Monday 20 Jan 2025

Up at 7:30 and helped her with zipping up her boots. I also peeled the aluminum foil from her medicine pack for her foot.

The pill tray is working out great, I turned off the audio alarm since Alexa goes off at 9:15 anyways.

Turning on the fan increased the run time of the heater at 17 degrees outside. It didn’t change the target temperature of the supply air, but the differential dropped by about 7 degrees. The thermostat cycles at 15 minutes and run time is determined by heat requested.

With all the doors closed, the small bedrooms stay pretty warm. There’s only one supply vent to the living room. (That’s why it is so cold.) It is mostly heated/cooled by the return air of the other rooms.

With 17 degree temperatures the interesting tidbit is that the Master bedroom is by far the longest duct in our home. The temp is mitigated using four small heaters to keep the room above 72 degrees. The Master bedroom supply is significantly different compared to the small bedroom next to the air handler.

Chicken thighs for lunch after the Trump Inauguration with veggies. I tried cooking them in the microwave and they were comparable to the steamed ones. We went to the doctor to talk about our Glucose levels, and he was not concerned about an A1C of 6.3. So, we’ll keep checking and he’ll get back with us about the bloodwork.

We had a sandwich and watched the news for a little while. Then one show of Castle and we were done for the day.
