26 Aug 2021, 5 days to go

This is about all I have left of my parents.

COVID cases are still climbing up for Georgia. We’re headed toward the record high for the state we had back in January.

The good news is it seems the shots in January are working.

Narrative: Georgia can be rather humid and the garage feels it even worse because of the water that runs under the door. I put a dehumidifier in the garage which can easily maintain 55% humidity. The problem is that the bucket can get full in two days. The larger units have a pump that can vacate the water, but that would generate too much heat for our small garage. I bought a tiny pump the other day, and I do mean “Tiny” to put in the bottom of the dehumidifier bucket.

It is working very well so far!

Need to find one of my battery chargers for the van whilst it’s being stored.

This small charger should be enough to keep the battery charged. I may put a timer on it so that it’s not charging the battery when the garage is 100 degrees. (Battery voltages need to be lower when the temperatures are higher than normal.)

Tonight we loose our broadband connection so that our ISP can improve their performance. According to an E-Mail that I got yesterday our connection to Pahrump may drop between midnight and 8AM tomorrow. The firewall has a cellular hot spot for backup Internet. When I tested this earlier this month it took about 30 seconds to rebuild the tunnel to my Atlanta network.