9 November 2018, A day from Mark’s past

Current Project: Move mom to grandpa’s farm.
Status: 80% of mom’s stuff is still on the farm.
Today’s Plans: Setup a computer desk at grandpa’s with firewalled wireless networking, backup power for Internet/Cordless phone and some kind of light.

Theme: Be as sanitary as we can with all the cockroaches living with us.

Engineering: Move current Internet connection to other side of Grandpa’s house where there is no wiring.
Repairs: PU Truck starter, Grandpa’s Security light.

Narrative: I guess it’s about time I move the computer/monitor/keyboard/mouse to a desk that a cockroach won’t crawl over my hands as I am working.

  This guy insisted on going for a ride!

 Yep, pooping all over my keyboard too.

 Nope, not dust. It’s roach poop.

I like to munch on Dorito’s while I am working, so it seems likely I’ve eaten roach poop rubbed onto my fingers from the keyboard keys.  Ewe! I’ll have to find a single legged table for my laptop today, it has gotten kinda ridicules at this desk.  The trouble with the desk is that it has two filing cabinets for the roaches to harbor / hatch eggs.  The roach poop is already bad enough that I’ll  need a new mouse/keyboard …. YUK!

  Look what I found !

It is a nice, single post 30″ square table with little rust or wear that the post can be (And was) sprayed with bug killer.  It has a Formica top and the feet are adjustable so it is very sturdy. (Does not wobble.)  Even better there are TWO of them!  This one cleaned up very nicely with an SOS pad.  As soon as I can come up with a new keyboard/mouse I am MOVING!  It seems likely that this is a table from the Bumpkin, so there may be even more of them.  (I like the 30″ size)  Very little harborage for roaches, so this would be a good fit for grandpa’s farm as well.  (Versus a traditional wooden end table.)

  All set, where there’s will…

Headed to bed, I was tired.

From my 3′ square bug free computer desk…
We woke up and headed to Grandma’s Diner for breakfast again today.  The food was good but a man sat next to us at the bar and had a never ending cell phone conversation.  I asked him politely if he would please take the phone call out side and he replied “Ya, Right!” and then talked about me to the other person.  He had to have been in his 50’s, it seems unusual not to have understood how much his phone call could bother us.

Bought some supplies at Starr hardware and headed to grandpa’s.   I put a photocell on the outside light, but it’s a Jerry Rigged setup.  I need to install a outside/weatherproof box to house the wire from the house, the wire from the light and the photocell.   (Maybe tomorrow.)  The wire for the DSL Internet ran alongside a coaxial cable into the house.  Someone had cut the coax off right at the edge of the house.  I need to use the coax to pull the CAT-5 telephone wire up the wall without disrupting the round CAT-3 telephone wire that’s there with it.  The two wires were bound together somehow inside the house wall.  Upon further inspection I found the original patch in the wall was still there holding the pair of wires.  I was able to bust up the original patch with a screwdriver without much difficulty.  I attached the CAT-5 wire to the end of the coax and successfully pulled it up the wall alongside Auntie’s bathroom.  I managed to pull it across grandpa’s house without any trouble.  (There’s not much insulation up there.)  I used an old shift cable to make a makeshift pull rod across grandpa’s attic.  The only other thing I ran into is that the previous occupants stuffed the coax into the wall.  It took Auntie and I about half an hour to pull the coax wire out from both sides.  It took a little more time to feed in the CAT-5 and to terminate it in a biscuit jack.  I was sweaty and too tired to try and move the Internet+Phone today.

We headed back to the farm to catch a shower and a nap.  Grandkids showed up and we headed out for some badly needed supplies like paper towels.  On our way back we realized we forgot the Benadryl, but having frozen food and ice in the car we had to make two trips.

Tomorrow: Buckle the cables on the tree and move the Internet and phone to the new desk.

Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accomplishments: Purchases: Engineering:


From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT set clear goals for the day? No
Did I DMBT make progress to those goals? No
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT fix something today? Yes
Did I DMBT improve something today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
Did I DMBT be fully engaged? Yes
*Did My Best To