMCU Thermostat while sipp’n on coffee.
    • COVID19 Looks good for Gwinnett, still dropping!
  • 11:00 Reading the news
    • I really want a nap, troubleshooting home phone.
    • lunch
    • Ordered a 2nd thermostat for our new unit.
  • 12:00 NAP
  • 14:00 Cleaned wife’s toe with peroxide.
  • 15:00 Quiet Time.
  • 16:00 Running Generator #1, charging 48V battery banks (All)
  • 17:00 Dinner
  • 18:00 Mow the side yard. Run Generator #2, which worked well by the way.
  • 19:00 Watched XFiles with the Wife.
  • 21:00 BED

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC


NodeMCU Status: Our air conditioner is limping with a oil logged evaporator until we replace the unit on 13 October. The thermostat is also limping along because of leaking batteries. I’m using these NodeMCU’s to measure the temperature and humidity throughout the house and turn on / off the power to the thermostat.

There are currently SEVEN NodeMCU’s working with Home Assistant software to control the air conditioner. One of those seven NodeMCU’s is dedicated to operating the dehumidifier using the others as sensors.

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know.


We like to walk in the mornings but we have an early Doctor’s apt tomorrow.

We take naps between 11 and 1PM.

We’ll probably watch the Camp video in place of eating lunch tomorrow and say a prayer for support.

We make dinner at 16:30 and eat an hour or so later.

Saturday morning we walk, have the worship team meeting at 10AM and a date with our Daughter for lunch.


I’d like to eventually repair the open dialog that I once enjoyed with our brothers in Christ without worrying about the color of their skin.

According to my reading there just seems to be so many ways for a “White” person to offend people of color these days.

The “town square test”—can EVERYONE express themselves freely, publicly, without fear of reprisal?

Read a “Primer” about the book “White Fragility” that shoots pretty big holes in the book’s value. “It is so riddled with conceptual, empirical, and logical errors that it is useless. Flaws in White Fragility Theory: A Primer


I have spent a good deal of time building an distributed thermostat for our limping air conditioner over the last month.

My mom calls me every day just to chat and then calls again if she gets confused about her finances.

I subscribed to a website called “Medium” that gives some insight to what the black American nation is thinking.

Kathy bought a good book about the bible that I need to spend some time reading.

Prayers: My mom in Vegas is still in Rehab, I need to call her and find out when she’s going home.

Melvin sent me a lament that had the phrase “My Voice” that I searched for in scripture today.

Kathy still struggles with her mouth and it gets bad every so often.

Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

I read Luke 7 and 8 yesterday.

Psa 5:3 In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.

We looked up the Kingdom in Daniel together today to prepare for Kathy’s study tomorrow.

Tomorrow: Friday

Retirement: Need to build a budget, are spending is too close to our income. Back to shopping for groceries in person, 800/Month is TOO much on a retired budget.

Project Engineering:

Purchases: USB Cables


Family News: Mom’s in Rehab Center.

Arts: X Files Season 1, The Fifth Element

Travel: Florida travel looks within reach.

Taxes: Waiting on Land taxes.

Pi News: I’ve been working with “Home Assistant” software, the Pi’s themselves are in good shape.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To