Up at a late 8:30, just missed the Waterway Net. No new letters on CF which I am a little surprised at that. I am really behind on my list. Had 4 eggs and breakfast sausages for breakfast, I used the last of the Cran Grape juice.
The missing O2 sensor was behind my nightstand. YEA! Took a long NAP and she woke me saying dinner was ready. Turkey chili, but she forgot the macaroni that should have been made. We ate about 2/3rd of it, so we’ll have to plus up the left-over meal. Salmon is planned for tomorrow’s meal. She took a shower already, I don’t remember hearing the shower run?
Time for my shower and a trip to our friend’s house.
6W Sympa Cordless Table Lamp
I took one of them apart since it took much longer than a similar light. It looks probable that this one is good and the other needs a battery. I’ll do a run test and see how long they stay lit at full power. (I’d have a hard time setting the brightness the same.)
Totally unnecessary to Remove the rubber bottom and screw.
(The bottom is glued to batteries and cannot be removed anyway.)
Remove the silver button, wire and screw.
(You’ll never get the silver button to work again.)
This is the guts of the lamp. The two batteries seem to be in parallel and are protected cells that don’t apply power to lamp until called for.
Tuesday (Christmas Eve)
Up in time to check in with the WW Net who is in Marietta about 30 miles away. Coffee was in the thermos, so that didn’t take any effort at all.
Run time test, full brightness, one light is out at 1:45. The longest time is just under three hours. Pulled in the neighbor’s trash can and changed the sheets in the bed.
Tuna sandwich for dinner and we watched a Hallmark movie before retiring to bed.
Used a camera to record an accurate runtime of each lamp while we slept.
Runtime of the lamps is very inconsistent, I can’t say I know why. I have to check the luminance of lamp #4 since it ran so much longer than the others. I assume that lamp #1 has a bad battery since it’s about HALF the runtime of the others.
Wednesday (Christmas)
Up about 7:30 and checked on the charging of the lamps while checking in on the WW Net.
I am going to recycle the top two lamps. There’s something wrong with them.
(I cannot open them without destroying the ability to control them.)
We made a turkey breast (Frozen), potatoes and veggies. When it was ready to eat the neighbors brought a HUGE meal of empanadas and cornbread. We had to take our Turkey meal and put that in the refrigerator. We still have salmon from yesterday AND we have turkey chili. Gee Whiz!
CPAP doctor tomorrow morning 09:30, my scores look pretty good.
We’ve got a Dr. Appointment today with Southeastern Lung care with our CPAPs in tow. I’ve done most of the steps in my procedure book this morning. Her foot is really bothering her today, it is slightly swollen. We do need to make hard boiled eggs the night before we have an appointment early in the morning.
CPAP appointment went well, we disagreed with their terminology about appointment time. There are TWO times, arrival before the appointment to allow for paperwork that needs to be filled out. Appointment time should be reserved for actual time intended to SEE the doctor. Emory is very good at laying out exactly what’s being asked of us.
We went to a friend’s house to water the plants and check on things. I am shocked that their power comes from a transformer 100′ down the street and their power line is terribly small for a 200A service that’s 200′ from the transformer.
Went to Kroger to pick up a few things that we were out of. I assumed that Wally World would be a zoo after Christmas. We watched some TV, ate some supper and sat down for some reading of our path forward.
Friday (Another Shooting)
A little after midnight I heard 5 shots while lying in our bed. I did a little research and the shots were fired a good way East of all my cameras. I did have several cameras with good audio and a time stamp that was about 9 seconds off.
The last time someone shot at the house was in September. I assume that the light in the eve of my house that looks like camera illuminator deterred this activity.
Same silver car that’s been involved and they always happen just after midnight.
Took a good LONG nap. We had turkey breast for dinner with potatoes and veggies.
I don’t like the inconsistent charge or run times of these lights!
Up at 7:30 listening to the HAM radio, I cannot hear Mary. 40M seems to be very long this morning.
Didn’t get much accomplished today. I did upgrade one more camera and I bought two more outside cameras that have microphones in them.
Checked in on the WW Net, with KB1WE on 25Watts LOL. Delivered the cones to the church this morning. They’re so funny, now that they are “their” cones they want to bring them inside every week. We never should have left the cones out of the buildings during school breaks anyway. I didn’t realize that they are not in school for another week since New Years is on Tuesday.
Posted the church service to their website. We had flounder for dinner with potatoes and veggies. We put the books back onto the shelves in the sewing room. We watched OAN for a while and had a bowl of soup for supper.
I had to buy another camera; Sound is becoming necessary for shootings. It’s not needed for security since thieves will seldom offer voice evidence outside.