28 July 2020, a day in progress

Status: Sheltering in place, we have plenty of food and supplies.

Plans: Keep an eye on the air conditioner and the NodeMCU’s

  • 07:00 up and sipp’n coffee.
  • 08:00 Walking around the block.
  • 09:00 Blogging
  • 10:00 Showered and getting organized.
  • 11:00 Nap
  • 12:00 Paralleled solar charge controllers to see how that works.
  • 13:00 Still watching air conditioning and solar provided power.
  • 14:00 Assisting the refiling of our home records.
  • 15:00 Watched Bar’s interview on CNN (Internet)

Narrative: I’ve added sections that a significant amount of resources are invested in almost every day.


NodeMCU Status: Temperature sensors are dropping out and I don’t know why.

My cave temp is a little warm since I stopped circulating the air with the air handler.

One temp sensor of the seven I installed yesterday dropped out. I don’t know if the sensor or the wires are bad. I’ve installed new sensor and wires as indicated below.

Homestead Solar Assist

Solar Assist Status: MPPT Tracking solar charge controller wastes a lot of energy on partly cloudy days. When a cloud blocks some of the sun the SCC drops the load for about 30 seconds each time until it can restart the startup sequence. On a normal cloudy day that may happen every five minutes! I tried to parallel a vanilla (not MPPT) controller to capture the wasted energy. The first problem was that the controller didn’t carry the negative lead so paralleling it pushed the 40V from the panel to the load. (Good thing I started using diodes on the power supplies.) I separated the six panel array into four and two. Connected the two panels I separated to the vanilla controller and then tied it in parallel with the MPPT controller. The power delivered by the panels is much more consistent with the vanilla controller assisting. What I was trying to address was the total drop of power while the MPPT controller reset, which it seems is working. When the MPPT drops the vanilla controller keeps the power consumed by the power supplies LESS than the output power of the inverter. (Which means I can leave the solar panels engaged on partly cloudy days because the power consumed is always less than the power delivered. Where I am going to find more of these controllers I don’t know. I bought it a LONG time ago.

Homestead Battery Banks

Battery Bank Status: The two 35AH batteries on the primary UPS are getting too warm in the garage, I need to move them. The garage gets over 90 degrees and that’s too warm for active SLA batteries.

Homestead DC Power

The bottom section is two 15A 24V power supplies that work alongside the solar panels and provide power for the 300W inverters on the right side. The idea is that during the day a relay connects my computers to the 300W inverter. The inverter gets its power from the solar panels with a redundant power backup if it gets cloudy. As long as the total power consumed by the power supplies is LESS than the total power provided by the inverter the system worked.

Home Air Conditioner

Homestead Air Conditioner: The air conditioner evaporator tubing is oil logged and preventing the four sections from cooling evenly. It doesn’t seem to be affecting the ability to cool our home in the middle of the summer months. The fix is to replace the coils at a cost of $1500 or the entire system for $8000. The current thought is to replace the entire system in September.

Protests of Racial Inequality: Portland protests are described differently by all parties. The Video’s tell a story that’s not in the newspapers. The Portland police needs to engage the agitators and damage caused after 11PM and why has a curfew not been set?

The current riots across the country are American terrorism — violence for strictly political ends, aimed at frightening a nation into obedience.” Seattle Radio Host Gives Narrative-Busting Account of What’s Happening in City: ‘Evil People’

“Federal officers protecting federal property are now the targets of demonstrators, not the instigators of violence. The real blame lies with progressive city leaders, who have all but promised violent protesters that they can act with impunity.” [WSJ]






Project Engineering:



Pi News:


Family News:

Media: (Instagram)

Arts: (Movies watched)




From the book “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith
Did I DMBT make my wife feel loved? Yes
Did I DMBT help my wife today? Yes
Did I DMBT be happy? Yes
*Did My Best To