31 October 2018, A day from Mark’s past

Today’s Notes
General: I found out yesterday grandpa’s well filter is clogged with sand. She can’t remove it and she’s cracked the pipes in the well house and they are leaking. Also she said today that she cannot find new filters to replace it. If we leave the well problems to the neighbor, building a fence for the little dogs is a priority. Sis put the gates together from the Bumpkin but they have a 4-8″ gap on the bottom that I fear the little dogs will just crawl underneath them. Talked to mom a good while about not bringing anything they are not willing to keep clean. The furniture here is full of bugs/cobwebs/disgusting dust from not being cleaned for many years. I tried my best to brush out one of them in a feeble attempt to clean it. After an hour trying I fell back to we’ll have to blow them down with an high pressure air hose before moving them. We scouted out the equipment and about the only thing of value is the tractor and it’s implements. (Bush hog, Post hole digger and blade) Like the tractor they’ve also been neglected and let rust. I sawed some more limbs from the tree limb that had fallen to help it fall from the trunk of the tree, hasn’t moved yet. Drove to grandpa’s house where Sis and I worked for over an hour trying our best to clean up some of grandpa’s shed. It’s a really bad mess of lots of tires, metal pieces of boats, cars and motorcycles, 20 gallons of used oil, and a large amount of trash. I think the game plan is to get a $200 dumpster and fill it. We hung curtains and rods in mom’s new room. We also scoped out the Internet/Phone connection that has to be moved out of sis’s bedroom into the third bedroom. The oven is in miserable shape but there is a newer one on the front porch if I can figure out how to replace one. (Only if it’s electric.) Late yesterday we also found out that Sis’s dryer and washer are in need of replacement and mom wants to bring hers to grandpa’s. I guess we’ll try and move them tomorrow along with the bed and one chest of drawers. (It’s the only thing clean.) We’ve got to move mom out of that bedroom so we can take it apart, clean each piece and move some of them. (I’m not really for moving all of it unless mom (Yes, Mom, not her sister.) is going to keep it clean. She’s been living out of a laundry basket and not the dresser for years.) I was delighted to learn today that one of the windows does open giving mom an escape route in case of fire. I didn’t see a fire alarm today, I’ll move the one from mom’s farm if I have to. late entry, a Eastern Rat Snake managed to get into a tub where mom’s two chicks were and was eating one when I found them. He regurgitated the half eaten chick and started racing across the tub to where we were threatened by it. By the time we got a shovel it had gotten under/in something we couldn’t get to. We barricaded the doors to keep it out of the house and we’re retiring for the evening.

Tomorrow: Move mom to Grandpa’s and start working on getting the rest of her belongings over there. I think we’re going to let sis take mom to grandpa’s with the four little dogs while we pack the first load into the trailer.

Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accomplishments: Purchases: Engineering:

To Do List (And it’s growing)
Buy hay for the cows.
Grandpa’s repair/install fire/smoke/CO alarm
Grandpa’s repair house patio door
Grandpa’s repair house windows
Grandpa’s repair well and filter
Grandpa’s repair wall outlet/receptacles in Ricky’s bedroom
Grandpa’s erect fences for the dogs
Grandpa’s clean grandpa’s shed
Grandpa’s repair grandpa’s shed roof
Grandpa’s replace property gate
Grandpa’s repair Ricky’s bedroom vent
Grandpa’s move the phone and Internet from Rickey’s bedroom
Grandpa’s move Nancy’s bed frame into grandpa’s house
Grandpa’s remove/install TV on Nancy’s bedroom wall
Grandpa’s Install emergency (battery backed up) lighting
Grandpa’s Install battery backup on Dish receiver (Maybe move it to living room)
Grandpa’s purchase / repair printer that has died.
Grandpa’s purchase a new computer
Grandpa’s Install a firewall and wireless router.
Grandpa’s Establish a VPN between Ricky’s Fortigate and Atlanta for remote camera adjustment / repair.
Mom’s Turn camera over the dog runs to point toward the stalls.
Mom’s Set timers for Nancy’s house lights
Mom’s Lengthen the timer so that the camera over the runs, runs more of the day.
Mom’s Change the Wayne’s shed timer so that it comes on earlier in the morning
Mom’s Set mouse traps or bait in the trailer.
Atlanta Card for the drama department.
Mom’s Build a list of what is going with the farm and what payment is expected, Talk to the neighbor about his offer.
Atlanta Lighting support for the Christmas play which is the 9th of December.
Build two long run UPS units that have external connections for a solar panel charge.
Atlanta Get two teeth pulled and one post put in.
Atlanta replace two of my outside cameras, there are eight cameras on Mom’s farm.
Atlanta Need referral for surgery on Jan 3rd at 8:30.
Atlanta Call the doctor about the anti inflammatory that I seem to be allergic to.
Mom’s Call Fl Blue, Lisa Rhodes 352-854-2100 about part D.
Mom’s Call Mutual of Omaha (Ricky’s Insurance)
Mom’s Find out about Dental coverage for Mom, Medicare “G”?
Mom’s Find out about Eye coverage for mom.

From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT set clear goals for the day? No
Did I DMBT make progress to those goals? No
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes Bought her almond milk at DG.
Did I DMBT fix something today? Yes The cow’s water trough.
Did I DMBT improve something today? Yes grandpa’s shed.
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
Did I DMBT be fully engaged? Yes
*Did My Best To