28 Nov 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.

We’ve installed a new Air Conditioner and there is a terrible amount of work to be accomplished. The highest priority is insulate the ducts against moisture and clean up the living room. I have to run a new duct to the living room and bedroom to give the air handler more flow.

Looks like the Church audio equipment is staying in the living room, we have another outdoor service in three weeks.

I weighed in at 217 today, that’s two Lbs over my maximum weight. I will reduce my calories in hopes to drop to 215 this week. 190 would be a great goal.

My EcoFlow R600 Pro won’t be shipped until the end of the month, I should get it around Christmas.

Karen AMI:So white people who celebrate the success of black lives demonstrates the inequity of the black experience and white people who don’t celebrate success of black lives also demonstrate the inequity? I am just trying to keep up here. And I must be a Karen because I don’t see race, I see PEOPLE, fellow human beings instead of a color. You don’t have to attack me, I know, that Not seeing color makes me a racist. And seeing color first makes me a racist too. I know. I am the problem. For sure. It’s a tough gig. The Awkwardness of White Joy. Four days later Shane Paul Neil

Narrative: I’m skipping the time bullets today. The heater worked pretty well with the majority of the ducts connected back. I used the NodeMCU network to record some data on the performance of the ducts I’ve already installed. (Not Many) There’s one 7″ vent and two 6″ vents, that’s it for almost two weeks of work. It’s hard to work in the attic when you are 66, believe me!

Talked to my brother, my mom is under the weather. Talked to my son and we’re working with his Air Conditioner ducting in his home. My mom called me and i’ll have to call her back.

I gathered up most of the loose 40yr old duct insulation and bagged it during the night. There’s only about half a dozen pieces still in the attic. Most of the metal duct is still up there, but not connected to the air handler. If I can, I need to get all this trash out of the attic as soon as possible. Today has been pretty busy with coordination with my Stepmom and figuring out the ductwork. Best guess at the moment is that i have installed enough ductwork to drop the static pressure below what is needed for the bedroom. Also it looks like we may be starving the evaporator.

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know.

Researched Philippines Typhoons last month, they took a huge toll on the island. I watched several videos, 3-5 feet of water leaving 3-5″ of mud on everything inside their homes and on the streets. This will take a long time to clean up.

Tomorrow: Sunday

Retirement: We’ve spent 10K on an air conditioner, need to make that up.

Project Engineering: Layout new ductwork.

Purchases: Conservation mode, we’re more than 3 paychecks in the hole.


Religion: We were called to read Luke and comment on the author.

Family News: Mom’s in the rehab.


  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have returned, 20.5″ today. (Yes Potato chips and candy.)

Travel: Florida travel looks well out of reach!

Taxes: 2K tax bill is paid!

Pi News: Love em, but no time to play with them.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To