Woke several times during the night, I am listening to the HF radio and the propagation is horrible. No letters from the Philippines this morning and the Homestead exemption has not been processed. I tried to chat with them but it’s a different department. (Not unusual, collections always answer but exemptions have a long line.)
2 H Boiled eggs and breakfast sausages for breakfast. Grandma’s chili for lunch today. Eye Doc said I was good for using the Fluorouracil Cream on my temple, the nerves are below the skin. We also ordered $600 in glasses before spending a whopping 20 bucks at the dollar store.
We were invited to Christmas breakfast, and I declined the invite, then my home ended up in turmoil about not seeing the grandkids.
Up at 7, another heavy overcast day. Checked in on the WW Net while I ate my two HB eggs and breakfast sausage. Talked to Paul a good while and I am headed into the shower. We have chili for lunch, so we drove to Whole Foods for some cereal and other dry goods. It has been raining all day, so we decided to eat lunch at Outback SH on the cheap. (Share a meal.) We got grilled shrimp and two salads. It was a pretty good meal, and they were really busy!
Back home we planned out tomorrow, we have a Dr. Appointment and these appointments at lunch time are hard on us. We normally eat between 1`2Noon and 2PM every day. We take a nap at 11AM so it takes a bit of organization to make that happen. Tomorrow is beef stew. We’ll have to start that about 9AM to eat it at 12 Noon and leave for the doc at 12:15.

Cleaned CPAP hoses today.
We had a couple of hoses from 2019 that I tossed in the trash today, most of them were 2021 or later. (I don’t have any that say 2024, even the ones still in their bags.)

Using the De-Humidifier to dry the insides of them. (I used to put a fan underneath the hoses in the closet to dry them.) There was a time that I just allowed them to air dry. (But now we’re using eight of them each month.)
Wednesday *Busy Day
Up at 7, checked in with the WW guys on the HAM radio and found the following message on my phone an hour later.

I checked Amazon where they have a link to check for recalls on products you’ve purchased and nothing! I reported the text message to Amazon.
I ordered new CPAP supplied for her and myself this week. I was trying to save on the hoses, but Google Foo says 6 Mo to a year max. (I had some from 2018) I tossed all the hoses from 2019 and kept the ones 2020 and beyond. The new ones are dated two years in the arears, so even the 2019 ones I may not have opened until 2023.

Now I mark them when I put them in service, that way I know for sure how long I’ve been using them. We have about 8 hoses that the date is after 2020 and about 6 new hoses in the bag. We also have two hoses that we’ve ordered this week.
We made beef stew in the Insta-Pot today.

We transferred it to a low-profile Crock Pot for serving. We added beef gravy from a jar to thicken the sauce just a bit and it was delicious.
Doc appointment was very quick, and we decided to have some fun at Outback. We also bought a couple of coats at Burlington Coat Factory.

Well, it’s warm LOL
Home for a long nap.
Thursday (Tub Overflow)
I made a mistake and left the shower run with the tub toe pop down. There was an inch of water in the bathroom by the time I found it. The water had run underneath the walls and into the carpet on all three sides of the bathroom. (Bad Move Dad)

I put this carpet in, so it was easy to pull up.

This carpet is about 29 years old, it’s a bit more difficult to clean.

Ended up pulling up the carpet to help the drying process… What a mess!

The sewing room did not dry out because of the bookcase at the outside wall. The bookcase had compressed the padding and allowed the water run into the room. It’s about 10AM and we’re about halfway through the recovery.

Can’t say I am happy about the dirty edges though.

The carpet and pad finally dried out, time to put things back.
Two eggs and breakfast sausages with a glass of Cran-Grape juice for breakfast. Just finished a very much needed nap.

Chicken breasts for lunch.
Both of her pill boxes ended up empty and we’re short on one prescription. It’s awfully hard to “Trust, but verify” when you’re busy.
Ok, Amazon added even more ads to their Prime Video service. It’s about time to throw in the towel if I have to pay for video AND watch ads.

Used a camera to see inside the wall so that I could fix the wiring.
There’s a wire that runs directly from the garage to the den to supply the television with power from the solar panels in emergencies. I accidentally pulled the extension cord into the wall and between the other wires. I had to pull ALL the wires out of the wall today before I could get the extension cord below the house wiring. It took four trips into the attic and all the way across the home to get the wires back down the wall.

Day one using Fluorouracil to attack the precancerous cells on the side of my face. It’s taken me a little while to figure out how to put this medicine that clearly says not to use near the eyes. This is the best idea I could come up with to prevent me from scratching or rubbing the medicine into my eyes. I marked the dividing line with a permanent marker and then wiped my face with alcohol.
Dinner was Round Steak in the Insta Pot, it was delicious.
Got up and checked in with the HAM radio guys, Leftover Chicken for dinner. I’ve had to set an alarm for 9:30 to remind us to STOP and plan our dinner! It never fails that we end up at 11:00 with no idea what we are going to eat in an hour.
Church was ok, it was a very brief service, and I posted the video on the website about 3 PM.
We had leftover chicken breast for dinner and then laid down for a nap. It was another difficult day, and we didn’t get much of anything done. Grocery list was not started and it should have been.
I did manage to make about four contacts on my HF radio today.
- Put cart IN van
- CPAP Tanks
- Homestead Exemption * homestead@gwinnettcounty.com, 770-822-8100
- Glenn Wilk
- Colonoscopy
- Estate Taxes
- Weekend book page CPAP cleaning
- Apply for VA benefits