19 Jan 2021, Last of Trump days

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.

This is about all I have left of my parents.

A lesson in Civil Discourse by Rep. Brian Mast

[Congressman Brian Mast (house.gov)] “The response [to Mr. Jake Tapper CNN] is this: OK, the president told you [Trump supporters] to come to the people’s house, did he tell you to do it violently? Or did he tell you to go there and cheer people on, or what, but it’s worth getting to the bottom of before you rush to judgment and that’s the foundation of democracy,” Mast said.

“I’m going to say to Mr. Tapper the same thing that half of America is saying right now, hold me to a high standard — don’t hold me to a double standard. And me asking if any of these lawmakers that are about to vote have gone through any questioning, any hearings, have asked any questions of anybody, that’s an appropriate question and it speaks to the foundation of our democracy, it doesn’t diminish it,” he added.

As for civil discourse: “And I would give this statement to him, as well — it is not as important in America, especially today with all the division that we have, that I say, ‘This is what I think about you.’ We’ve got to get to the point that we’re saying, ‘This is why I think something,’ now I can say, ‘This is why I think you’re wrong,’ and we can have a real debate and hopefully you end up learning something about each other instead of just coming away with two people that are pissed off.”

“Sedition” somewhat closes off that debate — particularly when you use it against a man who lost two legs to an IED in Afghanistan for nothing more than how he voted, the questions he asked about the election and the lawsuits he signed onto. In a world of Jake Tappers, be a Brian Mast. It’s OK to ask questions, it’s OK to debate. The most horrible take doesn’t win the day.

Unity and healing, the buzzwords of the day, don’t require scorched-earth demands for accountability to be met. They require debate. Vet Congressman Who Lost Legs Responds with Class to CNN Anchor’s Questioning of Patriotism (westernjournal.com)

The House Progressive Caucus has proposed a 2021 congressional agenda that includes relief checks of $2,000 a month for everyone, regardless of immigration or any other status.

The agenda includes “banning semi-automatic weapons,” canceling medical debt, canceling up to $50,000 in student debt and providing “universal access to social safety net programs.”

Under a section entitled “Dismantle Racism, White Supremacy and Inequality in All Institutions,” progressives also are calling for “a commission on truth, racial healing, and transformation, and a commission to study and develop reparations.”

Project Engineering: Layout new ductwork. With a variable speed compressor the temperature drop in the ducts has a much greater affect on the performance. The reason is that the forced air temp can be just a few degrees above the room temperatures. (Meaning that a few degree change becomes a large percentage of the heat/cool capacity into the room.) I’ve doubled the insulation on the 6″ ducts since they had the greatest surface area per volume of air. I’ve also doubled the long trunk line to the Master Bedroom since it’s length and the two 6″ ducts were affecting the air significantly. I encased the 8″ duct to the kitchen inside a 12″ duct. (Pretty easy actually.) and ran it to the vent over the microwave. I also encased 25 Feet of 8″ duct inside a 12″ duct for my cave yesterday. Reminds me of a really old Star Trek…

Heat pump and ducts are working pretty well, I have the guest bathroom to fix.

My EcoFlow R600 Pro is #1900 something it’s package #77264175832 Estimated delivery: Friday, January 22, 2021

Found out yesterday they didn’t run the Ground through the device. DUMB!
The output is to power pins only, ground pin is just a hole? There’s no way this passed UL(r) certification for the power connections. I’ve asked for the UL number, no one knows.

The COVID numbers have gotten really high from Thanksgiving, in fact they are the highest I’ve ever seen them.


Narrative: I’m skipping the time bullets today. The heater is working pretty well with the majority of the ducts connected back. I used the NodeMCU network to record some data on the performance of the ducts I’ve already installed. (Not Many)

It’s really early, i woke up with my upper torso itchy. I’ve known for a while that I’m a little allergic to Aleve and somewhat less to Ibuprofen. I don’t think I can take them anymore, like at all. I took ONE 200Mg Advil pill and my body is rebelling. I just took another Benadryl and it might be a good idea to take two. Although it will make me terribly sleepy! It’s 9:30, i slept hard after taking two Benadryl last night, and I’m still itchy. Maybe i got some fiberglass on me from the insulation behind me?

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know.

Researched Philippines Typhoons last month, they took a huge toll on the island. I watched several videos, 3-5 feet of water leaving 3-5″ of mud on everything inside their homes and on the streets. This will take a long time to clean up, I checked the Internet and they were pretty bad off. Homes and crops were destroyed and thousands are displaced without enough food or water. According to CNNCF they anticipate being back to normal by Jan 2021, They are not there yet.

I called CF this morning and told them it’s unacceptable that we’ve not gotten receipts for our gifts in 4 months. I was asked to please be patient… Then I get an E-Mail that says to wish them a happy Valentines Day?

Tomorrow: Wednesday.

Retirement: We’ve spent 10K on an air conditioner, need to make that up.

Purchases: Conservation mode, we’re more than 3 paychecks in the hole.


Religion: We were called to read the book Crossing the Line.

Family News: Going day by day.


  • Health: 220Lbs, too heavy.
  • Swollen feet have returned, 20.5″ today. (Yes Potato chips and candy.)

Travel: Florida travel looks well out of reach!

Taxes: 2k refund from Georgia in February.

Pi News: Love em, but no time to play with them.

Media: No Instagram posts today and we’re off Facebook.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To