Monday 10 Mar 2025

Up at 7AM helping her with her meds and making coffee. Turned on the HF radio, but I’m not hearing net control at all. I can hear the Bahamas weather report. We took her BP and Glucose. They were both good to go, my glucose numbers are falling into the 100’s. Soaking rain all day, leftover chicken thighs for lunch today.

Spent the morning refilling my spare pill tray, I have one in the dispenser and two in holders waiting. I cut the 500mg acetaminophen in half to make a 2-1/2 hour dose.

We went to Kroger and picked up a few things for beef stew today. The potatoes we had were less than edible because we had gone out to eat so much recently. Mom should be home today. We watched a great Castle episode yesterday where his daughter was kidnapped to trap his father.


Another sleepless night, I don’t know what is going on. I am not very tired and too uncomfortable to get a good night’s sleep. Checked in on the WW net and took our BP and glucose levels this morning.

Mine is around 100 if I’ve not eaten, it does go up to 130 if taken after a meal.