1 November 2018, A day from Mark’s past

Today’s Notes
General: We are up, had breakfast and our coffee. Put collars on the three little dogs that can run fast enough to get away from us. We’re not taking the cat. Dryer is disconnected, but I can’t get to the hoses on the washer until the dryer is moved. I’ve done about as much as I can without having Doug here and they are more than 40 minutes late. Well, Nancy has a bed, TV and Dresser at Grandpa’s. We’re working cleaning drawers and furniture at Nancy’s before moving them. The washer is hooked up and running, but the dryer vent needs some engineering. (The vent pipe was totally clogged up for several feet.) I thing the next trip should be to get safety equipment installed in Nancy’s new bathroom. (From her old one.) The threat of rain pushed us into using our Ford Focus instead of the pickup truck so our third trip was quite a bit smaller than we had planned. We did bring the drawers for her chest of drawers, the rails for the commode and her safe. Found out after we had departed they wanted a roll of rubber matting and the large dog crate in the kitchen on wheels. I told them we’d have to bring them tomorrow. We went to Zaxby’s and got three chicken salads and returned to grandpa’s house to eat them with mom. I asked mom if she really wanted the hutch in the kitchen and the large dresser that was just full of memento stuff. (No clothes.) She didn’t say no, so I assume she was just waiting for me to say she couldn’t have it. 🙁 We struck a deal with Doug again tomorrow to help with Nancy’s large dresser / mirror and the hutch from the kitchen. Ricky wanted the hutch, I just don’t think mom needs the dresser. Both of them are FILTHY, full of bug droppings and their eggs. One thing both of us noticed about mom’s new bedroom. It’s VERY clean! My wife and I are both feeling the effects of breathing the dust from the dirty furniture. We’re donning gloves and masks tomorrow to stave off any serious ailments. (It can’t be good for two elderly people to be breathing this stuff.) We headed back to the farm and I fed the cattle when I got here. One good piece of information is that the neighbor seems to have worked out all the numbers and is planning on presenting a paper offer when his banker gets back from a trip. (We still need to have a lawyer look it over.) My wife and I looked at each other tonight and shared a feeling of just how difficult it is for each of us to be down here and live in a house infested with German roaches. FYI, they routinely crawl onto my hand while I am holding the mouse at this computer! We have to wash our hands and not touch anything. Even the refrigerator handles require us to rewash our hands as the refrigerator seals are a frequented place for them and their babies. I found bug wings in my drink today (after I had drank most of it) that probably came from the ice dispenser on the fridge. Nancy wanted her tub of dog food and I got all the way to the car before realizing the bugs had infested the wheel wells and were crawling on me. It’s going to be a miracle if we don’t bring a few bugs to Ricky’s. (It would have been terribly difficult to clean the inside of the washer / dryer that is now in Ricky’s garage.) The only idea I had was to spray the wooden platforms with RAID to kill them if they left the two machines. I did decide to try and use a high pressure air nozzle to clean the wooden furniture. (Still have to find one, or buy one tomorrow morning.) It started to bother me today that (in the 6 months we’ve been planning to move) none of this was cleaned beforehand. 🙁 I’ve not worked the networks at either farm or their cameras/lights yet. The well was fixed today, Ricky asked for cash to pay them which was a little awkward. The pickup truck ran well today, no issues. The trailer has a burnt out light, but otherwise did what we needed it to.

Tomorrow: Move the rest of the big furniture.

Injuries: Arguments: Exercise: Feeling words: Travel: Noteworthy: Accomplishments: Purchases: Engineering:


From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT set clear goals for the day? No
Did I DMBT make progress to those goals? No
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT fix something today? Yes
Did I DMBT improve something today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
Did I DMBT be fully engaged? Yes
*Did My Best To