28 Mar 2021, a Week in progress

I’ve been terribly busy making plans for an outdoor Easter service and didn’t update my blog for a few days. I may move to a weekly entry until my life gets caught up a little.

This is about all I have left of my parents.

The COVID numbers are about as low as they’ve ever been.

Narrative:Sunday, church service in the morning. The PiAware receiver on the roof is loosing contact with it’s USB receiver. I unplugged the cable between them a couple times and it’s working as it did yesterday. I’ll have to wait until it fails again before getting a new receiver and building a new SD card. The program on the Pi was still running so I think the power and the Pi are ok.

Monday we got groceries from Kroger and i changed the oil in Gen#2 and letting it run for a little while. I received the speaker delay today from Amazon, so I think I am ready for Sunday.

Tuesday, I went up onto the attic and installed a generic SDR dongle on the PiAware receiver to test the receiver that was dropping off. It picked up aircraft at 25NM which I thought was amazing actually. I then went to storage and retrieved the 5″ Kustom speakers to test them for frequency response. I used my computer to send white noise into the amp while measuring the output using a microphone. I also tested the lunch box guitar amplifier for the same purpose. I mowed the back lawn because it looked like it was going to rain. It was a little wet by the fence. There was a lot of wet grass stuck up under the mower when I cleaned it. I didn’t clean it from the front lawn and the grass attached itself to the dry grass filling up the housing. I realized yesterday that the garbage service took half of my dog kennel that I was using to keep the recycling dry. Boo!

Wednesday I worked on insurance this morning, and it took all morning. Went over to a friends house for our midweek service. It was raining, but not a storm.

Thursday I worked on my Flight Aware. I also made some restroom signs for Sunday.

Friday I loaded my car with all the hardware for Sunday.

Saturday we got up early and setup the Yamaha speakers in the lower parking lot. It sounded really good. LOTS of volume!

Feelings: As Christians we are compelled to look after the Widows and the poor. Just how we do that in this climate when there is so much energy fighting the democracy I don’t know. We were able to help a family get electricity this year! They are very grateful!

Retirement: We’ve spent 10K on an air conditioner, need to make that up.

Purchases: Conservation mode, we’re more than 3 paychecks in the hole.


Religion: We were called to read the book Crossing the Line, i am on chapter 5.

Family News: Going day by day.


Travel: Florida travel looks well out of reach!

Taxes: I need to finish them.

Pi News: Love em, but no time to play with them.

Media: No Instagram posts today I’ve made a couple posts to FB EcoFlow R600 Group.

Injuries: No injuries.

Accomplishments: None.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To