28 Aug 2021, 3 days to go

This is about all I have left of my parents.

COVID cases are still climbing up for Georgia. We’re headed toward the record high for the state we had back in January.

The good news is it seems the shots in January are working.

Narrative: It’s 10AM and I don’t have much to show for it. Talked to mom for half an hour, I’ve not even had breakfast yet.

We’re trying to get organized and get rid of the junk lying around the house so that our kids will have an easier time with our departure. We’ve been in his home for 37 years and we’ve accumulated a pile of STUFF. At one point we built a storage shed out back. When that crumpled and leaked we rented a 20Ft storage unit for our overflow! We condensed that down to my cave, and it’s at least waist high in stuff still here.