Monday 3 Mar 2025

We got up around 7:30 and I cranked up my HF radio to meet the HAM guys on the WW Net while I drank some coffee. Adjusted the alarm times on the pill dispensers so they are a better fit for our routines.

Her box of clothes from Amazon arrived and the pants were just a little on the large side. She loved the socks. Cod fish for lunch with mixed vegetables and sweet potatoes. We took a nap, and I went out for a much-needed haircut. Back home we walked up the block and back to get in some exercise now that her foot is better. We both made a sandwich and settled down for an episode of Castle.


I was in pain this morning, so I wrapped myself in two electric blankets that helped enough to go to bed. Worked on documenting our new pill schedule, I woke up late and she got lost on what she was supposed to be doing. Checked in on the WW net and sipped on a cup of coffee. No breakfast cept the bowl of cereal I had at 3AM this morning.

We had an endodontist appointment today at 10:40 and that ended the retreatment for the root canal that failed saving tooth #30. We went to Longhorn for lunch afterwards then home for a much-needed nap. I worked on the screen door for several hours tonight. The front door is sagging and taking the screen door with it. I’ve replaced that door several times and had it replaced once. They didn’t do a very good job and now it looks like the casing is failing.

Turkey on Rye with a couple rice cakes with creme cheese for dessert while we watched Castle. Her BP has settled down and it looks like the high BP is behind us!

Wednesday (Stormy)

It’s midnight and I am waiting on the storm front to arrive. The major appliances are off and the UPS units have clicked a couple of times since I got up about an hour ago.

We managed to get 2 boxes (with four bags each) of bad coffee from Amazon. They don’t smell very good, and they don’t even smell the same from bag to bag. Wally World has Santo Domingo coffee, we’ll get some tomorrow to try. According to Google Foo, Dominican Coffee has suffered from poor crops *Rust and imported coffee to meet production. EWE! Apparently, the whole bean coffee might still be Dominican, which may account for the significant price increase. Our son has latched on to a Texas Pecan flavored whole bean coffee which she likes too.


Had eggs for breakfast with sausage links while I checked in on the HAM WW Net. Spent a large portion of the day filling the spare trays of the three dispensers we are using with our medicine. I sent a list to Emory and didn’t get a response. Her BP has been normal for several days! My GERD has been pretty bad tonight, not sure why. I ended up taking my Prilosec early to tame my stomach down a little. My mom fell and ended up in the hospital. I don’t know what that’s all about either.


Woke up late this morning and she had already eaten breakfast. To my utter surprise, she did not take her morning meds. We had to take them after she ate breakfast today. I had put her meds in my dispenser yesterday, so that didn’t help either. Seasoned chicken thighs for lunch today with sweet potatoes and frozen Normandy veggies. Dentist visit went ok, she was extremely nervous, so I held her hand this afternoon while the dentist cleaned her teeth. Her gums have receded further than mine so we’re trying to get a plan together before the bacteria gets a foothold again. Plan is to arrive first thing on Saturday.

Bought a bag of Great Value potato chips expecting them to be comparable to Lays.

Like EWE, not sure what the green ones were but I toss the bag in the garbage.


Mom fell yesterday and was taken to the hospital. She is still there, and they are monitoring her heart, although I don’t know exactly what her situation is.

Called the dentist right after I checked in on the WW Net on my HAM radio. The recommendation was non-Alcohol mouthwash, electric toothbrush with very soft bristles, using a water pic and flossing around the sides of the tooth.